Quote Originally Posted by K5083 View Post
First of all I would say that 24 fps is very close to the minimum acceptable. With your rig, you must have all the settings on max to be getting a frame rate that slow.
Well i just put in that number as an example, August. Not sure what i'll get above NY atm. I am in the process of finally trying to get the most out of MSFS via a guide by Martin Bell. Very comprehensive so i'm only about half way. I have a lot maxxed out indeed but without certain things that are important. Already in the beginning of MSFS hints and tips appeared to disable certain things that would then double your fps.

On my unit, my frame rates range from 40 to 62 for most flying on a flat screen with a mix of high/ultra settings that satisfies me. They might drop to 30 or the high 20s in a combination of frame-sucking conditions like complex plane, complex scenery, complex weather.
Well, i think i can safely say that that's what i mostly experience as well. And i am fairly sure this will get even better once i'm finished with Martin Bell's guide. ( if you're interested you can find it here : https://exputer.com/guides/settings/...2020-settings/ )

On VR, I haven't done an exact comparison at the same settings because I took the advice of the YouTubers and have most of my settings dialed to medium or high with some effects turned off entirely, and I find my frame rates generally are in the 30-35 range with occasional excursions down to 25 or up to 40. I find that frame rates are less variable in VR than in 2D for some reason, and there wasn't much difference whether I was beating up the Vegas strip looking at all the photogrammetry buildings or cruising over the empty desert.
Sounds pretty good to me, August ! Seeing not much difference between chasing cars along the Vegas strip and cruising the desert does sound remarkable. I gotta see that for myself !

As I said in post #1, I don't think low and slow scenery admiring is the best application for VR because a headset just doesn't render the crisp sharp saturated contrasty image that a good screen does, but if you think you might enjoy it, I wouldn't worry about the performance.
Thanks, August. There's still this insurmountable gap between us about you know what VR is all about and i don't... ;-) But as i said earlier, i read only positive comments about VR in MSFS and i believe i'm not the only flightsimmer that likes to view big cities from above so i think i'll take the chance just to see what it's all about. I am off the fence now and i'm not climbing on it again.

I wouldn't say fear of heights exactly, but how do you feel about amusement park rides and roller coasters? For me, that is the closest real-life feeling to what I've experienced with spirited flying in VR in the sim. Also do you easily get seasick/carsick/airsick? That results from a similar visual versus inner ear disagreement to what you get in VR. If you are willing to stick with VR, it might actually help you get over these things.
Bit of a misunderstanding here, August, but entirely my fault. I should've worded it better. It is not me that has vertigo i just wanted to extract an answer like " Oh yes! People with fear of heights should absolutely stay away from flying VR ! " Hehe..

The few times i've been on a roller coaster, loooong time ago, i absolutely loved it. Even bought that roller coaster game. Fantastic but only for a short while. Never been sea-, car-, or airsick neither. No, when it comes to that i'm quite alright.

Thanks again, August ! I think you can say "mission accomplished", atleast as far as i'm concerned.