View Full Version : Just wanted to say thanks

March 29th, 2015, 14:42
Relatively new member here and out of lurk/download mode just to express my appreciation to the admins and contributors who make this terrific site possible. I'm
overwhelmed by the selfless generosity and tireless efforts of numerous members here, who have brought us some truly fine gems that I've been enjoying immensely from the
library. To think that such amazing work as the C47, Ryan Navion B and L39 (to name but a few) are offered as freeware, takes me back to the days where people expended effort for the sheer love
and benefit of this hobby and not just the almighty buck. I've been out of flight sims for a few years and only recently getting reacquainted.

I've made a small contribution here and also at aussiex.org who similarly appear to embrace the same values that this site operates under. The donationware T28A I got from there, despite having
a face only a mother could love, has charmed me beyond all expectations. Truly outstanding.

The Majestic Dash 8 Q499 was recently bought for me as a gift and it is a brilliant piece of work, to be certain. Also expensive. I really don't know why I seem to fly the T28, Ryan, C47 and L39 more.

Anyway, this is my heartfelt thanks for this site and sincere wish that it continues in this manner long into the future.

March 29th, 2015, 15:10
Hi fuzz1,

On behalf of all the developers, repainters and staff here at the SOH, we thank you for your post


March 29th, 2015, 19:09
It's all fun.
Some get it flying...others get it painting [and flying]...;)

Navy Chief
March 30th, 2015, 04:12
Welcome, Fuzz1:encouragement: If you haven't already, check out all of Dino Cattaneo's creations. They are freeware, and beyond amazing! NC

March 30th, 2015, 07:38
Thanks chief, already have all of Dino's. They are indeed spectacular.
Interesting how art can take many forms.

March 30th, 2015, 08:08
Hey fuzz1! You've said what most of us feel but just don't say it often enough. Thanks, and let me add my welcome. Sounds like you've already gotten well acquainted with the library. Lots of good stuff there. Enjoy!