View Full Version : S-61 and S-64,photo shoot

April 28th, 2013, 07:36
i have no photos, but i am listening to three pilots voices,Bill,Doug,and im not sure of the third..they are having fun.but also being very serious about what they are doing.at first it was just air to air,with the third man telling Bill and Doug where to position the helicopters for each photo,the S-64 was the focal point of the photos to begin,with the S-61 posing behind,then beside,then under and to the port side,they were teasing eachother about rotorwash and whos was more "lethal" ,right now both helicopters are dipping out of a river..then forming up (posing) for the photos of simultaneous drops....ok third guys name is Roger....thought they were just saying "roger" as in roger i copy.lol

and theyre done..going to photos on the ground of the intierier of the cockpits and the cargo area of the S-61...was fun to listen too...i love my scanner..

BTW..the photo ship is a helicopter..but its not been ID'd over the radio