View Full Version : out of action for long while

Cirrus N210MS
February 19th, 2011, 02:21
i got shot threw my hand with 9mm pistol yesterday it broke my fringers bad on my left hand so my middlle finger is broken and right one to middle aswell my knockle is shattered the bullet was a threw and threw

i was loading my pistol and it slam fired on me

where i was in las vegas at my uncles very high crime area i was geting my gun ready ended up geting shot by my own gun

will have to go back to las vegas in ten days for checkup the doc is not sure whats goin g to happen with my fingers yet there was no mucle dammage only real damage was to the knockle

my left hand is in cast so i cant fly untell it heals

and still after ill have night mares of the gun going off waking up scared and having trouble sleeping

on heavy pain killers

good luck on your p61 project guys cant help much anymore at this time

ill try to keep you guys update:salute:

February 19th, 2011, 03:11
Ouch! I hope you will be able to make a full recovery. I'll bite my tongue and hold off on the rules of safe gun handling lecture, but I'm a former IPSC range officer and my blood is boiling.:banghead:

February 19th, 2011, 04:30
How did you manage to get your finger(s) in front of the business end?

February 19th, 2011, 04:33
Ow! Capital OW!

Excrement happens!

Hope you have a complete recovery Cirrus, no wishing a speedy one, that's going to take some time. You take care of yourself kid.


February 19th, 2011, 04:48
Hey Cirrus,

Sorry to hear about this.

Do yourself a favour though and speak to your doc about putting you on some sort of nutritional supplement. Also try to get yourself into physical rehabilitation as soon as possible.

The longer you leave it, the longer the recovery will take and the less usage you will recover.

Edit: One more thing... I'm not a doctor but you mentioned your hand was in a cast. Just watch the cast. If it's on too tight it can restrict blood supply which can lead to other problems.


Cirrus N210MS
February 19th, 2011, 05:38
the thing recoiled when it went off got me

February 19th, 2011, 05:49
My heartfelt sympathies, Cirrus. I hope you heal up quickly and completely.


February 19th, 2011, 07:12
Cirrus, I'm sorry to hear of this and I hope you have a full recovery. Don't be concerned with the project. We're not in any hurry.

I'm betting you've gained a bit more respect for your...toy.

Get well quick!!

February 19th, 2011, 10:14
I am very sorry to hear of this..
I do hope you shall heal completely.. And I shall hold you in my Prayers..
May Our Lord, care for you during the healing process..

February 19th, 2011, 10:15
Best wishes on a complete recovery.

What brand and model was it?

February 19th, 2011, 10:50
Cirrus, very sorry to hear of your accident. Best wishes for a complete recovery.

February 19th, 2011, 10:56
Ouch, that smarts. I know this won't make the situation better, but you could have taken the bullet in a much worse place. I hope you recover fully.

February 19th, 2011, 11:13

Sorry to hear about your hand. I hope your recovery is swift and complete, and that you are able to get back into the game soon!

Cirrus N210MS
February 19th, 2011, 15:08
it was a cz-82 9x18

http://www.sim-outhouse.com/sohforums/image/jpg;base64,/9j/4AAQSkZJRgABAQAAAQABAAD/2wCEAAkGBhMQERQUEhQVExUVGBUSGRUUGBgVFhcYFBIXFBMVEh waGyYeFxwjGxoaIi8gIycpLCwsFR4xNTAqNSYrLCkBCQoKDgwN FA8PFCkcFBgpKSkpKSkpKSkpKTUpKSkpKSkpKSkpKSkpKSk1KS kpKSkpKSkpKSkpKSkpKSkpKSkpKf/AABEIAM0A9QMBIgACEQEDEQH/xAAcAAEAAQUBAQAAAAAAAAAAAAAABwIDBAUGAQj/xABMEAABAwEEBQkCCwYEBAcAAAABAAIRAwQSITEFBkFRYQcTIj JScYGRobHSFBZCU2KCkpPB0fAVIzNy4fEXY6LCNENUoyREc4Oy s+L/xAAWAQEBAQAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAQL/xAAWEQEBAQAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAEQH/2gAMAwEAAhEDEQA/AJxREQEREBERAREQEREBERAREQEREBERAREQEREBERAREQEREB ERAREQEREBEXLawcotlsed+tn/AAG84BGd4jBvig6lFyeqXKbYtJXhScab2nqVYaXDtU8SHCcMMe GS6atbGMa5xcIaJOOxBj6V03RsrQ6u8MBN0SCSTE4AAlcZrzrh SrWQts1Ukl7WuLb7CAOlGIBxIHkVx+vetTrRXEOgNBhoOQJgTx wnxC5O025z23TUc0TPRddk8UElcnOsHM85z1Rxp3S4lxc+7dxv AYnLd+C7H/ECw/Pf9ur7igTR2kKlCblapBBaQ5wcCCIIghXhpR3a9VUTt8f7D89/26vuKv49WKJ54bouVL3i27IHGFAx0u7tAeK9GmHdseYUVO/x7sXzp+7q+4nx6sXzp+7q+4oLGl3dseYVQ0s7tjzQTmNeLH86f 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wfYoPn+GH/lOPfU/JiyLLSxlrQwwRJc92BEHDDYvoJnI9Y9oPhI9rir7eSSwdh/2iqI40Do995j+ca9mBBY04lpxBl0gzmMwpt0RpLn6d6IcMCN27 0Ws0bqDYrOCKdIgOIJBqVXAkCJgvifBbqyWGnSEU2Bg4DPv3oL 6IigIiICIiAiIgIiICIiAiIgIiICIiAiIgIiICIiAiIgIiICIi AiIgIiICIiAiIgIiICIiAiIgIiICIiAiIgIiIP/2Q==

las vegas csi have it right now

Cirrus N210MS
February 19th, 2011, 15:12
my hand

February 19th, 2011, 15:35
Hey Cirrus,

The way I read it I thought your knuckle had been shot out entirely... Good to see everything is still there for the most part.

Is it common practice for the CSI's to take a weapon after an accidental discharge?


Cirrus N210MS
February 19th, 2011, 19:48
they took the gun to find out why it did what made it do it

February 19th, 2011, 22:22

Sorry to hear of your injury...but glad it was not worse than it is....could have been a lot worse. The number of times I heard about people shooting themselves in the face or head while CLEANING a loaded gun....I'll just say that some people don't have the brains God gave a goose. Not that this applies in your case....accidental discharges happen.

I was talking to my older brother today and he told me that he found his .380 APC pistol that he had put into his drawer over 3 years ago and forgot about. The last time he had it out shooting at the gun range near Camp Adderberry (old US Army camp in Indiana), he popped the empty clip, loaded the clip with 7 more rounds, snapped the clip in, pulled the slide back and let it spring forward. The gun went off and fired all 7 rounds in less than a second. He took the gun to a gun smith to see what made the gun do what it did....the firing pin had broken in such a way that when the slide was all the way forward, the pin hit the primer in the rounds....without having to have the hammer strike the pin.

Sometimes something as simple as a broken firing pin can cause a fire arm to discharge. Like I said, your accident could have been a lot lot worse.

I hope you have a full and speedy recovery.


February 20th, 2011, 03:28

Sorry to hear of your injury...but glad it was not worse than it is....could have been a lot worse. The number of times I heard about people shooting themselves in the face or head while CLEANING a loaded gun....I'll just say that some people don't have the brains God gave a goose. Not that this applies in your case....accidental discharges happen.

I was talking to my older brother today and he told me that he found his .380 APC pistol that he had put into his drawer over 3 years ago and forgot about. The last time he had it out shooting at the gun range near Camp Adderberry (old US Army camp in Indiana), he popped the empty clip, loaded the clip with 7 more rounds, snapped the clip in, pulled the slide back and let it spring forward. The gun went off and fired all 7 rounds in less than a second. He took the gun to a gun smith to see what made the gun do what it did....the firing pin had broken in such a way that when the slide was all the way forward, the pin hit the primer in the rounds....without having to have the hammer strike the pin.

Sometimes something as simple as a broken firing pin can cause a fire arm to discharge. Like I said, your accident could have been a lot lot worse.

I hope you have a full and speedy recovery.


And that is why you never, ever have a gun pointed at something you are not willing to shoot. Even when loading and unloading, the muzzle must always be pointed in a safe direction.

February 20th, 2011, 07:35
And that is why you never, ever have a gun pointed at something you are not willing to shoot. Even when loading and unloading, the muzzle must always be pointed in a safe direction.

Having the muzzle even unintentionally pointed at anything other than downrange is reason enough for instructors to punch cadets in the army.

Can't blame 'em.