View Full Version : Hackers Target Power Plants and Physical Systems

August 5th, 2010, 04:52
It's just a matter of time >> http://www.dailytech.com/Hackers+Target+Power+Plants+and+Physical+Systems/article19257.htm

August 5th, 2010, 05:11
You knew it had to be coming ... it was as you said only a matter of time.

Only because the "free thinkers" in this country have already put together a list of things that "people with intent" could use to cause harm and detriment.

If these "Free Thinkers" would learn to keep their mouths shut ... maybe the general populous that makes up the "people with intent" would have spent another 25 years thinking of this for themselves.


August 5th, 2010, 06:24
This subject has come up before; the only question is whether anything has been done since that time. I remember reading about the same threat around the time of Y2K.


August 5th, 2010, 07:09
...yet Bruce Willis will come to save the day.

August 5th, 2010, 12:23
...yet Bruce Willis will come to save the day.

August 5th, 2010, 13:14
I used to work for a rather large Water & Sewerage Company, one of my many hats was to head up the DHS mandated Vulnerability Assessment of our system. I conducted a complete system analysis and submitted my 245 page report on the system, in which I recommended securing access to our water storage and supply facilities, to my General Manager and the DHS. My managers response to my report was to tell me that his system was not that insecure and that I could pick up my final paycheck in a week.

The people in charge don't want to admit that there is a security risk, they just want to keep drawing those checks for basically doing nothing, except promoting the yes men and getting rid of anyone that raises concerns.


August 5th, 2010, 21:26
"The more they overtake the plumbing, the easier it is to stop up the drain" - Scotty (ST3)

A shame you think that Snuffy. Me thinks you underestimate hackers, obviously someone screwed up else you would've never known they were in there tampering.