Yes, folks, here it is ! Simon Smeiman's long-awaited WACO bi-plane collection ! It includes no less than 8 different WACO bi-planes....... AND you get some freebies with it as well ! How about the famous WACO CG-4A WW2 glider !? It is included for FREE for WACO Collection customers. Oh, AND there's a free Willys jeep included too !!

The WACO's modeled (including different cockpits AND a host of animations) are the ATO, CTO, QF2, UPF, YMF-5, YMF-5D Super. And on top of that we have a YMF-5 Floatplane and the famous Jet Waco !!!

Oh, and just in case some people don't like the bi-planes but STILL want the WW2 gliders, we have packaged those separately and are making them available for a really low price.

But.... you'll want the FULL PACKAGE of course !

Find them in our shop (and ONLY THERE !!) via this link :