How to fly the Milviz ADV Phantom? - Page 5
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Thread: How to fly the Milviz ADV Phantom?

  1. #101

    Whats in dll.xml file

    Hi Naruto-Kun,With regards to your above question "what is in your dll.xml file". My P3Dv4\dll.xml folder has three folders inside it - labeled: Facilities, Resources and Scenery Indexs. There are also 42 files (mostly .cfg and .xml). There is one file labeled 'add-ons.cfg"Nothing elseBill

  2. #102
    Quote Originally Posted by Wings of Gold View Post
    Hi Naruto-Kun,With regards to your above question "what is in your dll.xml file". My P3Dv4\dll.xml folder has three folders inside it - labeled: Facilities, Resources and Scenery Indexs. There are also 42 files (mostly .cfg and .xml). There is one file labeled 'add-ons.cfg"Nothing elseBill
    I've been following this thread since the beginning. Not sure why because the Milviz F-4 just locks up my P3Dv4 as soon as I select it. Not sure why I haven't uninstalled it and just called it the expensive mistake that it has turned out to be but I love Phantoms and hold out hope that one of these times it might work. I have both the F-4J/S and F-4E plus the ADV add-ons. However, I never installed them until just recently because I was beta testing the SWS F-4B and wanted to make sure the Milviz F-4 radar they used was fully installed each time.

    In any case, Bill, what he wants is the contents of the file, not a folder. To get to it, and you and I have done this many times, do this:

    1) Right click the windows icon in the bottom left of the screen and select "Run"
    2) In the field of the small window that appears type in "%PROGRAMDATA%\Lockheed Martin\Prepar3D v4". Or just ""%PROGRAMDATA%\" and drill down to the P3Dv4 folder.
    3) Find the file "dll.xml". Right click and open with Notepad.
    4) Copy the contents and past into a reply in the thread.

  3. #103
    Quote Originally Posted by fsafranek View Post
    I've been following this thread since the beginning. Not sure why because the Milviz F-4 just locks up my P3Dv4 as soon as I select it. Not sure why I haven't uninstalled it and just called it the expensive mistake that it has turned out to be but I love Phantoms and hold out hope that one of these times it might work. I have both the F-4J/S and F-4E plus the ADV add-ons. However, I never installed them until just recently because I was beta testing the SWS F-4B and wanted to make sure the Milviz F-4 radar they used was fully installed each time.

    In any case, Bill, what he wants is the contents of the file, not a folder. To get to it, and you and I have done this many times, do this:

    1) Right click the windows icon in the bottom left of the screen and select "Run"
    2) In the field of the small window that appears type in "%PROGRAMDATA%\Lockheed Martin\Prepar3D v4". Or just ""%PROGRAMDATA%\" and drill down to the P3Dv4 folder.
    3) Find the file "dll.xml". Right click and open with Notepad.
    4) Copy the contents and past into a reply in the thread.
    I also had the previous "non-ADV" version, but thought the only version that "worked" (if you can call it working) is the ADV model with P3DV4? NC

  4. #104
    Quote Originally Posted by fsafranek View Post
    I've been following this thread since the beginning. Not sure why because the Milviz F-4 just locks up my P3Dv4 as soon as I select it. Not sure why I haven't uninstalled it and just called it the expensive mistake that it has turned out to be but I love Phantoms and hold out hope that one of these times it might work.
    You may have made the mistake I think I made. I had something like that going on in P3DV4.4 and I think my problem was that I had run the base installer, but not the TPADV installer. Base alone is not supported in 4.4 and beyond and you need to run the second to get the up-to-date dlls etc. or it causes P3D to hand and close. Full disclosure though: I only have the 'J' model working, the 'S' is still crapping out and I've skipped the E altogether for now.
    Your English is better than my French, German, Italian, Spanish.... so no worries my friends!

  5. #105
    Quote Originally Posted by fsafranek View Post
    I've been following this thread since the beginning. Not sure why because the Milviz F-4 just locks up my P3Dv4 as soon as I select it. Not sure why I haven't uninstalled it and just called it the expensive mistake that it has turned out to be but I love Phantoms and hold out hope that one of these times it might work. I have both the F-4J/S and F-4E plus the ADV add-ons. However, I never installed them until just recently because I was beta testing the SWS F-4B and wanted to make sure the Milviz F-4 radar they used was fully installed each time.
    Why didn't you pop up on our forums? I woulda been quick to jump to help ya @odourboy specifically in what way is the S and E not working?

  6. #106
    Quote Originally Posted by Naruto-kun View Post
    Why didn't you pop up on our forums? I woulda been quick to jump to help ya @odourboy specifically in what way is the S and E not working?
    Nothing with the E, I simply never installed it and wanted to indicate that I had no experience running it. The S (which as you know installs with the J, but has it's own aircraft.cfg and some unique dll and mdl components), causes P3D to quit as soon as I confirm the aircraft selection. I don't even see the 'loading' progress bar). There's a P3D application error event log (some crt.dll which I did not recognize) generated. Substituting a few files in around suggests one of the S dll files is involved. I'm a 140km from my sim system ATM so I can't send you the event log.
    Your English is better than my French, German, Italian, Spanish.... so no worries my friends!

  7. #107

    Response to contents question

    <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
    <SimBase.Document Type="AceXML" version="3,0" id="dll">
    <Descr>AceXML Document</Descr>




  8. #108

  9. #109
    Is there an exe.xml as well?

  10. #110

  11. #111
    Quote Originally Posted by Wings of Gold View Post
    NO. Only what I showed above.

    You definitely have an "exe.xml" file, Bill. Otherwise AI Carriers wouldn't load up automatically.
    It's in the same folder as the dll.xml so just follow the steps I gave above again looking for "exe.xml".

  12. #112
    Quote Originally Posted by odourboy View Post
    You may have made the mistake I think I made. I had something like that going on in P3DV4.4 and I think my problem was that I had run the base installer, but not the TPADV installer. Base alone is not supported in 4.4 and beyond and you need to run the second to get the up-to-date dlls etc. or it causes P3D to hand and close. Full disclosure though: I only have the 'J' model working, the 'S' is still crapping out and I've skipped the E altogether for now.
    I'll give that a try. I definitely want the Phantom to work.


    Woot. Woot. She doesn't crash the sim anymore. But it's still broken.

    On first launch I got maybe half a dozen messages about various "wav" sound files not being found and then P3D gracefully shut down. On the second launch there were no messages and I was able to take off. But like others have reported this thing is totally unstable below 250 kts. I didn't know whether to continue white-knuckle holding the stick or grab for the ejection handle. Couldn't even come around the pattern let alone land her. But at least I can look at her now. Also the fuel flow gauges don't move.

  13. #113
    Hop on the Milviz forum and send me a PM. I think I need to give you and Wings individual skype calls to check your systems out.

  14. #114
    Quote Originally Posted by Naruto-kun View Post
    Hop on the Milviz forum and send me a PM. I think I need to give you and Wings individual skype calls to check your systems out.
    Will do. And thanks. Might not be for a couple days but I use the same ID everywhere.

  15. #115
    Charter Member 2015 delta_lima's Avatar
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    Maybe not the ideal thread, but seeing it's the newer of the two Milviz Phantom threads, here goes:

    Last fall I bought the Milviz F-4J/S package. Version in the zip - and the latest according to my simmarket records - is

    I spent the entire evening tearing my hair out trying to get this to run. After a minute or so, as I was getting systems switched on, it would crash. I manually uninstalled it from my addons folder and even (against my better judgement) installed in the root P3Dv4 folder - and same thing.

    Now, it's installed on my root, the uninstaller doesn't remove everything, so I have to reinstall it elsewhere, then do a file-by-file comparison and manually delete for all the gauge, gauge, module, sound, etc. folders. That's only so my system is back to where it was before this gigantic boondoggle.

    So am I right that even though the literature claimed - and was echoed by a P3DV4 option on the installer - that this product will not work in P3DV4? And am I right that from reading this thread, even if were I foolish enough to part with even more money for the ADV version, that I'm still not likely to have a working product, given that I don't own TacPac?

    I apologise if I'm a bit cranky, but I'm trying to square the circle on how a product that was billed as P3Dv4 compliant when I bought wont work in that sim. I'm trying to keep an open mind with Milviz, but after buying the E and the J/S models to not have them working anymore is not leaving a good taste in my mouth.

    Any thoughts are appreciated.



  16. #116
    All I can do is tell you how I installed these items, I'm afraid.


    1) Install the base pack as admin.
    2) Immediately install the TacPack version over the top, as admin.
    3) Immediately install the ADV version over the top, as admin.
    4) Only run P3D at this point -- not between installations.


    as above, excepting that the TP and ADV versions are all-in-one.

    This is what I do -- and it works for me. I know you don't want to hear that, but it can't be helped.


  17. #117
    What Dave said, but also, per the Milviz Support Forums, the Phantoms must be installed in the P3Dv4 root folder to work properly.

    While Tacpack is recommended for full functionality, I don't think it's required; at least, I was able to fly the planes and use the load
    manager in P3Dv4.5 without Tacpack while waiting for Tacpack to update.

    I wonder if maybe you haven't gotten all the latest updates. There were some released I think about a year ago that were in an e-mail
    link that required a complete uminstall/re-install. It's possible you may have missed that email. I remember than when P3Dv4 updated,
    I think from 4.3 to 4.4, the Phantoms would start to spool up and then CTD when you first loaded until Milviz released an update.

    I think your best bet would be to go to the Milviz Support Forums. When I was having problems with the ADV upgrade, Oisin at Support
    sent me a new email link for the updates that fixed the problem (I was using an old email link download).

    Hope that helps.


  18. #118
    Charter Member 2015 delta_lima's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by dhazelgrove View Post
    All I can do is tell you how I installed these items, I'm afraid.


    1) Install the base pack as admin.
    2) Immediately install the TacPack version over the top, as admin.
    3) Immediately install the ADV version over the top, as admin.
    4) Only run P3D at this point -- not between installations.


    as above, excepting that the TP and ADV versions are all-in-one.

    This is what I do -- and it works for me. I know you don't want to hear that, but it can't be helped.

    Thanks Dave,

    So I'm not running the E (I bought it only for the J model, and ditched it when the full J/S came out), and not running FSX anymore, so that should keep things simple. So a few questions to clarify:

    If I pay for the upgrade and get the ADV, install it in the order above,

    1) will the stores configurator still work, even though I don't own TP (as in, allow the mounting of "dummy" stores) just as it did in FSX?

    2) does that address the aberrant trim/stability issues mentioned by Bill and others?

    3) does that address the CTD issues

    thanks - hoping for some light at the end of the tunnel.


  19. #119
    Quote Originally Posted by delta_lima View Post
    1) will the stores configurator still work, even though I don't own TP (as in, allow the mounting of "dummy" stores) just as it did in FSX?
    It does indeed. No difference from FSX behaviour. I found this out when P3Dv4.5 was issued and we had to wait for TacPack to be updated.

    Quote Originally Posted by delta_lima View Post
    2) does that address the aberrant trim/stability issues mentioned by Bill and others?
    I do find that the horizontal trim seems to be set 'fully-aft'. Loads (and I do mean loads) of nose-down trim on startup (and definitely before takeoff) seems to help. I haven't bothered to add a trim gauge to the panel (possibly as a pop-up?).

    Quote Originally Posted by delta_lima View Post
    3) does that address the CTD issues
    I can't comment on these. I don't get any.
    It seems apparent (to me, anyway) that the base pack must also be installed -- with the TP/ADV modules installed over the top. Is this where you've been going wrong? I hadn't believed that the ADV variant was stand-alone.


  20. #120
    Charter Member 2015 delta_lima's Avatar
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    Thanks Dave,

    Appreciate the tip regarding the trim. That seems like such an odd (dare I say amateur) bug to still have on a premium payware addon, but it sounds like there's a workaround (of sorts).

    As to your last question, I haven't yet gotten the ADV version, hence my question. I wanted to gauge a likely successful outcome after getting the upgrade, rather than waste money and effort.

    So the working theory appears to be that I need to

    1) buy the ADV pack
    2) install the base pack
    3) install the ADV pack atop that right away

    I'll mull on this further and see if I feel like rolling the dice further.

    One last question, I recall reading somewhere that an additional bug in P3Dv4.5 was the nosewheel oleo extension for carrier launches was not working correctly, and/or there were issues attaching to carriers. Have you found any issues specific to carrier operations?



  21. #121
    Quote Originally Posted by delta_lima View Post
    One last question, I recall reading somewhere that an additional bug in P3Dv4.5 was the nosewheel oleo extension for carrier launches was not working correctly, and/or there were issues attaching to carriers. Have you found any issues specific to carrier operations?
    There's a known issue regarding the Milviz F-4s and the SWS carriers, if that's what you mean.
    It's nothing to do with P3Dv4.5, specifically.


  22. #122
    Charter Member 2015 delta_lima's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by dhazelgrove View Post
    There's a known issue regarding the Milviz F-4s and the SWS carriers, if that's what you mean.
    It's nothing to do with P3Dv4.5, specifically.

    Oh, so the Milviz Phantom (patched with the ADV pack) in P3DV4.5 will behave correctly with all other (SDB CVN-65, etc, Ark Royal, etc.) carriers?



  23. #123

    Quote Originally Posted by delta_lima View Post
    Oh, so the Milviz Phantom (patched with the ADV pack) in P3DV4.5 will behave correctly with all other (SDB CVN-65, etc, Ark Royal, etc.) carriers?


    Well, I can't speak for everything, but.....


  24. #124
    Quote Originally Posted by delta_lima View Post
    Maybe not the ideal thread, but seeing it's the newer of the two Milviz Phantom threads, here goes:

    Last fall I bought the Milviz F-4J/S package. Version in the zip - and the latest according to my simmarket records - is

    I spent the entire evening tearing my hair out trying to get this to run. After a minute or so, as I was getting systems switched on, it would crash. I manually uninstalled it from my addons folder and even (against my better judgement) installed in the root P3Dv4 folder - and same thing.

    Now, it's installed on my root, the uninstaller doesn't remove everything, so I have to reinstall it elsewhere, then do a file-by-file comparison and manually delete for all the gauge, gauge, module, sound, etc. folders. That's only so my system is back to where it was before this gigantic boondoggle.

    So am I right that even though the literature claimed - and was echoed by a P3DV4 option on the installer - that this product will not work in P3DV4? And am I right that from reading this thread, even if were I foolish enough to part with even more money for the ADV version, that I'm still not likely to have a working product, given that I don't own TacPac?

    I apologise if I'm a bit cranky, but I'm trying to square the circle on how a product that was billed as P3Dv4 compliant when I bought wont work in that sim. I'm trying to keep an open mind with Milviz, but after buying the E and the J/S models to not have them working anymore is not leaving a good taste in my mouth.

    Any thoughts are appreciated.


    Which version of p3dv4 are you trying this on?
    Your English is better than my French, German, Italian, Spanish.... so no worries my friends!

  25. #125
    Charter Member 2015 delta_lima's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by odourboy View Post
    Which version of p3dv4 are you trying this on?
    Thanks OB. 4.5.

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