View Full Version : FSX-Decompiler_v1.2

May 6th, 2013, 20:47
When I use the utility to decompile I get a window that says settings property "Output" not found. I continue select file, select output path ( in this case FSX Decompiler folder) decompile, decompiling done, click OK. Now, when I click exit, I get the same error window, continue or quit. I quit and I get FSX decompiler quit working (ctd). Why? What do I need to correct? Other then that it decompiles the three files, aircraft,airport,flightplan just fine. I just keep the FSX Decompiler folder in my documents folder. <!-- BEGIN TEMPLATE: ad_showthread_firstpost_sig --> Anyone know where I can get further Q&A on the FSX-Decompiler_v1.2 utility? <!-- END TEMPLATE: ad_showthread_firstpost_sig -->
Mike G.

May 6th, 2013, 23:43
Maybe this is a UAC (user access control) thing? Are you working with Win7?


May 7th, 2013, 06:32
Still could not find anything on the FSX-Decompiler but did find this utility which is very much the same and works without any issues. In fact much better. AIFPC. Found it through my MSN Browser (BING).
Mike G.