View Full Version : Carrier Pattern

August 1st, 2013, 12:24
Does anyone know what the standard airtrafic controll pattern was for WWII US carriers?

August 1st, 2013, 12:31
IIRC, the standard pattern was counter-clockwise. That is the final approaches, before the turn, were made down the port side. The ATC/Airboss and Squadron observers perch was on that side of the island.
Look here :http://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/File:US_Navy_aircraft_carrier_landing_in_WWII_diag ram.jpg

While looking came across this site that might interest some; http://www.history.navy.mil/nan/backissues/1940s/1940smain/1940smain.htm

Also found this that might titilate you; https://docs.google.com/file/d/0B_c6FlIgz3gLbWRIcFQ1dDV0SzA/edit?usp=drive_web&pli=1

Shadow Wolf 07
August 1st, 2013, 12:53
Recommend you download and read the VF15 Carrier ops zip here at the outhouse... http://www.sim-outhouse.com/sohforums/local_links.php?action=jump&catid=49&id=6205 It will give you the altitudes distances and everything you need to know about WW2 carrier landing (USN).