View Full Version : Sometimes its Who you know, not Who you are.....

June 12th, 2010, 08:10
I loved this.....

I read about a CEO of a Fortune-500 company who pulled into a service station to get gas, and he went inside to pay. When he came out, he noticed that his wife was totally engaged in a deep discussion with the service station attendant. He was kind of interested in what this discussion was all about, and it turned out that she knew him. In fact, she used to date him while they were in high school, and she almost married the man. Instead, she married her present husband. The CEO got back into the car, and the two drove for a while in silence. He was feeling pretty good about himself when he finally spoke, "I bet I know what you are thinking! I bet you are thinking that you are really glad you married me, a Fortune-500 CEO, and not him, a service station manager." She replied, "No, I was thinking that if I had married him, he would be a Fortune-500 CEO, and you would be a service station manager."

Sometimes its 'who' you know and not 'who you are' that can define your life. There is a famous saying, behind every successful man is a woman pushing him there.

June 12th, 2010, 08:26

June 12th, 2010, 08:34
Hey All,

There is a famous saying, behind every successful man is a woman pushing him there

"And behind her is his wife" is the way I heard it. Probably more accurate in today's world.


June 12th, 2010, 09:07
Chick joke. . . definetly a chick joke !


June 12th, 2010, 13:55
There is a famous saying, behind every successful man is a woman pushing him there.

If she wanted to make my career choices, I'd break up with her.