UPLOADED: Ankor's Shaders Update 22 October 2019! - Page 2
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Thread: UPLOADED: Ankor's Shaders Update 22 October 2019!

  1. #26
    Okay, got the Key Bindings thing, and missing TextureMagic.ini items sorted out finally.

    Almost back to even with the previous set of shaders, and then I can start looking into the new features. Perhaps next weekend...
    US Army, Major, Ret.

    Service To The Line,
    On The Line,
    On Time

    US Army Ordnance Corps.

  2. #27
    MajorMagee, sorry, didn't have time to answer yesterday.
    the dynamic gunsight adjustments no longer function with a simple Ctrl+[ and Ctri+], and I have to remap my key commands with new entries that are not available with the default game key bindings?
    Yes, you need to configure them, unfortunately I have no way to add default keybindings.
    However there's also a "secret" option in d3d8.ini
    That will re-enable the old keyboard handler.

  3. #28
    Thanks for the Legacy code parameter. I may not need it, but it's nice to know it's there.

    The cockpit reflections are a nice feature, but I would need a faster machine to properly take advantage of them.

    On my older system (i7-7700K + GTX980) the 6 frame update cycle produces a visible lag.

    I found that setting CockpitReflectInterval=0 gets back about 5 FPS inside the cockpit, and the lag is gone.
    US Army, Major, Ret.

    Service To The Line,
    On The Line,
    On Time

    US Army Ordnance Corps.

  4. #29
    Although I managed to install the shaders OK the first time, now that I installed them in a vanilla ETO v1.50, they make it crash on start-up. I can get ETO to the second, screen filling splash screen, sometimes even with the UI background sounds audible but then it crashes to my desktop.

    I have unticked "Dual Pass Render", ticked "High Resolution Z-buffer" and ticked "Disable Shadows". I have not assigned any keys to the clickable cockpit and installed the shaders using JSGME.
    If it is of any help (not to me, unfortunately), I have attached the logs of both the 2018-01-17 and the 2019-10-22 shader versions: Shaders logs.zip

    I am a bit at a loss what causes this.

    ACC Member, ETO and PTO contributor & librarian

  5. #30
    Frosty, not sure what happens, there's nothing suspicious in logs.
    One simple thing to try - use your existing d3d8.ini (from old shaders) with the new ones.

    These shaders are used for WOFF PE and seem to be quite stable there, but there are so many installs of CFS3, I don't even know what to suggest.

  6. #31
    Quote Originally Posted by AnKor View Post
    One simple thing to try - use your existing d3d8.ini (from old shaders) with the new ones.
    Unfortunately that didn't work.

    I also tried these new shaders in vanilla CFS3 (straight from the CDs) and there they also make CFS3 crash. There's something in these shaders that either CFS3 or my PC really doesn't like...

    Forgot to mention: the intro movie also doesn't play with the shaders installed. The soundtrack is there but no images. When I uninstall the shaders, the movie plays again. And no, it isn't disabled in the config utility.

    ACC Member, ETO and PTO contributor & librarian

  7. #32
    Here is a small fix that will hopefully take care of the issues brought up. If all goes well with this I will update the main upload.

  8. #33
    Which files in this version are changed?

    I've made a number of changes to get things working, and if this breaks something I'd like to know where to look.
    US Army, Major, Ret.

    Service To The Line,
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    US Army Ordnance Corps.

  9. #34
    Only the D3D8.INI and SeaWater.fx are included. The SeaWater.fx restores your water settings from the previous version, and the D3D8.ini corrects the errors noted by Ankor in this thread. If you have other fixes, feel free to send them to me for inclusion.

  10. #35
    Quote Originally Posted by gecko View Post
    Here is a small fix that will hopefully take care of the issues brought up. If all goes well with this I will update the main upload.
    No joy yet, CFS3 still crashes on start-up. But I got the Spit working with TiR functionality! (Except for the head-tilt and clickable cockpit, of course)

    ACC Member, ETO and PTO contributor & librarian

  11. #36
    Frosty, I'll see if I can make a special version of the dll to diagnose the crash. WOFF/WOTR has a built-in feature that tells me exact place (in most cases) in the code that caused the crash. Perhaps I finally need to look up how it is done and add the same feature into CFS3 version of the shaders. Though it will likely take several days to do.

    By the way, are you on Windows 7 or 10?

  12. #37
    Thanks for the effort you put in this!

    I am on Win7 x64 Home Edition.
    But I also have a Win10 x64 laptop which I use during my lunchbreaks at work. I'll try and see this afternoon what the shaders do there. Off to work now!

    ACC Member, ETO and PTO contributor & librarian

  13. #38
    It may not be optimal for anyone else, but here's what I currently have in d3d8.ini


    ; Reflector Sight Setup Mode for Modders
    ; Set to 1 to be able to see reflector gunsight coordinates on screen, use CTRL or ALT + arrow keys to adjust the gunsight.
    ; Additionally use CTRL/SHIFT + D/W/S/A to adjust "target" distance/wingspan and relative scale for calibrating gunsight size.
    ;Use ctrl/shift + one of following keys:

    ;W – adjust target wingspan

    ;D – adjust target distance

    ;S – adjust reticle scale #1

    ;A – adjust reticle scale #2

    ;The target is drawn as a semi-transparent magenta square at specified distance in front of “camera” (so you have to align you view with reticle first).

    ;Adjusted values are not saved automatically, you have to type them in manually.

    ClickableSetupMode=0 ; Set to 1 to set part names and bounding boxes to aid in setting up the clickable cockpits.


    ; Since Win7 DirectX 9 can use new drivers enabling 'unlimited' GPU memory and much faster Alt-TAB.
    ; Set to 1 to enable these new drivers, but may have problems with older ATI/AMD cards

    ; Set to 1 to convert any fullscreen mode selected in cfs3config into windowed mode.
    ; If resolution is less than desktop res it will appear as a normal window, if matches - borderless.
    ; Many modern games use 'borderless fullscreen' which is actually a windowed mode.

    ; Set to 1 to draw clouds sprites from both sides (normally only one side is visible)
    ; Slightly reduces cases of abruptly disappearing clouds when you fly past by but not much really.

    ; How often cockpit reflections are updated (1 - fastest, 1000 - every 1000th frame, 0 - disabled)
    ; Note that the reflection consists of 6 sides of a cube, and this interval is for ONE side
    ; So even though the 1 is fastest it will still take 6 frames for full update.

    ; Resolution of environment reflection cubemap.
    ; 1 = 128x128; 2 = 256x256; 3 = 512x512; 4 = 1024x1024

    ; Set to 1 to hide searlight beams pointing directly upwards for some time (as in WOTR)

    ; Terrain Lighting and Bump Mapping

    ; Scenery Lighting

    ; Facility Lighting - FacilityBrightness works as a multiplier for diffuse color of building. So if you have a texture pixel with RGB value = 200 and FacilityBrightness = 0.8 the result will appear as if RGB value was 200 * 0.8 = 160. It can also make objects brighter if you use value >1.0.

    ; Should match PatchPixelDim in compositetexturebudgets.xml to get correct terrain bumpmapping

    ; Change to NoMultisampling=1 for SweetFX compatibility, but it will disable ingame antialiasing.

    ; Aircraft shadows. 0 - No Shadows; 1 - Low; 2 - Medium; 3 - Good; 4 - High; 5 - Best

    ; Terrain shadows. 0 - Disabled; 1 - Low Quality; 2 - Medium; 3 - High

    ; 0 - Disabled; 1 - Enabled

    ; 0 - No shadows; 1 - 10%; 2 - 20%; ...; 10 - 100%. Doesn't make much sense to go below 50%.

    ; 0 - No shadows; 1 - 10%; 2 - 20%; ...; 10 - 100%. Smaller values cause brighter shadows.

    ; -1 - Off; 0 - Default; 1 - VSync On

    ; 0 - Use default (which is 60 degrees); 1...180 - override FOV for external views.

    ; Sun glare and lens flares. 0 - Off. 1 - On.

    ; Weather tuning (might be overwritten by WOFF)
    ; Range 0...100 as percentage of sunlight reduction.

    ; Tweaks strength of environment reflection. 0 - off. 1 minimum, 9 maximum.

    ; Tweak sharpness of sun and environment reflections. 1 dullest, 9 sharpest.

    ; Enable dynamic lights (gun flashes, etc) for scenery objects. 0 - Off. 1 - On.

    ; Adjust sprite (smoke, dust, etc) brightness according to time of day. 0 - Off (always bright). 1 - On.

    ; Ambient+sun light amount when night sprites are enabled


    ; Enables or disables (if set to 0) head movement due to G-forces in cockpit view (offset and rotation)

    ; Controls the magnitude of head movement. Default value is 100. Rotation is unaffected by this setting.

    ; Controls XYZ offset speed. Low values have high inertia so the response will lag more. Typically 4 to 100 with higher restoring the head position faster. Default 12

    ; Offset Damping with low values being more damped, Default 6

    ; Controls rotation speed. Low values have high inertia so the response will lag more. Default 24

    ; Range 0 to 10. Value of 0 disables mouse view entirely.

    ; Time in seconds before mouse look automatically returns to centered view

    ; Controls MouseView zoom increment/decrement steps. Valid values from 1 to 50. 20 is exactly the default value for CFS3/WOFF.

    ; Smooth zoom speed. Zoom still changes step-wise, but transition between steps is smooth now.Range of values 0 to 10. Set to 0 to disable smooth zoom.

    ; Zoom Direction. Default behavior is wheel-up = zoom-in. To change it to wheel-down = zoom-in use InvertMouseZoom=1.

    ; Troubleshooting options
    US Army, Major, Ret.

    Service To The Line,
    On The Line,
    On Time

    US Army Ordnance Corps.

  14. #39
    Joost, have you installed the 4gb patch to your cfs3.exe? It probably isn't it, but it's worth a shot. I was trying to think what might be different by default with WOTR/WOFF where this problem never surfaced over there, and this was what came to mind.

  15. #40
    SOH-CM-2023 mongoose's Avatar
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    Navigator, where are we?
    The 4Gb patch read me wasn't clear to me. (It's not in your zip but a previous D/L i did).
    1. Where do I put the app? I am assuming in the CFS3 main folder?
    2. I then open it and choose CFS3.exe?
    Here is the read me


    4GB Patch
    Current Version:

    Download the 4GB Patch

    I originally wrote this tool for a friend of mine who needed it. This very little tool patches x86 executables in order to let them have 4GB (instead of only 2) of virtual memory on x64 platforms. This tool comes very handy for applications which need a great amount of virtual memory like games, 3D renderization, multimedia etc. To gain these 2GB, you just have to use this tool to patch the executable (*.exe file) of the software you want to have these additional GBs of virtual memory. It can be used by clicking on it and choosing the file or through command line (e.g.: "4gb_patch file.exe"). It automatically creates a backup copy of the original executable.

    Why things are this way on x64 is easy to explain. On x86 applications have 2GB of virtual memory out of 4GB (the other 2GB are reserved for the system). On x64 these two other GB can now be accessed by 32bit applications. In order to achieve this, a flag has to be set in the file's internal format. This is, of course, very easy for insiders who do it every day with the CFF Explorer. This tool was written because not everybody is an insider, and most probably a lot of people don't even know that this can be achieved. Even I wouldn't have written this tool if someone didn't explicitly ask me to.

    Cato said "Carthaginem esse delendam"
    I say "Carthago iam diu deleta,sed enim Bellum Alium adhuc aedificandum est"

  16. #41
    Yes. Didn't realize the readme wasn't in there, just grabbed it out of my folder of vital add-ons never to lose. Thanks for posting that James.

  17. #42
    Quote Originally Posted by gecko View Post
    Joost, have you installed the 4gb patch to your cfs3.exe? It probably isn't it, but it's worth a shot. I was trying to think what might be different by default with WOTR/WOFF where this problem never surfaced over there, and this was what came to mind.
    I think I had that installed, but tried it anyway, to no avail - unfortunately. The file you sent me through email didn't work either
    But on my laptop, even with just 17 FPS, both the shaders and the Spit work. So it's gotta be something with my Win7 x64 rig...

    ACC Member, ETO and PTO contributor & librarian

  18. #43
    And I've already made a test version. It was easier than I expected.

    Download here: https://1drv.ms/u/s!AvmtwF9vPtwVgcM5...aN-jA?e=a4nTW6

    Only d3d8.dll in the archive, just use with the new shaders.

    If it crashes, it will save "d3d8.dmp" in CFS3 folder. This file along with logs should help me investigate the cause.
    I regret not implementing this feature earlier. Could have saved me some headache.

  19. #44
    That is fast!

    Here are the results: Shaders Log & Dump.zip

    I started CFS3 ETO with TiR activated but without the Spit. I also did a memory check (which reported no faults) but that shouldn't be it, as ETO runs fine without the shaders.
    Thanks very much for looking into this, Ankor .

    ACC Member, ETO and PTO contributor & librarian

  20. #45
    Frosty, can you try this version: https://1drv.ms/u/s!AvmtwF9vPtwVgcM-...g3oDA?e=deCANi

    The dump shows that an error is inside Direct3D code, so either it is a bug in a gfx driver or my code does something wrong that corrupts the runtime and causes a crash.
    Unfortunately I'm on Win10 and DirectX 9 debugging is not supported since Win 8.1 so I can only hope that I'm not doing any stupid mistakes.

    Anyway I made some (rather minor) changes that may fix the problem, but I need you to test this.

    I've also found and fixed a couple of unrelated bugs that weren't noticed before: water animation is not smooth, and control options may show duplicate entries for the same command if it is added from multiple ini files.

  21. #46
    Thanks Andrey! Can't confirm if it fixed Frosty's problem obviously, since I never had it, but this version is working well for me, and the smoother animation of the water is nice!

  22. #47
    Quote Originally Posted by AnKor View Post
    ... Anyway I made some (rather minor) changes that may fix the problem, but I need you to test this. ...
    Thanks!! I'll give it a go (but I am not sure I can find the time today).
    If you say 'Direct3D code' and/or gfx driver', would reinstalling DirectX or updating/changing my graphics card drivers help?

    ACC Member, ETO and PTO contributor & librarian

  23. #48
    Reinstalling DirectX is unlikely to change anything, but a different graphics card driver may help.

    And it just occurred to me that my wife's old notebook still has Windows 7!
    It is 11" i3 from 2011 and can barely run my shaders, but at least I'll be able to verify that they don't do anything invalid.

  24. #49
    Here is a new version (again): https://1drv.ms/u/s!AvmtwF9vPtwVgcNA...Vz6uw?e=WmsYlK

    This time I've used Win7 to debug and immediately found a bug with in-cockpit reflections code which is very likely the culprit.

    Frosty, please ignore the yesterday's (Nov 07) build and try this one

  25. #50
    Quote Originally Posted by AnKor View Post
    Here is a new version (again): https://1drv.ms/u/s!AvmtwF9vPtwVgcNA...Vz6uw?e=WmsYlK

    This time I've used Win7 to debug and immediately found a bug with in-cockpit reflections code which is very likely the culprit.

    Frosty, please ignore the yesterday's (Nov 07) build and try this one
    Yes, yes and triple YESS!! That seems to have done the trick!!
    I now have the shaders working and the new clickable cockpit-Spit fired up! That is just great work! .

    I do have one question about the setting up of joystick buttons with the clickable cockpit and I don't know if this one should be adressed to you, Ankor, or to Daniel. There is the following text in the "controlassigments.ini" -file:

    "Joystick buttons can be assigned as well. The naming convention is XJoyY, where Y is the Joystick number and X is the button number. If you have a single controller plugged in, Y will always be 1. If you have multiple controllers plugged in you may need to try several joystick numbers to find the correct joystick number for your desired button. For example, if you want to assign the Brake Control to button 6 on your joystick, but you also have a set of rudder pedals and a separate throttle quadrant, start by trying 1Joy6, and if that doesn't work, 2Joy6, and so on until the button works"

    I read the quote as "The naming convention is XJoyY. X is a button on controller Y. If you have two or more controllers and you want button 6 assigned to the Brake function, you have to try switching controller numbers to find the correct controller while keeping the button number the same (= 6)". I could be misunderstanding things, but shouldn't I try 6Joy1, 6Joy2 and 6Joy3 if I wanted to find button 6 on one of 3 different controllers?
    BTW, is the button number the same as the DirectX button number? (Yes, I can't find the Brake function on my controllers... )

    ACC Member, ETO and PTO contributor & librarian

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