View Full Version : Two Quick Questions

September 24th, 2010, 08:52
In Multiplayer:

1. Can the weather be changed in session? Say from VMC to IMC conditions?

2. Does changing your transponder code show up on the ATC side of things? For example, does squawking VFR (1200) then squawking 0215 show a difference?

Many thanks, regards, diego

September 24th, 2010, 08:56
Are you referring to gamespy?

If so, you can't change the weather. (Yet another reason why gamespy totally sucks)

Don't know about the xpndr.

I still use FSHost the most for my multiplayer flights. Hoplists, ability to change planes, locations, weather, time, whatever you want, and fewer connection errors make it far superior to gamespy.