View Full Version : More dynamic airports are coming to X-Plane

March 1st, 2016, 08:02
Hello there!We're hard at work on the next big feature release. X-Plane 10.50 will have multiple improvements, including a change to make airports feel more inhabited. This month's letter also includes a beautifully modeled WW2 fighter.
Better Static and AI Aircraft at AirportsStatic aircraft enhance the appearance of airports by making them look more populated even if you don't have a ton of AI aircraft enabled. But those aircraft objects sometimes get in the way, and neither you nor X-Plane have any control over them. X-Plane 10.50 will include multiple airport changes that will improve the randomization of aircraft.
The biggest change is that airport designers will no longer need to place static parked aircraft objects. Instead, X-Plane will automatically add static aircraft to existing ramp starts. Designers will be able to provide extremely specific guidelines as to what type of aircraft equipment can use the ramp, the maximum allowable aircraft size, and even what airlines can be parked there. Have a gate ramp start that only United Airlines uses? It can be tagged with its official 3-letter airline code (UAL) and X-Plane will never place an American Airlines plane there.
X-Plane will use all of this information to place the most appropriate static and AI aircraft there. All these changes are great for adding dynamism to airport scenery--now every time you visit an airport, the parked aircraft can change in multiple ways. You'll also have your pick of all the ramp starts, and will never have to fight static aircraft for your gate.
Tips and TricksThere are quite a few smartphone & tablet apps you can use in conjunction with X-Plane 10 on your desktop computer. Free apps include X-Mapper Lite (http://email.x-plane.com/e/c/eyJlbWFpbF9pZCI6Ik1UUTFOVG9XQTBNQ1pBQUNjd0FYQVJsVE dnRkpUMUlxeVJVOEdGYlZ0WGdCYlRveU9EZzRNeklBIiwicG9z aXRpb24iOjAsImhyZWYiOiJodHRwczovL2l0dW5lcy5hcHBsZS 5jb20vdXMvYXBwL3gtbWFwcGVyLWxpdGUtZm9yLXgtcGxhbmUv aWQ1MDE1NzU5NTk_bXQ9OCIsImxpbmtfaWQiOjEyMDA3NDc0fQ/808de749436be887826cfd3dd0c12e96e0f2374686ac0d7608 eca5c6cf199f44), Control Pad (http://email.x-plane.com/e/c/eyJlbWFpbF9pZCI6Ik1UUTFOVG9XQTBNQ1pBQUNjd0FYQVJsVE dnRkpUMUlxeVJVOEdGYlZ0WGdCYlRveU9EZzRNeklBIiwicG9z aXRpb24iOjEsImhyZWYiOiJodHRwczovL2l0dW5lcy5hcHBsZS 5jb20vdXMvYXBwL3gtcGxhbmUtY29udHJvbC1wYWQvaWQ5NjE4 MDEzODI_bXQ9OCIsImxpbmtfaWQiOjEyMDA3NDc1fQ/f3e61ee91214ac1cbae4e40ec526181521ab54264e14abc19f 1db0e750880a17) and Xavion (http://email.x-plane.com/e/c/eyJlbWFpbF9pZCI6Ik1UUTFOVG9XQTBNQ1pBQUNjd0FYQVJsVE dnRkpUMUlxeVJVOEdGYlZ0WGdCYlRveU9EZzRNeklBIiwicG9z aXRpb24iOjIsImhyZWYiOiJodHRwOi8veGF2aW9uLmNvbS8iLC JsaW5rX2lkIjoxMjAwNzQ3Nn0/af0c897ddd8d377a0c959ed14bb1b47f3d0540a8b7a42649c1 3b07e8dd792904) (the latter two from the creator of X-Plane), while some paid apps include ForeFlight (http://email.x-plane.com/e/c/eyJlbWFpbF9pZCI6Ik1UUTFOVG9XQTBNQ1pBQUNjd0FYQVJsVE dnRkpUMUlxeVJVOEdGYlZ0WGdCYlRveU9EZzRNeklBIiwicG9z aXRpb24iOjMsImhyZWYiOiJodHRwczovL3d3dy5mb3JlZmxpZ2 h0LmNvbS9wcm9kdWN0cy9mb3JlZmxpZ2h0LW1vYmlsZS8iLCJs aW5rX2lkIjoxMjAwNzQ3N30/845bf03734b7ab81f5266e78d1aaebc15da12ef5d3f2613d4a 529d36bb3350ad), FlyQ (http://email.x-plane.com/e/c/eyJlbWFpbF9pZCI6Ik1UUTFOVG9XQTBNQ1pBQUNjd0FYQVJsVE dnRkpUMUlxeVJVOEdGYlZ0WGdCYlRveU9EZzRNeklBIiwicG9z aXRpb24iOjQsImhyZWYiOiJodHRwOi8vd3d3LmFvcGEub3JnL0 ZsaWdodC1QbGFubmluZy9GbHlRIiwibGlua19pZCI6MTIwMDc0 Nzh9/3f66cf30343e1b3b098961b13ebedd4440cbef6f67440f9062 e169a79479f7d0), WingX Pro (http://email.x-plane.com/e/c/eyJlbWFpbF9pZCI6Ik1UUTFOVG9XQTBNQ1pBQUNjd0FYQVJsVE dnRkpUMUlxeVJVOEdGYlZ0WGdCYlRveU9EZzRNeklBIiwicG9z aXRpb24iOjUsImhyZWYiOiJodHRwOi8vd3d3LmhpbHRvbnNvZn R3YXJlLmNvbS8iLCJsaW5rX2lkIjoxMjAwNzQ3OX0/2415eb52a9b50e25b99fc0102acd86894da3bbd306c586e637 3c15e1de84bfdd), or Sky Demon (http://email.x-plane.com/e/c/eyJlbWFpbF9pZCI6Ik1UUTFOVG9XQTBNQ1pBQUNjd0FYQVJsVE dnRkpUMUlxeVJVOEdGYlZ0WGdCYlRveU9EZzRNeklBIiwicG9z aXRpb24iOjYsImhyZWYiOiJodHRwOi8vd3d3LnNreWRlbW9uLm Flcm8vIiwibGlua19pZCI6MTIwMDc0ODB9/8b3fa84d5e8e1c698c343409992f0f0b2f57909857ef7ea2eb d659d1459d13ea).

If you'd like to get started using one of the apps, here's how you set it up:

Download the app of your choice to your tablet or phone.
Start X-Plane and go to Settings -> Net Connections. On the iPhone/iPad tab, find the line for the app you downloaded and check the box.
Enter your phone or tablet's IP address in the white box that shows up to the left. The port number should already be filled in and should not be changed.
Start the app on your device.

If you're still having problems getting the app to communicate with X-Plane, try quitting & restarting the app again to refresh the connection.
Featured FreewareThe Mitsubishi A6M "Zero" (http://email.x-plane.com/e/c/eyJlbWFpbF9pZCI6Ik1UUTFOVG9XQTBNQ1pBQUNjd0FYQVJsVE dnRkpUMUlxeVJVOEdGYlZ0WGdCYlRveU9EZzRNeklBIiwicG9z aXRpb24iOjcsImhyZWYiOiJodHRwOi8vZm9ydW1zLngtcGxhbm Uub3JnL2luZGV4LnBocD9hcHA9ZG93bmxvYWRzJnNob3dmaWxl PTI3NzQ4IiwibGlua19pZCI6MTIwMDc0ODF9/d9371a8990fb65a9a3f16ead0aa3424d8cab3d16b5bb36fd5c f1848a1890052d) is a long-range fighter aircraft that was operated by the Imperial Japanese Navy from 1940 to 1945. It was first introduced at the beginning of World War 2, and over the years it combined maneuverability, range, and a high kill ratio (12:1) to gain a legendary dogfighter reputation. While the Zero lost its edge over the course of the war, it never stopped serving on the front lines and is also known for its use in kamikaze operations at the end of the war.
Mr. 3D has carefully crafted a high quality model of the Zero that you can snag for free here on X-Plane.org (http://email.x-plane.com/e/c/eyJlbWFpbF9pZCI6Ik1UUTFOVG9XQTBNQ1pBQUNjd0FYQVJsVE dnRkpUMUlxeVJVOEdGYlZ0WGdCYlRveU9EZzRNeklBIiwicG9z aXRpb24iOjgsImhyZWYiOiJodHRwOi8vZm9ydW1zLngtcGxhbm Uub3JnL2luZGV4LnBocD9hcHA9ZG93bmxvYWRzJnNob3dmaWxl PTI3NzQ4IiwibGlua19pZCI6MTIwMDc0ODF9/69f69ff9649571d904313d672285182891593554ab8a2ea46a 06aed6ad1532f5). It features a full 3D cockpit, complete custom sounds, the Nakajima Sakae engine plugin, and Japanese-style panel, radios, and comms. Take your dogfights to the next level with this high quality Zero!
https://ci6.googleusercontent.com/proxy/a3tjI3AzADjFxh_o7XoGspJkJROz4slKurdwGuMZDkX6D5Qr4u LOMHxPeD4c7-go5bcPYkRR2S3ciW7Co_Rz_1ek7PFHlR4hPQZp82VRctz_q-W7RrtaoRTQPut9YguCZA=s0-d-e1-ft#http://www.x-plane.com/wp-content/uploads/2016/02/freeware_zero_cockpit.png (http://email.x-plane.com/e/c/eyJlbWFpbF9pZCI6Ik1UUTFOVG9XQTBNQ1pBQUNjd0FYQVJsVE dnRkpUMUlxeVJVOEdGYlZ0WGdCYlRveU9EZzRNeklBIiwicG9z aXRpb24iOjksImhyZWYiOiJodHRwOi8vZm9ydW1zLngtcGxhbm Uub3JnL2luZGV4LnBocD9hcHA9ZG93bmxvYWRzJnNob3dmaWxl PTI3NzQ4IiwibGlua19pZCI6MTIwMDc0ODF9/45ab3e97c05a55a5ba8be7a62acb55f5e4055141e072fca62d ae6fb0d0a521ae)

Happy flying!
-- The X-Plane Team