CFS2 Sound.cfg: Water touchdown sounds. - Page 2
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Thread: CFS2 Sound.cfg: Water touchdown sounds.

  1. #26
    Hello S,
    Glad to be of help!
    The subject is perhaps not totally concluded, as there is still the water-crash splash-sound
    which may (or may not) yield interesting results!

    Then, thereīs the landing-slide thing you mentioned. Iīll be a bit pressed for time this coming
    week, but should you meanwhile be able to make any headway with this, using the other 3
    Scrape Points I mentioned in Post #23, it would be interersting to know if these could work.
    I wonder...

    "Why make it simple if you can also make it complicated?"

  2. #27
    Senior Administrator Rami's Avatar
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    Icon14 Reply...

    Hey guys,

    A wonderfully informative threat, thanks for exploring this theory and developing it!

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  3. #28
    Hello Rami,

    Thanks for your motivating comments! Letīsee if we can further extend the experiments to slide-landings, and perhaps exploit water-crash situations to transform them into water landings.

    "Why make it simple if you can also make it complicated?"

  4. #29

    Slide-landings and water-crash

    Hello S,

    I did a couple of short tests and trials with the A6M2 Zero (albeit futile ones), early this morning:

    I noticed that the default Sound.cfg already had the Fuselage and Wing scrape points enabled, but they are inaudible
    both from inside and outside, as you have already reported.

    1) So far, for gear-up landings:
    A) New additional Fuselage, Wing and Tail contact points placed in the Aircraft.cfg above normal contact points (type 1)
    and having Fus scrp and Tail scrp sounds assigned, doesnīt work, as aircraft sinks into ground when loaded into the sim.

    B) Additional Fuselage and Wing scrape points (type 2) placed in the Aircraft.cfg a little below the normal ones, with high
    damage profile, with slide-landing sounds assigned to these scrape points, are inaudible from inside or outside.
    They donīt work even using louder volume parameters, and also donīt react to flags such as those defined for the landing roll.

    2) Then, so far, for water crash-splash:

    As everybody knows, a crash on land causes an explosion sound, and on water, a splash, heard from outside, so obviously
    the sim does detect this. However, I am still thinking how one could exploit this for flying boats or floatplanes - no ideas as yet.
    Apparently there is a FS2004 Orlyonok A-90 Ekranoplan which has been made to work in CFS2 and FS2002, which seems to use
    this sound method, but I havenīt managed to find this vehicle to investigate how theyīve done it.

    If this could be managed, then it would eliminate the problem I mentioned near the beginning of this thread, that the current
    implementation of water sounds using Aux1 and Aux2 scrape sounds also makes water sounds audible when landing on land.

    But then again... how many water-plane pilots in their sane judgement would land on land anyway?

    OK, ran out of time... Must rush!
    "Why make it simple if you can also make it complicated?"

  5. #30
    Greetings Aleatorylamp,

    I looked around and found this: FS2002 Orlenok A-90 Ekranoplan

    In addition, here is what appears to be an FS9 version, top of the page as listed below.

    Hope it's a help my friend.

  6. #31
    Hello p14u2nv,

    Thanks for the tip.
    I was aware of the FS9 model, but as I donīt have FS9, I canīt use it, and I had seen the article on,
    ...without noticing the download link for the FS2002 version at the bottom!

    But I did now, so I downloaded it from their aircraft library.
    What a coincidence: it actually appears on a page with a couple of my own Spasatel and Lun Ekranoplan models!

    Anyway, Iīve got it now, and will investigate how they did the sound to see if I can adapt something similar to CFS2.
    With any luck we may be able to get an outside-sounding water-sound.

    Thanks for your help, Friend!

    "Why make it simple if you can also make it complicated?"

  7. #32
    Hello Folks,
    Nothing new for now. FS2002 is of course not CFS2... After correcting the FS2002 Orlenok Ekranoplanīs static cg height for CFS2,
    Iīm afraid it is moving neither on land nor on water. Obviously there is some contact point problem, and until it moves, thereīs no way of hearing any sounds other than the engines. Then, looking in the Sound.cfg, thereīs only the usual splash sound call for falling into the water, and no trace of any other water sound calls. It seems that the issue hasnīt been addressed in the model.
    Anyway, if I make any further headway on the Water-sound subject, Iīll post something.
    Last edited by aleatorylamp; October 4th, 2019 at 14:39.
    "Why make it simple if you can also make it complicated?"

  8. #33
    After having read this whole thread I can only take my hat off and bow my head in gratitude and admiration for all the energy and time you guys spend in keeping CFS 1&2 alive.

    Thank you so much from a simple flightsimmer,


  9. #34
    Hello Herzie,

    Thanks for your good words, although being a hobby, itīs natural to spend energy and time on it, and Iīm very glad indeed that the results of my efforts have been of use to other simmers!

    In cases like the one described on this thread, the challenge is finding a workaround to bring it to function to an acceptable degree.
    Itīs like a puzzle with missing pieces which you have to try and rearrange, to achieve something as similar as possible to be useful!
    Thatīs the fun, I suppose - itīs beating the limitations!

    For me, itīs a tremendous piece of luck that the 20-year-old model-building program I still use is still good enough to produce some decent enough models for the 2 simulators, which are considerably more advanced than the simulators it was originally designed for.

    More so, considering the improvements now possible on the models, thanks to several very helpful members, who know more about the more advanced and intricate aspects of the 2 simulators, i.e. the DP files, the special high-resolution textures using Extended Textures, and the superior Flight Dynamics. These people also produce some excellent, detailed sceneries which give the models a historical context, an additional important factor that makes this sim so enticing!

    "Why make it simple if you can also make it complicated?"

  10. #35
    Hi Aleatorlamp, I think I can understand the why and how that you describe. I did a lot of CFS2 to FSX conversions and it was always fun to see how far you could come and how great it was to get help from other flightsimmers. Sometimes I still try if I can discover how to make gauges work in VC without having the sourcefiles. There was once a guy named Lazarus Starkweather and he helped me a lot, but I'm still stuck, mostly ofcourse because I have no knowledge of designing. But foddeling around with a model helps my brains for getting rusted.

    All the best,


  11. #36
    Hello Hertzie,

    Ha ha! Modeling prescribed as best medicine against Alzheimerīs! Wonderful!

    Youīre right about working gauges in the VC, they would be nice, but Iīm afraid
    that my AF99 modelling factory is in this case a bit too much of a dinosaur to cope
    with those.

    "Why make it simple if you can also make it complicated?"

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