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Day 1 of From Here On

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The funeral mass was really something. 26 priests and deacons. 2 Bishops and a lot of people.

From all the people that turned out for the visitation/wake over two days and all the people that came to the funeral, it appears that Mom was loved and admired by many.

It was very cold at the cemetery. It was hard to watch the casket being lowered and the vault top put on. Although I know that Mom isn't in there. Only her earthly body. Still the thing that I couldn't help but look at was the plant roots that had been cut through to put in the vault.
There just seemed to be this overwhelming feeling of reality seeing them.

I really couldn't believe the amount of people that came to the cemetery too! I mean there was a line of cars that must have gone on for a block and a half!

After the lunch we drove back home and after my step-daughter and her husband left for Milwaukee, I fell asleep. And I mean I fell asleep! From the time I fell asleep in the easy chair to after my wife sent me to bed to the time I woke up this morning, 16+ hours had gone by!

Now today I feel really rested, but I'm just not sure what I should be doing or how I should feel. I guess just keep going putting one foot in front of the other. Back to work tomorrow.
I'm really going to miss my Mom. And it really feels weird not having either parent anymore.
Thank God for family and friends.

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