A new entry has been added to Add-Ons Library, category P3D / P4D Add-Ons - Other

Description: FSX/Accel/P3d Pilotable Light Cruiser HMS Belfast.

This vessel of the Town-class went in service 1939 and very soon she was heavily damaged by a mine. After repair she was involved in many tasks and battles. After the Great War she took her role in Asia and in the Korean war. In 1956 she became modernized with the look of that ai-model. Now she lays as museum ship close to the Tower-Bridge in London. You can explore thiw warship now by toggling through nine teen cameras showing you hundreds of realistic details.

The Ai-vessel is converted from Sketchup to native FSX by Klaus Novak and belongs to his WWII Royal Navy fleet at SOH.

Repaint in camo, configurations and files for pilotable vessel by Erwin Welker.

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