View Full Version : Gmax ?

March 6th, 2011, 10:02
I have been useing Gmax for sometime now and run into a problem every now and then. My problem is that I have lost my right mouse button clicking in the view ports and have no idea of how to fox it. please help as I am in the middle of a project and this is prventing me from doing any work.:banghead:


March 6th, 2011, 11:03
Do you mean you can't get at the quad menus?

Select an object. Keep the mouse pointer over it and right-click. If the quad menu does not come up then I can only think a gmax reinstall is needed.

If the quad menu does come up then try a right-click elsewhere in the viewport. If the quad menu doesn't come up now, then go to Customize/Preferences and select the Viewport tab. Make sure in the Mouse Control section that Right Click Menu Over Selected Only is not checked.


March 6th, 2011, 12:52
Thank you, looks like a reinstall is needed.
