View Full Version : 5.7 earthquake in norcal 5-23-13

May 24th, 2013, 10:33
was an earthquake last night between 8:30 and 9pm near Greenville ,which is west of Susanville,south Chester,there was /is an airtanker base at Chester,Lake Alminor lays in between Chester and Greenville....the EQ was felt as far south as Stockton ,not sure how far north,my 5th wheel rocked n rolled pretty good here in auburn..Haley looked at me as if to ask.."Dad?..what hell was that?""


May 24th, 2013, 12:16
Felt it in the Redding area. USGS has over 9000 responses.

County break down.

May 26th, 2013, 12:56
The strange part is that most of the eq's are '0 feet' in depth. But, the initial shakers were 100's of miles deep. Odd. And there have been dozens of smaller quakes around the same area for last few days. That area has cold springs so it must of been volcanic in the past. It's full moon so that could be pulling the lava underneath. But the depth variation is very strange. New ('baby') volcano being 'born'?
Chuck B