View Full Version : Super G Low Pass

February 5th, 2012, 12:08
This made me feel tingly all over.:icon_lol:


February 5th, 2012, 12:12
It obviously had a similar effect on the camera operator, understandably. That was cool!

February 6th, 2012, 05:33
Boy, does THAT ever conjure up a memory! When I was a kid, no more than five years old and probably a bit younger, I distinctly remember a Connie flying just about that low over our neighbourhood on Anneke Road in Scarborough, Ontario. I know it was a Constellation from its long wings, four engines and the triple tail. I'm not sure of the time of year it happened but I do remember their being now snow on the ground or leaves on the trees, so it was either late fall or early spring (I think spring). It's my earliest recollection of ever seeing an airplane in flight. It was big, loud, and I'll never forget that triple tail!
