View Full Version : dp crash

January 2nd, 2009, 01:30
Happy New year to all !

I experienced a strange crash, after having modified a dp file, using DPED. The plane is the Hudson, which I downloaded from Simviation. I made several minor modifications, and deleted the cdp file. Then I ran the sim, and went to Freeflight, using an other aircraft, not even the Hudson.
And the sim did not want to start. No CTD, just a frozen loading screen. I crashed the sim manually and tried with other aircrafts : same thing.
I had to remove the Hudson to make the sim to work properly again.
And with the Hudson back, but using the original dp, the Hudson works well !:isadizzy:
I do not know if somebody experienced this kind of issue before. I have to admit that it is above my skills. It's not critical, but I would like to uderstand ...
And maybe this thread can help someone else.