View Full Version : War Thunder

March 8th, 2015, 15:44
My oldest son and his friends have been playing this lately on thier PCs and I thought I'd share the link for PC and a video of the sim. It's Free. Any of you tried it? I am afraid these sims require reflexes I no longer possess.

http://warthunder.com/us/registration?r=SEM_AW1946291420_KW000654188&gclid=CjwKEAiAg_CnBRDc1N_wuoCiwyESJABpBuMXpocNIxoM pklDk9qH3d7zxrIZSgTtcT5-etb5yTq9kxoC3hDw_wcB

A video sampling: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Vq8dp3PQ22I
