View Full Version : Oops – If you’ve downloaded "Slot Machine"

Ali Cat
May 21st, 2010, 12:35
I neglected to mention that I recommend that this mission be played with an add-on to make the troopships not turn north. This is not mandatory but it makes the Avengers stayed together during their torpedo run and hence easier to defend.

I just re-uploaded a new zip file which has a note to this effect in the ReadMe. No changes have been made to the mission files.

Sorry for the oversight.
Ali Cat

May 21st, 2010, 12:55
Thanks Alicat.

Updated DP files for the cargo ships that have at least one gun on board and way points that specify "Do Not Evade" will help keep the ships in convoy.

I think that there is an updated DP file by AF Midway in the archives that has 'em for all the stock ships as well as many of Usio's tonnage.

I've attached Nibbio's tutorial and updated DP files for the stock merchant ships.

Ali Cat
May 21st, 2010, 20:14
I had forgotten exactly what download I made to try and fix the noncombatant ship turning north bug/thingy, but you hit it – it was Nibbio’s. Also, it wasn’t until a few days later (with the troopships still turning north) that it occurred to me to try "Do Not Evade".

Good of you to spell this one out.
Ali Cat