Battle of France - Part I has now been released! - Page 7

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  • British

    11 78.57%
  • German

    3 21.43%
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Thread: Battle of France - Part I has now been released!

  1. #151
    Senior Administrator Rami's Avatar
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    Icon22 Reply...

    Hey guys.

    I really appreciate the feedback on this....I shall do both. I've actually already done the German side, so doing the British side should not be difficult. I can just "flip" the mission.

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  2. #152
    Senior Administrator Rami's Avatar
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    Icon22 Reply...

    Quote Originally Posted by UncleTgt View Post
    Well the obvious challenge is to fly from the Brit side, but who knows, with the way the AI performs, you may win just by watching the 60 German AI collide with each other

    Actually, the first time I flew it from the German side, two British Hurricanes collided with one another, dropping the AI targets from six down to four. Go figure.

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  3. #153
    Senior Administrator Rami's Avatar
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    Icon14 Reply...

    Good evening,

    Finally making some traction again after being sick!

    "title_string"=Battle of France (RAF) - Raiding Panzers at Cambrai
    "summary_string"=Get to your bombers! Panzer columns have reached the town of Cambrai. Your bombers are being sent out to take them out, & prevent them from pushing further toward the coast! If the German succeed, we may be forced back to the sea! Let's show the Germans that we will not be pushed out of France!
    "objective_string"=This sortie is an amalgam of two or three Blenheim missions flown by 18 Squadron on 18 May. During both missions, Panzers columns near Cambrai were the intended target. In one mission, the formation, with escorts from 85 & 87 Squadron were jumped by Bf-109s over Mons from above, and on another, 504 Sqn engaged Bf-109s from I/JG 3 southeast of Valenciennes. The initial mid-afternoon assault appears to have run into no resistance. During the other two, four Hurricanes were lost, exchanged for two Bf-109s shot down and another damaged.
    "intelligence_string"=Once airborne, you'll fly north toward the city of Mons, Belgium. You'll pick up your escort near the city. You will then head southeast into France and approach Cambrai from the east. You will focus on the northern Panzer column. When complete, pivot south and return to Juvincourt, your bombers will likely be used again before the day is through!
    "player_aircraft_name_string"=Blenheim Mk4-1 105 Sqn RAF Hughie Edwards
    "airfield_string"=France - Juvincourt

    "title_string"=BoF Jagdgeschwader - Stuka escort to Lille-Marcq
    "summary_string"=Aufgepasst, kameraden! Stukas are being sent out to attack the airfield at Lille-Marcq, this is being used by the British as a fighter base. Your job is to escort the Stukas to the enemy airbase, stay in orbit over the area until they finish their run, and then get them home. Let's show the British that we know where they are concentrating their forces!
    "objective_string"=Just before noon on 18 May, 87 Sqn intercepted a gaggle of Stukas, escorted by Bf-109s, somewhere to the east of Brussels, Belgium. These Hurricanes were largely ineffective, only one Ju-87 was shot down & another damaged. Some Ju-87s likely came from 4/StG 2, which did have a Stuka get mauled. There's no record of damage to any Hurricanes or Bf-109s. This mission supposes the German Stukas were attacking an airfield in northeastern France; Lille-Marcq is the intended target for this mission.
    "intelligence_string"=After getting airborne, you will form up with the Stukas and head toward the airfield at Lille. Your flight will be responsible for the 'Knoblauch' and 'Stammbuch' flights, other Bf-109s will guard the rest of the formation. As the Stukas go into their dives, stay in orbit over the field until the Stukas finish their run, them bring them back to Germany. If you get jumped by British fighters, draw them away from the bombers & keep them busy so these Stukas can escape.
    "player_aircraft_name_string"=AH_BF109ECFS2_JG 26_H ornung
    "airfield_string"=Germany - Monchengladbach

    "title_string"=Battle of France (RAF) - Protect the Cambrai airfields
    "summary_string"=To your fighters! With German Panzers thrusting toward the coast, one of their columns has pushed into Cambrai, & the airfields in that sector are in grave danger of being captured by the Luftwaffe! You'll fly a patrol over the Cambrai sector and try to prevent attacks on these airfields. We must not allow the enemy to grab airfields in our backyard!
    "objective_string"=Late in the morning on 18 May 1940, a patrol from 3 Squadron broke up a formation of about twenty Ju-87s near Cambrai. Only one Stuka was claimed, but no RAF losses were recorded. Two Henschel Hs-126 recce aircraft were also shot down in the same area, one by a section of 111 Sqn & another by 253 Sqn. This mission includes a few liberties; the targets chosen are the airfields just north and south of the town, and so the Stuka force is split. It is not known if this is historically accurate.
    "intelligence_string"=Your task for this mission is to protect Forenville airfield, just south of Cambrai. 111 and 253 Sqns are tasked with protecting Hayencourt aerodrome. After taking off, climb to Angels 12 and try to cut off any German raids on this airfield. Take down as many enemy aircraft as you can, then return to Merville to refuel & reload. It's been a busy day so far, we expect this to continue!
    "player_aircraft_name_string"=Hurricane MK1 Early 3 Sqn
    "airfield_string"=France - Merville

    "title_string"=BoF Jagdgeschwader - Can't wish for better odds
    "summary_string"=Männer, herhören! Our forces in Belgium have just taken the cities of Antwerp and Brussels, and now we must protect our gains! Your fighters will fly a patrol between these two cities, turning aside any Allied effort to take them back or destroy targets that we could use to help our offensive. Show the Allies they will not take our hard-fought gains!
    "objective_string"=Late in the morning on 18 May 1940, as fighters of JG 2 were flying a sweep over the newly-captured cities of Antwerp & Brussels, they were jumped by just two sections of RAF Hurricanes of 56 & 229 Sqns; a grand total of six fighters. Despite being surprised, the German Bf-109s already posessing a 10-1 advantage in numbers recovered quickly and shot down two of these Hurricanes for the loss of one Bf-109.
    "intelligence_string"=After getting airborne, you'll assemble the Bf-109 flights prior to leaving Germany. After you reach Brussels, you will fly just east of north until you reach Antwerp. When you engage the Hurricanes, the mission is set up so even if you get just one or none, there is no failure report if the AI bag them first or you get hits but no kills, just because the numbers are so favorable. Use this as a challenge to see how many you can get before your wingmen and the other flights do! Once finished with this fight, you will either continue to Antwerp or head back to Monchengladbach. Either way, you should have an easy ride here.
    "player_aircraft_name_string"=AH_BF109ECFS2_JG 26_H ornung
    "airfield_string"=Germany - Monchengladbach

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  4. #154
    Senior Administrator Rami's Avatar
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    Icon22 Reply...

    Good afternoon,

    Not having much luck hitting Panzer columns from 18,000ft, but it's certainly fun to try...

    "title_string"=Battle of France (RAF) - Cut off the German Panzers
    "summary_string"=Get to your Blenheims! Panzer columns are pushing through the towns of Le Cateau and Avesnes as yet another thrust attempts to push toward the coast. Your bombers are being sent out to take them out, & prevent them from advancing any further! If the German forces succeed, we may be forced back to the sea! Let's show the Germans that we won't be pushed out of France!
    "objective_string"=This is an amalgam of two other Blenheim missions that were flown on the afternoon of 18 May. The British bombers struck enemy columns in the towns of Le Cateau & Avesnes-sur-Helpe. Apparently the mission was flown at high altitude to remain above anti-aircraft fire, so results must have been poor. Nevertheless, AA gunners did chew up at least one bomber near Le Cateau, and in the latter raid the formation was intercepted by Bf-109s of I/JG 2. These Bf-109s brought down three and damaged a fourth. Escort was provided by Hurricanes of 79 and 213/B Squadrons.
    "intelligence_string"=Once airborne, you will head northwest to meet up with the Hurricane escort over Douai. From there, turn southwest & head to Le Cateau, where a part of the formation will raid German columns in that area. You will then continue east with the rest of the formation and strike Wehrmacht columns near Avesnes-sur-Helpe. The provided escort should be able to fend off any fighters, but be prepared in case you are intercepted. Once finished, return to Juvincourt. Good luck!
    "player_aircraft_name_string"=Blenheim Mk4-1 139 Sqn
    "airfield_string"=France - Juvincourt

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  5. #155
    Senior Administrator Rami's Avatar
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    Icon22 Reply...

    Good evening,

    Some new actions today...

    "title_string"=Battle of France - Bouncing the He-111s near Fismes
    "summary_string"=Accédez à vos combattants! Citizens around Reims have heard the drone of bombers in the area, and the Germans could be heading for towns along the railline to Soissons, trying to cut off this critical asset that keeps airfields in the area operational! You must try to prevent the enemy from pounding these towns because if they succeed, our airbases nearby will be virtually usless!
    "objective_string"=In mid-afternoon on 18 May 1940, French Hawks from GC I/5 and GC II/4 engaged Heinkel 111s of II/KG 55 a bit north of the town of Fismes. These Hawks did not have an easy time; three were lost from GC I/4 alone, but between these two fighter squadrons, they did shoot down five Heinkels and damage another three. The mission assumes Fismes is the target. There's no record of an escort with the bombers, so none have been included.
    "intelligence_string"=Your goal is to intercept the bombers north of the suspected target of Fismes, and then engage them aggressively, trying to get as many of the bombers as you can to abort before they raid Fismes. After taking off, meet up with the Hawks from Athis and begin climbing hard. You must get to about 4,500m before intercepting the enemy, this will put you in a good position to attack. Make sure you scan for any escorts before attacking. After expending all your ammo or all the bombers abort, break off & return to Vraux to refuel & reload. Bonne chance!
    "player_aircraft_name_string"=FDG2_P-36 Capt Jean Accart GC I 5 Pontarlier 1940
    "airfield_string"=France - Vraux

    "title_string"=Battle of France (RAF) - Jump the exposed Heinkels
    "summary_string"=Listen up, pilots! While sections have already been sent to mop up after the Vitry attack, two sections of fighters from 145 and 601 squadrons are being sent out to sweep the Brussels sector, looking for any enemy planes returning to Germany from raids over France. Let's hope that you get lucky & find enemy formations without escorts; our forces have taken a heavy beating today, and we can't afford further losses!
    "objective_string"=Just after the massed assault on Vitry, Hurricanes of 145 and 601 were sent to patrol over Brussels. Near the city, they encountered twelve unescorted He-111s of II/KG 4. Seizing the opportunity, these six Hurricanes tore into the exposed & vulnerable bombers, claiming five destroyed, three probable, & two damaged. In the process, one Hurricane of 145 Squadron was shot down. However, only three Heinkels are confirmed destroyed through German records and another damaged.
    "intelligence_string"=After leaving Merville, you will fly east-northeast & climb up to Angels 15 before reaching Brussels. Between Brussels and Leuven, look for retreating formations and be sure to look for escorts before attacking; sometimes the Germans lurk high in the clouds, waiting for enemy planes to engage before pouncing on them. Take down as many as you can, and then return to Merville. Hopefully this will be our last action of the day, it's been a long one!
    "player_aircraft_name_string"=Hurricane MK1 Early 3 Sqn
    "airfield_string"=France - Merville

    "title_string"=BoF Kampfgeschwader - Douai is in the crosshairs
    "summary_string"=Piloten der Luftflotte! As Panzer units continue to push toward the sea, bomber units are ordered to attack cities and towns in the corridor near Arras to lessen resistance in the area and prevent Allied units from using these cities as places to organize counterattacks. Your bombers are tasked to attack Douai, while another raid will attack Valenciennes about the same time to scatter the enemy defense. Let's show the Allies that our progress will not be slowed!
    "objective_string"=On the afternoon of 18 May, Hurricanes of 111/A & 253/B Sqns trying to find their assigned escort ran into a massed formation of He-111s from I and II/KG 54, along with two staffeln of Do-17s from II/KG 76. They were escorted by Bf-110s from I and II/ZG 76. According to all available records, four Dorniers were claimed with two other Do-17s badly damaged, & four Bf-110s were claimed with three others badly damaged. Two Hurricanes were shot up, but no losses cited. This mission splits the bomber force in two; the Heinkels raid Douai and the Dorniers strike Valenciennes.
    "intelligence_string"=After getting airborne, the bomber formation will head southwest toward the River Rhine, where you will rendezvous with an escort from ZG 26. As you approach Douai, your release height will be 5,000 meters. Over the target, expect both heavy flak & possible interception by fighters. As you begin the withdrawal, the two staffeln of Do-17s with their escort will raid Valenciennes, and then turn away. Once the attack is finished, fly back to Germany; rumor has it that we are being sent right back out for the biggest raid of the day!
    "airfield_string"=Germany - Achmer

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  6. #156
    Senior Administrator Rami's Avatar
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    Icon22 Reply...

    Good evening,

    Just keep a rollin'-a-long...

    "title_string"=Battle of France - Looking for the German eagle eyes
    "summary_string"=Pilotes, c'est à vous de patrouiller! Your fighters will patrol above the French and Belgian cities of Mauberge, Mons, and Namur, looking for any sign of enemy recce aircraft, bombers, or fighters. If we can eliminate these planes that are looking for any of our isolated units that are trapped behind the frontlines, this will allow them the protection they require to escape. Let's show our commanders were are up to the task!
    "objective_string"=During the evening of 18 May 1940, fighters from GC III/3 were involved in an attack that damaged a Henschel Hs-126 near Mauberge. The rest of the mission is an amalgam of British & German activity in this sector between Mauberge, Mons, & Namur. During these missions, two Bf-109s were lost, two Hs-126 recce planes were damaged, one Hurricane was shot down, and two Heinkels were destroyed. D-520s did partially equip the French squadron at this point, however their use during this mission is wholly speculative.
    "intelligence_string"=After getting airborne, you will head northeast to patrol an area between Mauberge, Mons, & Namur. This has been an area that has seen a lot of recce activity, as German units are looking to mop up all enemy resistance behind the front. You'll have the best French fighters for this sortie, the Dewoitine D-520. You may run into British Hurricanes while patrolling, so be careful what you're shooting at. Focus on German recce aircraft & bombers before engaging any fighters. After finishing this patrol, return to Beauvais. Try to bring the fighters back intact, they are by far your best weapons against the Germans!
    "player_aircraft_name_string"=Dewoitine D520 Mai 1940
    "airfield_string"=France - Beauvais

    "title_string"=Battle of France - Sweep below the Marne & Somme
    "summary_string"=Vos combattants sont réchauffés et attendent! You will fly a patrol just south of the Marne & Somme rivers, across an area where German Panzers have been pushing hard toward the sea. Your job is to destroy any enemy aircraft in the area, especially bombers, and prevent them from hitting cities and towns that might be used as strongpoints to blunt their advance! Let's show the Germans we will not cower despite their aggression!
    "objective_string"=Throughout the day of 18 May, French pilots flew several fighter sweeps over the area northeast of Paris between Roye & Rethel. In the engagements, they ran into German fighters of JG 76, as well as Heinkel and Dornier bombers. In addition to that, one French squadron shot down a Henschel Hs-126 recce plane. French fighter squadrons involved in combat in this sector were from GC I/4, GC II/2. GC II/4, GC III/2, GC III/6, GC 3/10, & GC 6/I. French squadrons seem to have lost three Ms-406 fighters, one Curtiss H-75, and one Bloch Mb-152. Another H-75 was also damaged. The Germans lost three Bf-109s from I/JG 76 and one Do-17.
    "intelligence_string"=After getting airborne, you will fly east, sweeping above a sector between Villequier-Aumont, Rethel, Montcornet, and Roye. During the sweep, bombers will be your primary targets, but you may also run into enemy fighters. If this happens, use caution: German fighters have superior performance to our own. Patrol this area until you exhaust all of your ammunition, then return to base. It is important to keep your Blochs intact if at all possible, we can't afford to lose more fighters!
    "player_aircraft_name_string"=Bloch MB.152
    "airfield_string"=France - Le Havre

    "title_string"=Battle of France - Mopping up following the Vitry raid
    "summary_string"=Déplacez-vous maintenant! Luftwaffe planes have been sighted again in the area between Douai and Vitry. You will fly a patrol over the area to locate & attack them, and show the Germans that despite their efforts today, we will continue to resist!
    "objective_string"=This mission is a rough amalgam of several attacks by the French on German raids and fighter sweeps between Saint Quentin, Vitry, & Douai throughout the day on 18 May. The most concentrated of the attacks occurred in the evening, when Dorniers of III/KG 76 hit Vitry at low level after the massed raid three hours earlier. As the Do-17s withdrew, Hurricanes from 56 & 79 Squadrons pounced, but Bf-110s kept them off the bombers. Three Bf-110s were lost, for one Hurricane & another damaged. MS-406s of GC I/6 shot down other Do-17s from KG 2 in the same area. Further combat by GC I/6 took place near Saint Quentin, where one Ms-406 was lost & two damaged as the French continued to chase the bombers back to Germany.
    "intelligence_string"=After taking off, you will fly northwest to patrol an area between Douai, Vitry, and Saint Quentin, looking for any enemy bombers or fighters. If you find any bombers, they're the main target. Attack them until you exhaust your ammo, then break off and return home. Today was a brutal day for both ourselves and the British, and we must save all the fighters we have left!
    "player_aircraft_name_string"=Bloch MB.152
    "airfield_string"=France - Juvaincourt

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  7. #157
    Senior Administrator Rami's Avatar
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    Icon22 Reply...

    Good morning,

    Two more, while I have a break between classes...

    "title_string"=Battle of France - Hawks patrol the skies above Metz
    "summary_string"=Écoutez, pilotes! Citizens in Metz hear the drone of German aircraft, so your Hawks will patrol the area, looking for any sign of German aircraft. You will patrol the sector between Metz & Bouzonville, engaging any German aircraft you encounter, and then return to base. This has been a heavy day of loss for both ourselves and the British, let's make sure we don't add to the carnage!
    "objective_string"=While heavy combat took place over Vitry, French P-36s from GC II/5 were involved in action in far northeastern France, engaging German Bf-109s of 8/JG 52 southeast of Metz, and then Heinkels of 4/KG 27 near the border town of Bouzonville. The Hawks got the better of their opponents, damaging one Bf-109s and shooting down one Heinkel for no loss to themselves. The number of bomber aircraft for this mission have been increased somewhat to make the mission more dynamic.
    "intelligence_string"=Both Metz & Bouzonville lie to the north-northeast of Juvaincourt. As you reach Metz, you'll hold an altitude of 3,500 meters. A second flight will hold 4,000 meters. In your patrol zone between Metz & Bouzonville, pounce on every bomber and fighter, and destroy as many as possible before returning to Juvaincourt. With the front about to collapse in the west, it's critical that we keep our strength so we can assist the British if called. Bonne chance!
    "player_aircraft_name_string"=FDG2_P-36 Capt Jean Accart GC I 5 Pontarlier 1940
    "airfield_string"=France - Juvaincourt

    "title_string"=Battle of France (RAF) - Jerry uses a bait and switch
    "summary_string"=To your fighters! Blenheims are crossing Kent on their way to Dunkirk, and you will meet them there & bring 'em into Belgium, where they'll target the city of Charleroi. Make sure that these Blenheims attack without getting jumped, and then return to Vitry. Let's send a clear message to Jerry that we are still committed to defending France from their forces!
    "objective_string"=This is a 50/50 mission. One side is top cover for a Blenheim raid. (The city of Charleroi, Belgium is targeted, but any details on the raid are unknown) This was about to be flown by sections of 111, 56, and 253 Sqns when the Germans began their large assault on Vitry. The other side is historical, when three He-111s overflew Vitry aerodrome and eight Hurricanes of 56/B and 151 Sqns got airborne to intercept. Claiming two He-111s, they then engaged twelve Bf-110s, flying at 6,000ft. Two Heinkels & four Bf-110s were claimed by the Hurricanes. On the top cover mission, a Hurricane of 111 Sqn was lost south of Mons to fighters of II/JG 26.
    "intelligence_string"=If Hurricanes are spawned as this mission starts, this is the low-level intercept. Attack the He-111s first, and then engage the Bf-110s that dive from above once these 111s are eliminated. Shoot down as many as possible and then land safely; this will complete the mission. If no fighters are spawned, this is a bomber escort. Meet up with the bombers over Dunkirk, & then escort them until they break for England, defending them from any 109s. After the bombers escape, return to Vitry when the sky is clear or you exhaust your ammo. Good luck!
    "player_aircraft_name_string"=AH_Hurricanemk1 607 Sqn
    "airfield_string"=France - Vitry-en-Artois

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  8. #158
    Senior Administrator Rami's Avatar
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    Icon22 Reply...


    Some more for you...

    "title_string"=BoF Kampfgeschwader - KG 76 hits Vitry-en-Artois
    "summary_string"=Aufgepasst, kameraden! Both KG 54 & KG 1 are on their way to raid targets in France, including the airfield at Vitry-en-Artois. Your Dorniers will hit the aerodrome directly; we hope that the previous strikes will have sufficiently scattered the enemy fighters so that your Do-17Z bombers can inflict maximum damage. Let's show the British that their days in France are numbered!
    "objective_string"=At 1630 hours, Vitry-en-Artois airfield was struck by three staffeln of Dorniers from III/KG 76. It seems from all available records that these Do-17s sneaked through and plastered the enemy airfield. Perhaps as many as six Hurricanes were destroyed on the ground, while Gladiators & Blenheims were also damaged or destroyed during the raid. There is no record of this formation being intercepted, nor are there any records of these bombers having an escort. No losses of any Dornier bombers were recorded.
    "intelligence_string"=This strike on Vitry-en-Artois will be flown at low level to help lower your risk of being intercepted by enemy fighters attacking previous raids. After taking off, you will head west-southwest to reach Vitry-en-Artois. Over the field, focus on hangars, fuel stores, ammo crates, & parked aircraft. Once your attack is complete, clear out to the east and then fly back toward Germany. No escort fighters will be sent to cover you, but perhaps some of the escort fighters sent on raids around the area will find you. Because of this, keep your eyes open for any enemy fighters!
    "player_aircraft_name_string"=Dornier Do-17Z2
    "airfield_string"=Germany - Bonn-Hangelar

    "title_string"=BoF Kampfgeschwader - Distracting the Hurricanes
    "summary_string"=Männer, herhören! Several Kampfgeschwader units will be hitting Vitry and the surrounding airfields, & your squadron among them. You'll attack targets in the city of Arras in an effort to split the force of any enemy fighters dispatched to intercept you. Several flights of Bf-110s will provide escort for your bombers, & you must strike your targets over the city with precision, as our Panzers are closing on the city, and we must do what we can to soften their defenses. Let's do our part!
    "objective_string"=This sortie represents a part of the bomber force that attacked Vitry & the surrounding area on the afternoon on 18 May, 1940. The bombers are from II/KG 1, who were attached by Hurricanes of 56, 111, 151, and 253 Sqns somewhere to the south of Vitry. The He-111s were escorted by Zerstorers of II/ZG 26. It seems that on this raid four Heinkels were lost with another damaged, while one Bf-110 was lost with another damaged, though depending on sources, several more Bf-110s could have been lost. It's unclear whether the Luftwaffe raid was specifically targeting Vitry-en-Artois, so the city of Arras has been chosen instead. Whether this is historically accurate is unclear.
    "intelligence_string"=After taking off, you will form up with the other Heinkels and head west-southwest, where you will meet the Bf-110s from Asch. After you rendezvous with escorts from ZG 26, the formation will head into France, and turn toward the target over Saint Quentin. Just south of Arras, you'll make a final turn and attack the city from the south, then head northwest during the withdrawal before returning through Belgium to Germany. You'll likely run into British fighters, so be ready on your guns in case the enemy breaks through the fighter screen. Your target is a sprawling factory complex. Hit it hard, & then get home, we may be sending you out again!
    "airfield_string"=Germany - Ailertchen

    "title_string"=BoF Jagdgeschwader - Splitting the British fighters
    "summary_string"=Achtung, kamerad! Kampfgeschwader 54 is already airborne, & you will be part of the fighter cover. You are not flying direct escort; your job is to be a 'freie schwarm;' focused on attacking all enemy fighters. Make sure that you keep the British busy as these bombers break toward their targets; that way these bombers can do maximum damage to the enemy airfields!
    "objective_string"=This mission is quasi-historical. As the main focus of the German raid was on Vitry airfield, bombers from I/KG 54 and possibly II/KG 54 attacked the aerodrome at Amiens-Gilsy, where new Hurricanes & Blenheims were being received to replace losses over the front. On this mission, these two gruppen will hit the airfields nearest to Amiens; Abbeville and Beauvais. British fighters intercepting on this mission were likely from 32, 56/B, 111, 151, & 253 Sqns, but some of this is guesswork; the action is very chaotic and confused.
    "intelligence_string"=After getting into the air, you'll rendezvous with the bomber flights before reaching Brussels. Once you're in formation, you'll head southwest toward France. At Saint Quentin, the formation will split; half of the formation will head northwest to raid Abbeville, whilst the other half will turn south to strike Beauvais. You will engage any fighters that try to intercept, then stay with the Beauvais force as another freie schwarm will do the same for the Abbeville force. If you have ammo left after you engage the enemy, catch up to the Beauvais force and help get them home. If not, return to Asch.
    "airfield_string"=Belgium - Asch

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  9. #159
    Senior Administrator Rami's Avatar
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    Good morning,

    Before work begins, I wanted to pass along that 18 May is finally complete.

    "title_string"=Battle of France (RAF) - Tangle with the Hun at Vitry
    "summary_string"=Scramble! The airfield at Vitry has been pounded by waves of Luftwaffe bombers and fighters, and they are now under fire again. You must fly to the airfield & break up any raids that are in progress, taking down as many enemy fighters & bombers as possible. Show these German pilots that we'll not abandon our airfields in the face of pressure!
    "objective_string"=Sometime after 16:00 hours, news about the raids on Vitry reached Merville. At that point, sections of 79 and 213/B scrambled and flew to Vitry. It's unclear which attack they intercepted, but combat logs indicate they engaged Bf-110s near the field. This mission assumes the Hurricanes encountered the Bf-109s and Bf-110s attacking Vitry. When the Bf-109s and Bf-110s strafed Vitry, Hurricanes of 56/B, 229/B, 253, & 607 engaged them to defend the field, & possibly from 151 Squadron. Several Bf-110s were lost along with at least one Bf-109, but it's difficult to confirm this as all the action is very confused.
    "intelligence_string"=The German fighters are coming in at low level, so when you head toward Vitry, only climb to Angels Six so that you can spot any German planes below you. Once you see them, bounce them from above, and take down as many as you can. Make sure you check six if Bf-109s are involved, but you should be able to handle Bf-110s. Once you exhaust your ammo or the skies are clear, break off and return to Merville. Good luck!
    "player_aircraft_name_string"=Hurricane MK1 Early 3 Sqn
    "airfield_string"=France - Merville

    "title_string"=Battle of France (RAF) - No hesitation above Amiens
    "summary_string"=To your Hurricanes! A large German formation was spotted approaching the city of Amiens, and you'll intercept this formation & wreck as much havoc on it as you can! Three additional Hurricane sections will join you, & together you'll locate & tear into the enemy, showing them we will meet every attack and not bow to their will!
    "objective_string"=This mission is quasi-historical, & drawn from two accounts. The first is the bomber raid by I/KG 54 & possibly II/KG 54 on Amiens-Gilsy, the airfield where new Hurricanes & Blenheims were received to replace lost planes. The other is an account of German Bf-110s and He-111s being attacked 'south of Vitry.' On this mission, the two gruppen hit the airfields nearest to Amiens; Abbeville & Beauvais. Several Bf-110s & at least one Heinkel were lost. British fighters intercepting the German bombers were probably from 32, 56/B, 111, 151, and 253 Sqns, but some of this is guesswork; the action is very chaotic and confused.
    "intelligence_string"=After taking off, head southwest and climb hard. You'll attempt to intercept this German formation over Amiens. When you locate the enemy, focus on shooting down the bombers, & keep your eyes open for the fighters. If Zerstorers are escorting this formation, utilize your superior maneuverability to evade them, & be careful to not let one get behind you & shred your fighter with their nose-mounted ammo. Once the skies over Amiens are clear or you are out of ammo, return to Lille-Seclin. Good luck!
    "player_aircraft_name_string"=AH_Hurricanemk1 85 Sqn
    "airfield_string"=France - Lille

    "Me? I'm just a Sea of Tranquility in an Ocean of Storms, babe."

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  10. #160
    Senior Administrator Rami's Avatar
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    Icon22 Reply...

    Good morning,

    Been doing some retrofitting...

    "title_string"=Battle of France (RAF) - CAPping the German frontier
    "summary_string"=Scramble! Enemy planes have been sighted raiding Metz, a city only a short hop from Senon airfield. You must get airborne & fly a patrol over the city, looking for any German raiders in the area. If you find them, attack and shoot them down. Reports of German bomber raids are being recorded all along the entire front; it seems the offensive has begun!
    "objective_string"=This is an amalgam of a large German raid by KG 2 on Thionville and Metz just after dawn on 10 May 1940, combined with further skirmishes by French fighters that occurred over the same general area throughout the day. This mission also includes the low-level attack by Dornier bombers on Senon, but switches the historical scenario so that it happens during takeoff & not when the fighters return. In these two historical raids, the Germans lost four Dorniers and another was claimed as a probable. No British losses were recorded by 87 Squadron.
    "intelligence_string"=After taking off, you will fly southeast and climb at maximum rate to reach the city of Metz, where you will fly a patrol high above the city. Look for and engage any German bombers that try to attack Metz. Your goal is to shoot down as many bombers as possible if the Luftwaffe does appear. Be sure to sweep for escort fighters before committing to an attack. Once finished, break off and return to Senon to refuel & reload for another sortie. Good luck!
    "player_aircraft_name_string"=Hurricane MK1 Early 87 Sqn
    "airfield_string"=France - Senon

    "title_string"=Battle of France (RAF) - "Cobber" Kain's day at Metz
    "summary_string"=Scramble! Enemy planes have been sighted raiding Metz, a city only a short hop from Etain-Rouvers. You must get airborne & fly a patrol over the city, looking for any German raiders in the area. If you find them, attack and shoot them down. Reports of German bomber raids are being recorded all along the entire front; it seems the offensive has begun!
    "objective_string"=This is an amalgam of about four missions flown in defense of Metz from dawn until noon on 10 May. In that time, five Hurricanes from 1 Sqn, 'Cobber' Kain, & four Hurricanes of 87 Squadron engaged a total of nineteen Do-17s and He-111s of 7/KG 3, 9/KG 3, and KG 53. The Germans lost two He-111s with another two damaged, and at least one Do-17 was also lost. The only confirmed British loss was a single Hurricane of 87 Squadron. No escort was recorded. You will fly alone as "Cobber" Kain.
    "intelligence_string"=The city of Metz is located east-southeast of your airfield at Rouvers. Once in the air, climb hard to reach an altitude of 20,000ft; this will allow you to spot any raiders below you, and build up speed for your attack. If you spot enemy formations, be careful to look for any escorts before committing to the attack. Once finished, return to Rouvers to refuel and reload, we'll probably be needed again soon!
    "player_aircraft_name_string"=Hurricane MK1 Early 73 Sqn
    "airfield_string"=France - Etain (Rouvres)

    "title_string"=Battle of France (RAF) - Hopping back toward Reims
    "summary_string"=Listen up, pilots! The aerodromes along the border with Germany are now in danger of being overrun, so we'll relocate to the sector near Reims in order to be better placed to take on the German menace from a more central position. En route, we may run into enemy formations, so let's show these German intruders that our ability to fight back and inflict heavy damage has not changed!
    "objective_string"=This is an amalgam of missions flown by 73 and 87 Squadrons, who both transferred from bases near the German border to bases near Reims during the afternoon of 10 May, 1940. Elements of 85 & 501 Sqn's actions are also mixed in. When 'A' and 'B' flights of 73 Sqn evacuated, they ran into enemy bomber formations on the way to Reims. A total of four German bombers were shot down and another three damaged during the raids. The Dorniers over Mezieres are representative of action engaged in by 87 Squadron. No British losses were recorded.
    "intelligence_string"=This is a 50/50 mission. Today, you will fly either as a pilot from 87/501 Squadron and transfer to Reims-Champagne, or as 73 Squadron and transfer to Berry-au-Bac. On the way, you will sweep above Charleville-Mezires or Vouziers, looking for signs of Luftwaffe formations. If you find them, you'll engage & take down as many as you can, and then continue to your new aerodromes around Reims. It is important that you reach your new bases intact, because we will need all available forces to keep resisting at maximum strength!
    "player_aircraft_name_string"=Hurricane MK1 Early 73 Sqn
    "airfield_string"=France - Etain (Rouvres)

    "title_string"=Battle of France - Chew up the enemy above Belgium
    "summary_string"=Attenton, pilotes! Your fighter squadron will fly a patrol across Belgium this evening, looking for any signs of German aircraft. The Luftwaffe has been overflying Belgium all day to attack airfields and other targets there and in France, and perhaps we can catch 'em on their returns once their fighters have departed. Nous défendrons nos cieux à tout prix!
    "objective_string"=The mission is an amalgam of several bomber raids and intercepts by RAF and French fighters against KG 1 & 27 during their travels across Belgium. The intercepts took place over Ath, Leuze-en-Hainaut, Oudenaarde, & east of Ghent. In these intercepts, around thirty-five He-111s were engaged by both French & British fighters; eleven of the Heinkels were claimed with another probable & two others damaged. The British & French losses include two Ms-406s lost & another damaged. Two Hurricanes of 607 Squadron were also lost. For this mission, you will fly as GC 6/1.
    "intelligence_string"=After taking off, you will fly north-northwest into Belgium & look for German formations during your defensive patrol. You're clear to engage, but make sure to look for escort fighters before committing to an attack. Try to take down as many bombers as you possibly can, and then fly back to Vassincourt to refuel and reload; we may need you to head out again before nightfall!
    "player_aircraft_name_string"=MS 406 Sgt de Puybusque 1940
    "airfield_string"=France - Vassincourt

    "title_string"=Battle of France - Evening scuffles with the Luftwaffe
    "summary_string"=Accédez à vos combattants! German bombers have been attacking aerodromes & other targets in the area around Cambrai & St. Quentin. This evening, you'll fly a patrol over Bapaume & Saint Quentin, ready to engage and destroy German bombers that try to raid targets in these areas. You'll likely run into British fighters during your patrol, so be very careful whom you shoot at! Show the Germans that we will not let them have France!
    "objective_string"=This is an amalgam of missions flown by GC III/2 and 85/607 Sqns in the vicinity of Saint Quentin and Bapaume during 10 May, 1940, flown from the perspective of GC III/2. This squadron lost three Ms-406s to Heinkels from 5/KG 1 over Bapaume in exchange for one shot down, but did get another probable on a bomber they made force-land after attacking Cambrai. 85 and 607 Sqns fared better near Saint Quentin, destroying six of the He-111s & claiming two others as probables for no loss to themselves.
    "intelligence_string"=After getting into the air, you will fly over to the town of Bapaume, & sweep the sector for German formations. If none are sighted, you will continue down to Saint Quentin & sweep that area for any enemy activity. If you do run into German bombers at either location, you are cleared to engage, but be sure to look closely for escort fighters before engaging. In addition, British fighters could be in the area, so be careful to identify targets before shooting.
    "player_aircraft_name_string"=MS 406 Sgt de Puybusque 1940
    "airfield_string"=France - Cambrai-Forenville

    "Me? I'm just a Sea of Tranquility in an Ocean of Storms, babe."

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  11. #161
    Senior Administrator Rami's Avatar
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    Icon22 Reply...

    Good evening,

    Here are a couple more completed...

    "title_string"=Battle of France (RAF) - "Ginger" Lacey's active day
    "summary_string"=Attention, chaps! This afternoon, you'll fly as RAF pilot 'Ginger' Lacey on his patrols over the Sedan and Ardennes sectors of the frontline on 13 May, 1940. During this mission, you will sweep for any signs of German bombers or fighters, taking down as many as you can. When your patrol is finished, head back to Reims to refuel and reload. Show the Luftwaffe what kinds of 'Aces' the RAF has up its sleeves!
    "objective_string"=This is a quasi-historical account and an amalgam of RAF pilot 'Ginger' Lacey's missions on 13 May, 1940. During his first flight, he became separated from his section and ran into a small formation of Heinkel 111s, escorted by Bf-109s. Attacking them alone, he pounced & shot down one of each. Later on, his section ran into a staffel of Bf-110s above La Chesne, claiming one with no loss, & then later in the patrol, his section ran into more Zerstörers near Maubeuge, claiming another two with no loss.
    "intelligence_string"=After getting airborne, you will head east & begin climbing. We have learned that the Germans like to attack from a height of 5,000 meters or higher, so you'll maintain Angels 18 during this sortie. You'll patrol from southeast of Sedan back to the west & northwest, covering along the Ardennes Forest up to Maubeuge, just south of Mons. You are clear to engage whatever you see, but make sure to attack whenever your odds are favorable if possible, we are taking heavy losses from attrition. Good luck!
    "player_aircraft_name_string"=Hurricane MK1 Early 73 Sqn
    "airfield_string"=France - Reims

    "title_string"=BoF Kampfgeschwader - Bypassing Swiss airspace
    "summary_string"=Kamerad, herhören! Kampfgeschwader 51 has been tasked today with attacking the city of Lyon & its airfield. The bomber group will raid in two waves; your formation will hit the aerodrome just east of the city while the other formation attacks the city itself. French pilots have shown a strong stomach for the fight thus far, so be ready for resistance. Let's show the French that the Luftwaffe will not be stopped!
    "objective_string"=During 10 & 11 May 1940, Heinkels of KG 51 made a concerted effort to knock out the aerodrome at Lyon-Bron, which is being used by French fighters to defend areas southeast of the Marne valley. On 11 May, the bombers were intercepted during their return flight by sixteen Ms-406s of GC II/7. This has been added with an attack by Bloch 152s from GC III/9 on 10 May. Several French fighters were lost during the two days, traded for two bombers lost and four damaged. The escort in this mission is fictional, and the Ms-406s make their intercept in this mission over the city of Lyon.
    "intelligence_string"=In order to avoid crossing over Switzerland, you will fly directly west after takeoff and fly to the French border prior to pivoting southwest. At this point, you will pick up the escort fighters. As you near Lyon-Bron airfield, the formation will attack from the east while a second formation strikes the city; this might help to scatter the enemy fighters above the target. Once your raid is complete, turn northeast and return to the German border before continuing east. If you fly over Switzerland, you risk being shot down and held captive for the rest of the war!
    "airfield_string"=Germany - Memmingen

    "title_string"=Battle of France (RAF) - Distracting Luftwaffe fighters
    "summary_string"=Attention, pilots! A large group of fighters from 1, 85, & 87 Squadrons are on their way into Belgium to escort a mixed gaggle of Blenheims and Battles to Maastricht, & you will lend support by trailing their lead by several minutes & then engaging any German units trying to intercept the escort force. Try to keep these Germans occupied, & then head back to Merville to refuel and reload!
    "objective_string"=During the morning of 12 May 1940, a triad of 615 Sqn Hurricanes rendezvoused with six Hurricanes from 607 Squadron to patrol over Belgium. As they approached Maastricht, they were intercepted by a staffel of Bf-109s from I (J)/LG 2. These were only a small portion of a larger German force that engaged Hurricanes over Liège that were on their way to escort Blenheims and Battles to Maastricht. During this engagement, the Hurricanes shot down one Bf-109, but they lost three of their own in the process.
    "intelligence_string"=After getting in the air, you'll fly east-northeast into Belgium, meeting fighters from 615 Squadron on the way. As you approach Maastricht, be ready to fight; the Germans kept a heavy air presence in the sector yesterday, and they're likely to do this again today. When you see enemy fighters, engage them and take down as many as possible. Once the Germans retreat or you exhaust your ammo, break off and return to Merville. Good luck!
    "player_aircraft_name_string"=Hurricane MK1 Early 3 Sqn
    "airfield_string"=France - Merville

    "title_string"=Battle of France (RAF) - Scramble after the Germans!
    "summary_string"=Scramble! German Zerstorers are passing over our airfield at an estimated height of Angels 15. Your flight of six Hurricanes will get airborne & chase after them in pursuit. If you can catch up to them before they depart France, you will tear into them and take down as many of them as you can. Let's show the Luftwaffe that we won't let them assume control of the French skies while we still maintain a strong presence in France!
    "objective_string"=During the morning of 14 May, six RAF fighters at Berry-au-Bac scrambled in hot pursuit of a massed formation of Zerstorers that overflew the base at 0745. The British were able to catch them due to turns made by the enemy formation that kept them in the area long enough to be intercepted. Despite this, 1 Squadron lost three Hurricanes in the fight despite jumping them from higher altitude. German losses are not known.
    "intelligence_string"=After getting airborne, turn onto a heading of due east & climb at maximum rate in pursuit. After you pass Rethel, turn northeast and continue pursuing the Bf-110s as they head toward Belgium. (If you lose them in the climb, use the map key and follow the course given at full throttle, you'll catch up to them) Before bouncing the enemy formation, try to reach Angels 18 so you can make a slashing attack. With luck, you'll catch the by them time you reach Charleville-Mézières. After exhausting your ammo, break off and fly back to Berry-au-Bac to refuel and reload. Good luck, and happy hunting!
    "player_aircraft_name_string"=Hurricane MK1 Early 1 Sqn
    "airfield_string"=France - Berry-au-Bac

    "Me? I'm just a Sea of Tranquility in an Ocean of Storms, babe."

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  12. #162
    Looks like it's going to be a great project Rami. Looking forward to it when it's ready.


  13. #163
    Senior Administrator Rami's Avatar
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    Icon22 Reply...

    Msfossey and others,

    I'm beginning to think it might be more fortuitous to release this in stages - 10 May to 25 May and then 26 May to 25 June.

    The reason for this is that the Dunkirk missions are going to have to have a lot of discussions between myself, Ian, and Kevin as to what we want to cover vis-à-vis the evacuation and air battles, and then the final few weeks of the French campaign are less intense than the initial intense thrust and mad dash.

    Right now, I'm at 132 missions (soon to be 134) and I'm just getting into 19 May.

    So far my count is...

    44 British fighter missions, 15 British bomber missions.
    2 Belgian fighter missions.
    16 German fighter missions, 14 German bomber missions, 10 Stuka missions.
    23 French fighter missions, 11 French bomber missions.

    I'm still waiting to hear back from Kevin (I'll reach out today or tomorrow) regarding the Dutch airfields, and then the Dutch missions (and German missions) will need to be done, and I'm also debating about asking Captain Kurt whether or not he could do a few Belgian bases for me so I can add in some more Belgian missions.

    There's also an amazing amount of GSL scenery, including some new objects!

    "Me? I'm just a Sea of Tranquility in an Ocean of Storms, babe."

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  14. #164
    Senior Administrator Rami's Avatar
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    Icon22 Reply...

    Good morning,

    I am continuing the work, and getting back into this again...

    "title_string"=BoF Kampfgeschwader - Blunt the counteroffensive
    "summary_string"=Aufgepasst, kameraden! With our Panzers pushing toward the coast, we are being sent out along the axis of advance to look for any Allied vehicles or tanks that are trying to block the progress of our ground forces. Your sweep will be over the city of Valenciennes; it is your job to destroy any enemy vehicles that you find. Let's continue our march to the sea!
    "objective_string"=During the morning of 19 May, Dornier bombers of III/KG 76 were in action around Valenciennes. In a raid from altitude just after dawn, seven Do-17s were intercepted west of Valenciennes by a single Hurricane of 85 Sqn. Two hours later, two Do-17s were shot down by 85 Sqn in this same sector by more fighters of 85 Sqn. The Dorniers on this raid were attacking troop and vehicle columns over the town. Other than the two confirmed bombers, any other British losses are not known. Your Zerstörer escort that has been provided is entirely fictional.
    "intelligence_string"=Once you're in the air, you will stay relatively low at 1,000m while the other Dornier flight climbs to altitude. Above Belgium, you will meet up with the escorts. When you reach Valenciennes, the plan is to attack from the northwest to allow you to head directly home after this attack is complete. While over the target area, we hope the higher formation will draw the attention of enemy fighters so that you can just focus on hitting the vehicle columns. When finished, return to Bonn-Hangelar.
    "player_aircraft_name_string"=Dornier Do-17Z2
    "airfield_string"=Germany - Bonn-Hangelar

    "title_string"=BoF Kampfgeschwader - Getting lucky at Roubaix
    "summary_string"=Kameraden, herhören! Fighter & bomber units have been in heavy action over Lille this morning, & our goal is to force the Brits to evacuate Lille, where they have concentrated their resistance. You will raid the railyard at Roubaix, which has been used to bring in additional equipment and troops. If we can decimate this railyard, it will hurt the ability of the British and French to continue resisting!
    "objective_string"=Just after noon on 19 May, Dorniers from I/KG 76 were the recipients of excellent timing, & struck their targets without any interference. Hurricanes based near Lille had landed; these were refueling and rearming as the Dorniers struck. As such, they were able to strike & clear the area without being intercepted. For this mission, the selected target is a railyard east-northeast of Marcq-en-Baroeul; this was chosen because it seems that no airfields were attacked. There's also little evidence of any Dorniers lost or damaged.
    "intelligence_string"=After taking off, you will fly west-southwest and climb to 3,750m before reaching France. Over the Lille-Roubaix area, you'll raid the target from the southwest to allow you to clear the target quickly & decrease your chances of being intercepted. Be sure to aim carefully, you can still inflict massive damage attacking railcars, especially if you strike a fuel car. Be sure to watch out for flak over the target, and when finished, fly back to Germany to refuel and reload, the day is not over yet!
    "player_aircraft_name_string"=Dornier Do-17Z2
    "airfield_string"=Germany - Köln-Ostheim

    "title_string"=BoF Kampfgeschwader - Stragglers hit Lille-Marcq
    "summary_string"=Besatzungen der Luftflotte, aufgepasst! KG 54 as well as other units have been hitting the airfields around Lille all day long, and your flight will keep up the pressure. We hope we can force the British to evacuate and push them further toward the sea. French resistance is collapsing, and we have also heard rumors that the British may evacuate if they can't halt our advance. Let's show the British and French that further resistance is futile!
    "objective_string"=After the main bomber pulse by Kampfgeschwader 54 around 15:00 hours, stragglers and other units continued raids until dusk. Your mission combines two of these raids; three stragglers just after the main raid and a dozen sent an hour later. The 111s had Bf-109s as fighter cover, and the British sent Hurricanes from 56, 85, & 213 Sqns to intercept. Both 56 & 213 were likely still airborne after the main raid over Lille departed. The British claimed two bombers destroyed and several more damaged, while losing one Bf-109. One Hurricane of 85 Sqn was also shot down.
    "intelligence_string"=Once airborne, you will climb to 3,750 meters and head southwest toward Holland and Belgium. Your escort of 109s will meet up with you near the city of Antwerp. As you close in on Marcq-en-Baroeul, keep your eye out for any British fighters still in the air, alerted from the previous raids. Hopefully your escorts can fend them off. Over the airfield, target hangars, fuel drums, ammo crates, & parked aircraft. Aim well and make your bombs count! As soon as you release, pivot northeast and clear the area. Hopefully, we'll be able to use aerodromes in Belgium soon, our flights are getting longer and longer!
    "airfield_string"=Germany - Varrelbusch

    "title_string"=BoF Jagdgeschwader - Move along to Melsbroeck
    "summary_string"=Besatzungen, aufgepasst! Kampfgeschwader units have forced the British to evacuate airfields near Lille, & we will fly a sweep above the area before dusk to show the British we now rule the skies in the area. You will engage any fighters that oppose you, and then land at a new airfield closer to the frontline, so we can push the British into the sea!
    "objective_string"=By the evening of 19 May 1940, the Luftwaffe had pushed the RAF out of Lille and were establishing themselves over the area. Before dusk, fighters of III/JG 26 flew an evening patrol from Asch over Le Cateau & the Lille area. They were intercepted near Coutrai, Belgium by fighters of 615 Sqn. Two Bf-109s were claimed as probables, with another damaged, in exchange for two RAF fighters. This mission also combines an earlier exhange between JG 26 and 32 Sqn, when one Hurricane was shot down, traded for a Bf-109 shot down and another damaged. III/JG 26 relocated to an airbase near Brussels by the end of the day.
    "intelligence_string"=Aftr taking off, you will fly southwest toward Le Cateau, and then sweep north-northwest and north along the Frano-Belgian border until you reach the city of Coutrai, Belgium. The goal is to locate and shoot down British and French fighters. We have forced the enemy from Lille, & now we must keep the pressure on. After your mission is completed, you will land at a new airfield; Melsbroeck. This airfield is just outside Brussels, and will extend your range for future operations.
    "player_aircraft_name_string"=AH_BF109ECFS2_JG26_H ugo_Witt
    "airfield_string"=Belgium - Asch

    "title_string"=Battle of France (RAF) - Uneventful morning no more!
    "summary_string"=To your fighters! The area around Lille has seen a lot of reconnaissance activity this morning, and we suspect that enemy raids will follow close behind. Get into the air and climb to Angels 18, and sweep the area around Lille looking for any signs of the German bombers. If you see them, pounce on them, and show the Germans that we will not be disloged from this area without inflicting heavy losses!
    "objective_string"=On 19 May 1940, the Luftwaffe focused its might on airbases being used by BEF fighter Squadrons near Lille, France. This focus was so intense that all fighter units using these bases were forced to evacuate to Merville by the end of the day. Action for Merville-based Squadrons was quiet until just before noon when eight Hurricanes of 3 Squadron and three more from 213/A Squadron intercepted eighteen 111s from KG 54 five miles south of Lille. Lille-Seclin aerodrome is the assumed target. Five Heinkels were claimed, but it's unknown how many actually fell to the British fighters. No RAF losses are recorded.
    "intelligence_string"=After getting airborne, you'll angle east-northeast to overfly Lille before heading southeast toward the airfields. Make sure to climb hard; your height for the sweep will be Angels 18, and with Merville being close to Lille, you will not have much time to claw for altitude. If you intercept any Luftwaffe formations, tear into them and bring down as many as you can! After the raiders leave or you exhaust your ammo, return to Merville, but be careful you are not followed! Good luck!
    "player_aircraft_name_string"=Hurricane MK1 Early 3 Sqn
    "airfield_string"=France - Merville

    "title_string"=Battle of France (Stuka) - Hit Maubeuge before dusk
    "summary_string"=Zuhören, Besatzungen! Before daylight fades, our Stukas will strike a factory complex at Maubeuge, France. The complex is a major depot for vehicles and tanks, and the city has held out so far against our ground assaults. Hopefully, this raid will help break the deadlock. We have struck hard today, & the British have fled Lille. Let's keep the pressure on and push them into the sea!
    "objective_string"=During the evening of 19 May, Stukas of II/StG 2 seem to have raided the city of Maubeuge, France. While over Maubeuge or somewhere nearby, these Stukas were intercepted by RAF Hurricanes from 213 Squadron. According to British records, they shot down one of the Stukas after earlier combat elsewhere, but they lost a total of three fighters. No Stukas were lost according to German records, but one returned with engine damage from combat over Maubeuge, while another Ju-87 was damaged by enemy fighters near Phillippeville, Belgium. The intended target is not known, and their Zerstörer escort is fictional, but provided for a measure of protection.
    "intelligence_string"=After taking off, you will fly west-southwest and climb to 4,500 meters. As you head to the French border, the escort should meet you near Brussels. As you near Maubeuge, your schwarm will lead the attack. The target is a sprawling factory complex on the northern side of the city. Your objective is to hit the northern warehouse cluster, while other Stukas raid their specific targets. When finished, clear out and head back to Bonn-Hangelar. If you do encounter fighters, let the Bf-110s handle them & use this cover to clear out. Hals-und Beinbruch!
    "player_aircraft_name_string"=JU87B Stuka 2-I-StG1 Maj.Werner Rench
    "airfield_string"=Germany - Bonn-Hangelar

    "Me? I'm just a Sea of Tranquility in an Ocean of Storms, babe."

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  15. #165
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    Dutch Airfields

    Hi Andrew,

    I'm slowly getting there. Valkenburg, Ruigenhoek, De Zilk, Ockenburg, Bergen, Middenmeer and Buiksloot are done. I'm still working on the GSL scenery for Schiphol and Ypenburg. I would like to do some GSL scenery for the city and port of Amsterdam but finding the time has been a factor of late. I've also made a start on the Texel air bases of De Vlijt and De Mok.


  16. #166
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    Icon22 Reply...

    Good morning,

    Making steady progress again...

    "title_string"=BoF Kampfgeschwader - A long haul from Bavaria
    "summary_string"=Achtung, kamaraden! Your Ju-88s are needed this afternoon to hit the city of Amiens; this is one of the last obstacles to our Panzers reaching the sea. Your bombers will raid with long-range tanks from Bavaria. If we can keep this level of intensity, we can cut the BEF completely off from the French & then throw them back across the Channel! Let's do our part to support our ground units!
    "objective_string"=Prior to the masse attack by Kampfgeschwader 54, Ju-88s from KG 51 with an escort of Bf-110s from V/(Z)/LG 1 got intercepted in the early afternoon by Hurricanes from 213/A Sqn and possibly 111/B Sqn. Four Ju-88s were claimed by British fighters & one Bf-110, possibly between Douai & St Amand, but this can't be verified by German records. This sortie supposes an escort by Zerstörers of ZG 26, (One was damaged by 111 Squadron over Amiens) & that Amiens was the intended target. This can't be verified historically.
    "intelligence_string"=After getting airborne, you will fly northwest and keep west of the Rhine to pick up the escorts near Cologne. Along the way, you'll climb up to 5,000m. From there, you will head west into France. After passing Douai, you will turn southwest for Amiens. The Bf-110 escort should keep fighters away, but be ready on your guns. Once you complete the run, head east toward the Rhine, and then southeast to return to Bavaria. Make sure you strike the target accurately; the city of Amiens is one of the final lines of defense between our Panzers and the sea!
    "player_aircraft_name_string"=KM_JU88_A-4 I/KG 30
    "airfield_string"=Germany - Muenchen (Riem)

    "title_string"=BoF Kampfgeschwader - Blunt the counteroffensive
    "summary_string"=Aufgepasst, kameraden! With our Panzers pushing toward the coast, we are being sent out along the axis of advance to look for any Allied vehicles or tanks that are trying to block the progress of our ground forces. Your sweep will be over the city of Valenciennes; it is your job to destroy any enemy vehicles that you find. Let's continue our march to the sea!
    "objective_string"=During the morning of 19 May, Dornier bombers of III/KG 76 were in action around Valenciennes. In a raid from altitude just after dawn, seven Do-17s were intercepted west of Valenciennes by a single Hurricane of 85 Sqn. Two hours later, two Do-17s were shot down by 85 Sqn in this same sector by more fighters of 85 Sqn. The Dorniers on this raid were attacking troop and vehicle columns over the town. Other than the two confirmed bombers, any other British losses are not known. Your Zerstörer escort that has been provided is entirely fictional.
    "intelligence_string"=Once you're in the air, you will stay relatively low at 1,000m while the other Dornier flight climbs to altitude. Above Belgium, you will meet up with the escorts. When you reach Valenciennes, the plan is to attack from the northwest to allow you to head directly home after this attack is complete. While over the target area, we hope the higher formation will draw the attention of enemy fighters so that you can just focus on hitting the vehicle columns. When finished, return to Bonn-Hangelar.
    "player_aircraft_name_string"=Dornier Do-17Z2
    "airfield_string"=Germany - Bonn-Hangelar

    "title_string"=BoF Jagdgeschwader - A short route from Holland
    "summary_string"=Meine Herren! Do-17z bombers have just taken off from bases along the Rhine, & your fighter gruppe will provide an escort. Rendezvous with the Do-17s over Belgium, & keep 'em free from enemy attacks as they pummel Lille-Seclin. Additional raids will follow behind yours, and we will force the British to abandon the airfields around Lille! Und passen Sie auf sich auf!
    "objective_string"=Just a handful of minutes before KG 54 pummeled the same field, some twenty-four Dornier Do-17Zs from III/KG 76 pounded Lille-Seclin, escorted by 109s. This formation was intercepted about 15:00 hours above Tournai, Belgium by Hurricanes of 87 Squadron. The ensuing engagement saw the British claim two Do-17s and one Bf-109 destroyed, with a second Bf-109 damaged. Any RAF fighter losses are unknown. This has been combined with another raid when three additional Dorniers were sighted by Hurricanes of 111/253 Sqns, though no claims were made by the British.
    "intelligence_string"=The Dornier bombers will be coming in from bases along the Rhine. After taking off, you'll fly south to meet the bombers just inside Belgium, near Fort Eben-Emael. You will then escort them into France. Near the enemy airfield, keep any British fighters from attacking the Do-17s, & then get them safely back to the German border before flying back to Gilze-Rijen. Remember to protect the bombers and not chase after limeys, we must keep our losses to a minimum!
    "player_aircraft_name_string"=AH_BF109ECFS2_JG26_H ornung
    "airfield_string"=Holland - Gilze-Rijen

    "title_string"=BoF Jagdgeschwader - Opening up a can of worms
    "summary_string"=Kameraden herhören! Our bombers will be raiding the airfields near Lille repeatedly today, so your fighters are being sent our before these raids to draw their fighters up and shoot them down. The more fighters we can take down this morning, the less our bombers and their escorts will face this afternoon! Let's prove that we are up to the task!
    "objective_string"=On the morning of 19 May 1940, Bf-109s of JG 26 & JG 3 mixed it up with Hurricanes of 85, 87, and 253/B Sqn near Lille-Seclin. The mess began with Hurricanes scrambling from Lille-Marcq to engage the Bf-109s that shot down two Lizzies of 4 Sqn, who were practicing landings. A section of 85 Sqn Hurricanes already airborne engaged immediately. Soon after, Hurricanes of 504 Squadron engaged, along with another section of 87 Sqn that engaged five Bf-109s at 12,000ft. A flight of 109s got the drop on 253/B Sqn, still clawing for altitude, and bagged three of them. During the confused action, the British claimed eight destroyed with six more probable, but only four JG 26 machines failed to return. Aside from the three by JG 3, any German claims are unclear.
    "intelligence_string"=After taking off, you will form up with the other Bf-109s and head west-southwest toward the Lille area. Once inside France, sweep from Lille-Seclin airfield up to Marcq-en-Baroeul. We hope to coax Hurricanes at these bases into a fight & take them down. You are cleared to engage what you find, & then head back to Asch when these skies are clear or you exhaust your ammo. Make sure to come back intact, you'll likely be in the air again later today and we will need all of our fighter gruppen!
    "player_aircraft_name_string"=AH_BF109E_Witt_Schla geter-JG26
    "airfield_string"=Belgium - Asch

    "Me? I'm just a Sea of Tranquility in an Ocean of Storms, babe."

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  17. #167
    Senior Administrator Rami's Avatar
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    Icon22 Reply...

    Good afternoon,

    More work in the can...

    "title_string"=Battle of France (RAF) - Bagging turkeys near Rethel
    "summary_string"=Scramble! One of our recce Blenheims has spotted a small formation of 111s heading west-northwest, and if they do not change course, will pass by the town of Rethel in about fifteen minutes. Get there in a hurry & see if you can catch them. If you can, knock them out of the sky and show the enemy that we will not relent and allow them to just throw us out of France!
    "objective_string"=Unlike the Lille-Cambrai airfield sector, the area just south of the Marne River were far less active. However, late in the morning, Hurricanes of 1 Sqn engaged twelve He-111s northeast of Rethel. This mission supposes that Saint Quentin is the target. Jumping the Heinkels which lacked any escort, the British fighters shredded the Luftwaffe bombers, claiming two destroyed, three probables, and four damaged, with no losses to themselves.
    "intelligence_string"=One of our recce Blenheims spotted these bombers on a course that will put them northeast of Rethel in about fifteen minutes. You will take off quickly & head in this direction, hopefully catching them in this area. If you find them, watch for an escort before attacking. If they are alone, take down as many as you can, then clear the area and return to Athis. Your height over the intercept area will be Angels fifteen. If the other flight joins you, their altitude will be Angels eighteen. With the Germans pressuring RAF squadrons around Lille & Cambrai, our time in France may be growing short.
    "player_aircraft_name_string"=Hurricane MK1 Early 1 Sqn
    "airfield_string"=France - Athis

    "title_string"=Battle of France (RAF) - Guarding Denain aerodrome
    "summary_string"=Scramble! Luftwaffe bombers are heading for the bases around Cambrai, which is now under siege & about to fall into enemy hands. You must reach the airfields before they do and confront 'em, taking down as many bombers as possible. If we lose the Cambrai & Lille airfields, our last line of defense will be the airfields near the English Channel. We might have to flee France altogether!
    "objective_string"=On 19 May 1940, the Luftwaffe focused its might on airbases being used by BEF fighter Squadrons near Cambrai and Lille, France. This focus was so intense that all fighter units using these airfields evacuated to Merville by the end of the day. That afternoon, 111s of KG 54, escorted by Bf-110s & 109s attacked airfields in the Lille-Douai-Cambrai sector, and were intercepted by Hurricanes from at least six squadrons. Claims are very confused & likely include overclaiming. Records show the RAF claimed four 111s, one probable and one damaged, whilst one Bf-109 was lost, one probable, and one damaged. One Bf-110 was damaged. The Germans claimed as many as seven Hurricanes destroyed & ten more damaged. Total losses aren't known. This is a pseudo-historical version of this mission.
    "intelligence_string"=After leaving Lille-Marcq, you'll fly southeast and climb to Angels 18 before reaching Cambrai. Your fighters will defend Denain. Once the enemy gets within range, go after the bombers and take down as many as you can before these Heinkels release, and then keep after 'em until you exhaust all your ammunition. Once this happens or you get shot up, break away and head back to Marcq-en-Baroeul to refuel and reload. Good luck!
    "player_aircraft_name_string"=Hurricane MK1 Early 87 Sqn
    "airfield_string"=France - Lille (Marcq-En-Baroeul)

    "title_string"=Battle of France - Keeping Cambrai from the Luftwaffe
    "summary_string"=Piloten der Luftflotte! Attacks on airfields around Lille have caused massive damage today, and your bombers will raid the aerodromes around Cambrai. In doing so, we hope to drive British fighters out of these areas where they have continued to resist our lightning thrust to the Channel. If we can keep the pressure on, we can force them to flee France altogether!
    "objective_string"=The afternoon of 19 May saw continued pressure on airfields near Lille and Cambrai. Between 1500 & 1600 hours, He-111s of KG 54, escorted by 110s of II/ZG 26 & Bf-109s of III/JG 3 and I/JG 27 hit airfields and cities in the Lille-Douai-Cambrai sector, and were intercepted by Hurricanes from 87, 111/B, 145/A, 213, 601/A, 601/B, & 615 Sqns. This is a pseudo-historical version of the mission, and supposes French fighter involvement. There is no record of planes shot down by French fighters during this assault, but given the confused action during this period, it is not impossible that French squadrons could have been involved.
    "intelligence_string"=After departing Vraux, you will fly northwest and climb hard to 4,625 meters by the time you reach Cambrai. You will defend Cambrai-Hayencourt. As you approach the formation, climb up to 5,500m so you can turn around & dive on the enemy bombers. Focus on shooting them down before engaging any fighters. Once this attack is completed, break off and return to Vraux to refuel and reload.
    "player_aircraft_name_string"=FDG2_P-36 Capt Jean Accart GC I 5 Pontarlier 1940
    "airfield_string"=France - Vraux

    "title_string"=BoF Jagdgeschwader - Swatting flies over France
    "summary_string"=Aufpassen Männer! KG 54 is sending almost all of their bombers out to attack the Cambrai airfields, & your Bf-109s will take the lead in defending the bombers. Fend off enemy fighters as the bombers release, & then get them safely on their way home. Let's show the Allied forces we will not stop until we push them into the sea!
    "objective_string"=The afternoon of 19 May saw continued pressure on airfields near Lille and Cambrai. Between 1500 & 1600 hours, He-111s of KG 54, escorted by 110s of II/ZG 26 & Bf-109s of III/JG 3 and I/JG 27 hit airfields and cities in the Lille-Douai-Cambrai sector, and were intercepted by Hurricanes from 87, 111/B, 145/A, 213, 601/A, 601/B, & 615 Sqns. Claims are very confused & likely include double or overclaiming. Records show the British claimed four Heinkels, another as a probable and another damaged, while one Bf-109 was lost, another as a probable, & a third damaged. One Bf-110 was also damaged. German pilots claimed as many as seven Hurricanes destroyed & ten more damaged. Actual losses are not known. This is a pseudo-historical version of this mission.
    "intelligence_string"=After getting airborne, you will fly northwest and climb to meet the bomber formations northwest of Antwerp. You'll defend the bombers as they strike Denain. Bf-110s will assist you in defending them, but they can have trouble with fighters. Once the Heinkels release on Denain airfield, get them into Belgium before turning toward Asch. The Bf-110s will get them to the Rhine. Good luck!
    "player_aircraft_name_string"=AH_BF109ECFS2_II_JG2 6_Knuppel
    "airfield_string"=Belgium - Asch

    "title_string"=BoF Jagdgeschwader - Keeping the enemy at bay
    "summary_string"=Kamerad, herhören! KG 54 is sending almost all of their bombers out to attack the Cambrai airfields, & your Zerstörers will help with this escort. Make sure that the Heinkels can raid the target without being harassed by fighters. Show the British that we will not relent until we push them into the sea!
    "objective_string"=The afternoon of 19 May saw continued pressure on airfields near Lille and Cambrai. Between 1500 & 1600 hours, He-111s of KG 54, escorted by 110s of II/ZG 26 & Bf-109s of III/JG 3 and I/JG 27 hit airfields and cities in the Lille-Douai-Cambrai sector, and were intercepted by Hurricanes from 87, 111/B, 145/A, 213, 601/A, 601/B, & 615 Sqns. Claims are very confused & likely include double or overclaiming. Records show the British claimed four Heinkels, another as a probable and another damaged, while one Bf-109 was lost, another as a probable, & a third damaged. One Bf-110 was also damaged. German pilots claimed as many as seven Hurricanes destroyed & ten more damaged. Actual losses are not known. This is a pseudo-historical version of this mission.
    "intelligence_string"=After getting airborne, you'll fly north-northwest and climb to 5,000m to meet the bombers over the Rhine. Once in Belgium, 109s will meet up with you & take the lead fending off fighters if attacked. Your task is to help this effort. Once the bombers release on Cambrai-Hayencourt, you'll escort them out of the area. When they cross the Rhine, break off & return to Koln-Ostheim. Und passen Sie auf sich auf!
    "airfield_string"=Germany - Köln-Ostheim

    "title_string"=Battle of France (RAF) - Maintaining our grip on Lille
    "summary_string"=Scramble! Luftwaffe bombers are heading for the bases around Cambrai, which is now under siege & about to fall into enemy hands. You must reach the airfields before they do and confront 'em, taking down as many bombers as possible. If we lose the Cambrai & Lille airfields, our last line of defense will be the airfields near the English Channel. We might have to flee France altogether!
    "objective_string"=On 19 May 1940, the Luftwaffe focused its might on airbases being used by BEF fighter Squadrons near Cambrai and Lille, France. This focus was so intense that all fighter units using these airfields evacuated to Merville by the end of the day. That afternoon, 111s of KG 54, escorted by Bf-110s & 109s attacked airfields in the Lille-Douai-Cambrai sector, and were intercepted by Hurricanes from at least six squadrons. Claims are very confused & likely include overclaiming. Records show the RAF claimed four 111s, one probable and one damaged, whilst one Bf-109 was lost, one probable, and one damaged. One Bf-110 was damaged. The Germans claimed as many as seven Hurricanes destroyed & ten more damaged. Total losses aren't known. This is a pseudo-historical version of this mission.
    "intelligence_string"=After leaving Merville, you will fly southeast and climb to Angels 18 before reaching Cambrai. Your fighters will defend Cambrai-Forenville. Once the enemy gets within range, go after the bombers and take down as many as you can before the Heinkels release, then keep after them until you exhaust all your ammunition. Once this occurs or you get shot up, break off and return to Merville to refuel and reload. Good luck!
    "player_aircraft_name_string"=Hurricane MK1 Early 3 Sqn
    "airfield_string"=France - Merville

    "title_string"=BoF Kampfgeschwader - Massed raid on Cambrai
    "summary_string"=Piloten der Luftflotte! Attacks on airfields around Lille have caused massive damage today, and your bombers will raid the aerodromes around Cambrai. In doing so, we hope to drive British fighters out of these areas where they have continued to resist our lightning thrust to the Channel. If we can keep the pressure on, we can force them to flee France altogether!
    "objective_string"=The afternoon of 19 May saw continued pressure on airfields near Lille and Cambrai. Between 1500 & 1600 hours, He-111s of KG 54, escorted by 110s of II/ZG 26 & Bf-109s of III/JG 3 and I/JG 27 hit airfields and cities in the Lille-Douai-Cambrai sector, and were intercepted by Hurricanes from 87, 111/B, 145/A, 213, 601/A, 601/B, & 615 Sqns. Claims are very confused & likely include double or overclaiming. Records show the British claimed four Heinkels, another as a probable and another damaged, while one Bf-109 was lost, another as a probable, & a third damaged. One Bf-110 was also damaged. German pilots claimed as many as seven Hurricanes destroyed & ten more damaged. Actual losses are not known. This is a pseudo-historical version of this mission.
    "intelligence_string"=After taking off, the formation will assemble into three units. Your unit will raid Cambrai-Forenville. You will release from an altitude of 5,000 meters. The Bf-110s will meet up with you near the Rhine, the Bf-109s will meet you over Belgium. The other two units will strike Denain and Hayencourt. When finished, turn east and clear out, the escorts will keep any fighters busy. After leaving France, turn northeast & return to Achmer.
    "airfield_string"=Germany - Achmer

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  18. #168
    Senior Administrator Rami's Avatar
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    Icon22 Reply...

    Good evening,

    Here is another mission complete...

    "title_string"=Battle of France (RAF) - Pilot's hunch proves correct
    "summary_string"=Scramble! A Do-17Z is flying reconnaissance near Lille, and after our airfields have been pummeled, we cannot allow them a repeat performance! Catch up to this enemy plane and shoot it down before it has a chance to escape to Germany!
    "objective_string"=After the bombers from KG 54 departed, a Do-17z was seen between the two towns of Lille & Seclin. A section of 85 Sqn approached, but seeing only a Do-17, sensed a trap. Climbing into the sun, seven Bf-109s of JG 77 were sighted. As these fighters tangled, one Meerschmitt was shot down, and one Hurricane was lost. The fate of the Dornier is not known. This has been combined with another event nearby when a second Hurricane was shot down to fighters of JG 77.
    "intelligence_string"=After taking off, fly toward the Lille area and be on the lookout for the German recce airfield. Your task is to shoot down this plane before it escapes. No enemy fighters were sighted, but this does not mean they're not there. If enemy fighters do show up, engage them, and then return to Lille-Seclin to refuel and reload. Hopefully the raids will cease; we are in need of rest after this intense action!
    "player_aircraft_name_string"=AH_Hurricanemk1 85 Sqn
    "airfield_string"=France - Lille

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  19. #169
    Looking forward to this project when it's done Rami; thank you for all your efforts.


  20. #170
    Senior Administrator Rami's Avatar
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    Icon22 Reply...


    Thank you. When I really started this in March, one of the most interesting things for me is gaining a better understanding of what really happened, especially with regard to the British efforts in Belgium, the breach at Sedan, and the gallantry of the French Air Force. I also didn't realize the high level of damage and losses the Luftwaffe suffered during this campaign, primarily because the focus is on the wider view and the swiftness of the German victory.

    It's getting to the point now that the British are being forced out of Lille, back to the "last line" of French airfields near the coast. Another thing I find fascinating doing this is pilot testimonials. Pilots during the period from 20-25 May discuss evacuation and fighting across the Channel trying to buy time for the retreat, coming back to airfields near London and being dumbstruck by people living their lives shopping and enjoying life as normal, seemingly oblivious to the carnage in France and having the RAF being nearly bled white during those six weeks, less then one hundred miles from their city.

    So far I've done 153 missions, and only a few have been overhauls of previous material; nearly all have been done from scratch. I'm averaging about 15-20 missions a month.

    "Me? I'm just a Sea of Tranquility in an Ocean of Storms, babe."

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  21. #171
    Senior Administrator Rami's Avatar
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    Icon22 Reply..

    Good afternoon,

    More missions completed...

    "title_string"=Battle of France (RAF) - Patrolling Hauts-de-France
    "summary_string"=To your fighters! 85 Squadron's task is to fly the evening patrol before we transfer to Merville. The environment here has become much too dangerous. You'll patrol the Arras-Cambrai-Valenciennes area & engage any 109s that you see. Once finished you will refuel & fly to Merville, where we'll continue the fight.
    "objective_string"=This is an amalgam of several fighter engagements between Lille-based RAF Squadrons & Bf-109s of Jagdgeschwader 2, 3, & 26. 85 Sqn engaged 109s of JG 3 and JG 26 near Lille and Roubaix, whilst 17 Squadron engaged JG 2 near Cambrai. Further combat took place with 615 Sqn, who clashed with JG 3 between Arras and Cambrai. All combat took place between 1550 & 1815 hours, with four RAF fighters lost and another damaged, exchanged for one Bf-109 shot down and another forced to land.
    "intelligence_string"=After taking off, you will fly a patrol over Arras, Cambrai, & Valenciennes. Expect to engage enemy fighters at or near any one of these places. Your patrol height for the hop will be Angels twelve. If fighters are near Lille, they might try to jump you as you get into the air, so make sure to watch for any roving flights during takeoff. Once this patrol is complete or you exhaust your ammo, break away from any combat and return to Lille to refuel and then transfer to Merville.
    "player_aircraft_name_string"=AH_Hurricanemk1 85 Sqn
    "airfield_string"=France - Lille

    "title_string"=Battle of France (RAF) - Hit the fuel and ammo dumps
    "summary_string"=Listen up, pilots! Your bombers are needed tonight to hit German ammo and fuel dumps located behind enemy lines. Your bombers will raid an ammo dump near the town of Bouillon, Belgium. Let's show the Germans that they cannot leave these vital assets unprotected, maybe this will help slow down their offensive!
    "objective_string"=The overnight of 19 May 1940 saw Wellingtons hit fuel and ammo dumps located in captured towns on the Franco-Belgian border, together with roads & railways near the town of Gembloux and numerous bridges over the Brussels-Charleroi canal. Fifteen Wellingtons were sent out to strike towns near the Franco-Belgian border; this is the scenario chosen for the mission. The total number of bombers used to attack the other targets is unknown, as well as any losses.
    "intelligence_string"=After leaving Marham, your Welllingtons will head southeast, crossing East Anglia and the North Sea, coming ashore near Belgium. Your flight will hit an ammo dump in the town of Bouillon, just northeast of Sedan. Though these flights are staggered, you could run into the other bombers near your target. Once your raid is finished, turn northwest and fly back to Marham. Good luck!
    "player_aircraft_name_string"=Vickers Wellington Mk Ic
    "airfield_string"=England - Marham

    "title_string"=Battle of France (RAF) - Final hurrah for the Battles
    "summary_string"=Listen up! German vehicles have been seen by our recce flights between Neufchatel and Montcornet. All remaining airworthy Battles will raid all areas where enemy vehicles have been seen. Hurricanes will provide escort for every flight of Battles, so they should be able to keep enemy fighters at bay. Show the Germans that we still have the ability to fight back!
    "objective_string"=The morning of 19 May 1940 saw some thirty-three Fairey Battles (All those which remained in AASF Squadrons) and twenty-six Hurricanes of 67 Wing raid targets in the area near Rethel and northeast of Reims. German Panzers had been seen along the roads near Reims and Rethel. At least two Battles wre shot down, with several more damaged. JG 51 accounted for one Battle lost & another damaged. Any action reports on the Hurricanes are unknown. This mission differs from the historical record by having these Battles and Hurricanes form up as a unified force before separating.
    "intelligence_string"=Once airborne, you will rendezvous with the other Battles and the Hurricane escorts & head north to the area just northwest of Rethel. As you continue toward your targets, some of the flights will leave the formation to attack their own assignments. You will sweep for any signs of German vehicles on the Neufchatel-Montcornet road; this means yours will be amongst the last flights to turn. Over the road, keep your speed up to avoid damage from ground fire. Once completed, return to base; we may need your efforts again later today.
    "player_aircraft_name_string"=Battle Mk1
    "airfield_string"=France - Athis

    "title_string"=Battle of France (RAF) - The Luftwaffe creeps closer
    "summary_string"=Listen up, pilots! Our fighter airfields at Lille are becoming too dangerous, so the fighter squadrons are in the process of packing up and moving closer to the coast. Your task will be to fly a patrol near Lille-Seclin, guarding that field from any attacks by the Germans. Let's make sure our boys have the support they need to clear out!
    "objective_string"=This is an amalgam of three sorties that took place late in the afternoon on 19 May. The main combat was with 3 Sqn & 253/A Sqn, who engaged twelve He-111s at 9,000 feet over Renoix, ten miles south of Lille. Despite an escort by I/JG 77, Hurricanes claimed four 111s for the loss of one of their own. The other two sorties involved clashes with JG 77 in the same area, including a scrap with 607 Sqn. This mission supposes the Heinkels were heading for Merville; this cannot be verified historically.
    "intelligence_string"=After taking off, fly east-southeast to patrol the area near Lille-Seclin and while the personnel and planes prepare for an evacuation. If you find any German bombers nearby, engage them immediately and make sure you fend them off before they can wreck more havoc. If escorts are with them, fend off the fighters and concentrate on the bombers. If you aim well, you may be able to get the 111s to abort. Once you exhaust your ammo, break off and return to St. Omer. Good luck!
    "player_aircraft_name_string"=AH_Hurricanemk1 607 Sqn
    "airfield_string"=France - St. Omer

    "title_string"=Battle of France (RAF) - Under threat from two sides
    "summary_string"=Scramble! German bombers are approaching Lille, and you must get airborne and claw for altitude, catching them before they begin their bomb runs! We cannot remain at these airbases if we're being hit constantly, so if we can't fend them off, we'll have to evacuate! Let's show these krauts we're up to the task of defending ourselves!
    "objective_string"=While some Hurricanes were still dealing with the morning fighter attack, others from 85 & 87 Sqns left to attack Heinkels of KG 28 who were closing from the south-southeast. The Hurricanes caught them near Orchies, but claimed only one, with two damaged. Soon after, other fighters from 85 Sqn with help from 242/A Squadron intercepted more Heinkels from KG 54, taking down three more. No Hurricane losses were recorded on this mission, & any Bf-110 escort is entirely fictional.
    "intelligence_string"=After taking off, you'll either intercept Heinkels of KG 28 over the town of Orchies or KG 54 over the city of Mons & prevent them from hitting Lille. Along your way, you will climb hard to Angels 16. Once you intercept these Heinkels, your task is to tear into them and take down as many as you can. At each intercept location, there is a small chance you will be intercepted by enemy fighters. After exhausting your ammunition, you will complete the patrol & then set down at Merville, where we will continue our fight against the Germans. Good luck!
    "player_aircraft_name_string"=Hurricane MK1 Early 87 Sqn
    "airfield_string"=France - Lille (Marcq-En-Baroeul)

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  22. #172
    Senior Administrator Rami's Avatar
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    Icon22 Now that's a bridge...

    Good morning,

    We needed a bridge from Walcheren to South now we have one near Vlissingen airfield.

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  23. #173
    Thank you Rami, it looks great! Is it in the Warbirds CFS2, Scenery Add-ons library yet?

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  24. #174
    Tiller of Soil MaskRider's Avatar
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    Hehe. Yes. That is INDEED a bridge! Very nice.

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  25. #175
    Senior Administrator Rami's Avatar
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    Icon22 Reply...

    Quote Originally Posted by Shadow Wolf 07 View Post
    Thank you Rami, it looks great! Is it in the Warbirds CFS2, Scenery Add-ons library yet?


    Not will be included in the Battle of France. I also built the small Zeeland town of Hansweert with its seaport for these missions around Walcheren.

    I will make sure to hit it squarely with zee bombs!

    "Me? I'm just a Sea of Tranquility in an Ocean of Storms, babe."

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