View Full Version : Air to air missile

November 15th, 2011, 12:09
CFS2 cannot fire missile. This issue has been already discussed many times here.
I wonder if we could bring a solution, not by working on the rocket/missile, but on the target.
Maybe this has been already proposed here. But, just in case ...

We can modify the dp file of a jet by adding a huge cone attached to its' tail. The size of the cone would simulate what can see an IR missile after launch, and what it could lock on. It could have 1 or 2 kilometers long and 200 m large. For example from : KW MIG-15s AI :

Then attach a part to these boxes/cones. For example, the engine, or the tail rear structure. If the player fires a missile (simulated by a rocket - simple balistic trajectory), and can hit the cone, the attacked aircraft is shot down.

Up to this point I have made some trials and it works. But the rocket simply explodes when it hit the cone, and rather far away from the tail of the Mig. Not very much enjoying. Note that And the airfile is not affected by anyway.

Now, I wonder if we can simulate the final (fatal) trajectory of the missile by adding some strong effects like smoke and flames between the hitting point and the tail of the Mig. The effects could be link to the aircraft or to the missile (?) But I do not have enough skill for that. Feel free to pursue ...
The location of the cone could be worked further. It may be started 300 or 500 m after the tail, in order to simulate teh loss of efficiency of a missile shot at short range, and in order to avoid to hit the cone by gun fire.

I apologize if this idea has already been proposed by somebody else.