So, now that we have a native Connie... - Page 7
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Thread: So, now that we have a native Connie...

  1. #151
    WOW TDR!! I think you're trying to sell me a Constellation of Golden Age airliners...

    These are all (place all superlatives here) f'n SWEET
    enter..the Sandman

    visit Heywood Planes - YouTube

  2. #152
    Quote Originally Posted by heywooood View Post
    WOW TDR!! I think you're trying to sell me a Constellation of Golden Age airliners...

    These are all (place all superlatives here) f'n SWEET
    Thank you very much guys, in fact it is post like yours and DenneyA that fuel my brushes. That and the fact that RedWing has created a beautiful model. More to come

  3. #153
    Oh please keep them coming - everything on page 6 is a screensaver !
    I have only been flying GA in MSFS for a few reasons so hadn’t bought the Connie even though
    I am a fan of Lockheed aircraft. Going to get it now along with your paints even if only
    to do walk arounds and take screenshots - maybe get the engines started.
    That Seaboard and Western livery is especially fine !
    enter..the Sandman

    visit Heywood Planes - YouTube

  4. #154
    That new Seaboard & Western is incredible. What a beautiful airline paint scheme.

    I had to look that one up, not having heard of them before. Reading their history, it sounds like you could fly those colors almost anywhere, like picking up elephants in Africa. :-)
    "One early flight transported 133 animals, including 6 baby elephants, from Singapore and Bangkok to New York."


  5. #155

  6. #156
    Quote Originally Posted by Spook48 View Post
    Could one of you gents paint this ? :
    Attachment 86639

    There is one

  7. #157
    cheers Banjo.
    Gonna download that one .

  8. #158
    Notice anything different ?

  9. #159

  10. #160

  11. #161

  12. #162
    The quality of the repaints showing up here is pushing me towards purchasing it.

    I have a technical question re the Autopilot/Gyro system.
    The Manual says:

    "2. VOR (middle setting) enables autopilot to track VOR’s for cross country navigation using NAV1 radio."

    My question is - can a flight plan of some sort be set up that includes several VOR's & can the aircraft, when the AP is engaged per 2 above, follow a VOR to VOR series, that is not in a straight line, or do you fly one VOR to VOR, then retune NAV1 to fly to the next VOR?

    Which is a round about way of asking if the L1049 AP can follow a flight plan that is not a straight line?

  13. #163
    You have to fly VOR to VOR and tune the right frequencies and dial the correct radial. There is no GPS like direct navigation. Much more fun this way! You can make a flightplan in MSFS; VOR to VOR. Take a note of the VOR and their frequencies.
    You can of course set a heading on the autopilot, compensate for wind and follow the direct line on the map. But this is cheating....

  14. #164
    Quote Originally Posted by ftl818 View Post
    You have to fly VOR to VOR and tune the right frequencies and dial the correct radial. There is no GPS like direct navigation. Much more fun this way! You can make a flightplan in MSFS; VOR to VOR. Take a note of the VOR and their frequencies.
    You can of course set a heading on the autopilot, compensate for wind and follow the direct line on the map. But this is cheating....
    Thank you
    Out of curiosity, will it take the basic keyboard AP?
    [Hit Z, AP on, then ALT + A = ALT HLD, & ALT + H = ALT HDG, or variations thereof]


  15. #165
    Quote Originally Posted by Twice43 View Post
    Thank you
    Out of curiosity, will it take the basic keyboard AP?
    [Hit Z, AP on, then ALT + A = ALT HLD, & ALT + H = ALT HDG, or variations thereof]

    I did not test it that way but probably not. The autopilot keeps the vertical airspeed and level flight or turn. And follows a VOR radial or ILS.

  16. #166
    I took to the piggy bank with a crow bar after succumbing to the videos on YT & the liveries displayed in this forum.
    I did hesitate, with the BAE 146, MD80, AH DC-3 & perhaps the PMDG 737 in the prospective purchase pipeline, and thereby an expensive couple of months in the offing, but I pulled the trigger & "Je Ne Regrette Rein", or whatever Edith said.

    Currently flying on AP from Louisville to Chicago Midway & what a delightful & elegant aircraft this is.

    Learning as I go with the flight on 1 screen & the manual on the other.

    A question, should there be a modicum of flame showing in the exhaust pipes, or none, when cruising?
    I have been tweaking the mixture & prop & MP & now have the spectacular 3' flames down to a shadow of themselves.


  17. #167
    Quote Originally Posted by TiAr View Post
    Working on Columbine III.

    Columbine by TiAr, auf Flickr

    Columbine2 by TiAr, auf Flickr

    Columbine3 by TiAr, auf Flickr

    Columbine4 by TiAr, auf Flickr

    I am aware about wrong wingtips and bad front Columbine logo settings. But Redwing current models have limitations.

    I am not a fan of the dents in the paints so far for the connie. I saw this one and like the cockpit colors and the gloss, but then saw the bump and I've seen this on several paintsa, it looks like it has been through a hail storm That plane needed a smooth surface. Those bumps are silly

  18. #168
    Quote Originally Posted by SteveDra View Post
    Hey Thomas! Are the bump maps something that are editable? I'm not sure if its in the Albedo, metal, or bump maps, but the plane looks like they let 100 five-year-olds loose on her with ball-peen hammers!
    I'd like to eventually paint this one, but besides being too busy with other paint projects at the moment, I can't buy into a WIP project at that price and the fact there is a good chance the texture mapping will change as they progress in the dev cycle.

    Your paint is looking pretty good so far though!

    The developers say the "dents" are in the bump mapping and not in the model

  19. #169

  20. #170
    New update with some epic failures (did that rudder thing actually happen?)...

  21. #171
    I like the cockpit update as well. May have to think about this one.
    i5 13600k, RTX2080 Super, 32 GB Ram, 2x1 TB M.2 SSDs, CRG9 49" Ultrawide screen

  22. #172
    Join Date
    Jul 2005
    Louisville, Kentucky
    Quote Originally Posted by DennyA View Post
    New update with some epic failures (did that rudder thing actually happen?)...
    Interesting video advertising v1.8, but when?

  23. #173
    It's very close, but they wanted to wait for SU9 to drop so they can test thoroughly against it.

  24. #174
    Quote Originally Posted by DennyA View Post
    New update with some epic failures (did that rudder thing actually happen?)...
    The inflatable "Otto!!!" I'm dead!
    Thermaltake H570 TG Tower
    X670 Aorus Elite AX motherboard
    AMD Ryzen 9 7900X 12-Core Processor
    NVIDIA GeForce RTX 3070
    NZXT Kraken X cooler
    32GB DDR5 RAM
    750 Watt PS
    Windows 11 Home

  25. #175
    Quote Originally Posted by jimjones View Post
    Interesting video advertising v1.8, but when?
    1.8 is available - for the first look, it is nice!


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