View Full Version : File help

March 13th, 2010, 09:21
I am trying to add/change some FSX files. Like installing the acceleration no pitch up when the air break is applied and edditing the FSX saved file to use the weapons pack.This was simple in windows xp,but now usring windows 7. When I try to edit with note pad I get this >>>

 C    GLOB VfD P E pA @@ @ L}D pA    KAXS P E ]pA @@eߡ@L}DL}D    KCDS P E pA @@ס@L}DL}D    KCHK ]dfB P E pA @@­@L}DL}D    KDUC P E ; qA @@@L}DL}D    KFDR P E <pA @@@L}DL}D    KFSI P E bpA @@@L}DL}D    KHBR B P E LpA @@@L}DL}D    KLAW P E pA @@@L}DL}D    KLTS P E ]pA @@eߡ@L}DL}D    KSPS P E 8qA @@@L}DL}D    KABI P E ApA @@o@L}DL}D    KBMQ P E tpA @@@L}DL}D    KBWD P E 5pA @@ӡ@L}DL}D    KDYS P E pA @@١@L}DL}D    KGRK P E pA @@'ȡ@L}DL}D    KGTU P E pA @@M@L}DL}D    KHLR P E pA @@v@L}DL}D    KILE P E |pA @@@L}DL}D    KMWL P E pA @@@L}DL}D    KSEP P E 
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Is there a way to do it like in xp ? Thanks

March 13th, 2010, 09:25
What file is that?

March 13th, 2010, 10:49
I simplified my request for help.

Hi all, I am trying to edit a file in FSX.The problem is I need to open it with notepad,but when I do I get this>>>>>

WW P E pA @@4@L}DL}D    KADH P E :pA @@I@L}DL}D    KADM P E CpA @@i:@L}DL}D    KDEQ P E pA @@@@L}DL}D    KDUA P E pA @@@L}DL}D    KF30 P E wpA @@f@L}DL}D    KMLC P E pA @@@L}DL}D    KOUN P E fpA @@)@L}DL}D    KTIK P E pA @@tG@L}DL}D   

I am useing windows 7 now,I use to have xp and it would look like this>>>>>

ObjectSet.0=**********, ^^^^^^^^^^^^

Any ideas whats wrong.<!-- google_ad_section_end --> <!-- / message -->

March 13th, 2010, 10:50
What file is that?

Its the saved file in my documents for FSX. Thanks for the reply.

March 13th, 2010, 11:36
Looks like you're trying to edit the wrong file. If it's a save flight file, it should have the extension .FLT

March 13th, 2010, 11:43
lol, ok. . .I know I'm old and all, but that doesn't tell me anything really. The only files I have in "My Documents" related to FSX are those contained in the folder Flight Simulator X files, which are all saved flights with a "pln" file for the flight plan, a "WX" file for the related weather for that flight, an applications file for that flight and the "saved flight" file.

Nothing else. So when you say it's the "saved file", unless you've got another file folder with FSX related files stored in it. . .you can see why it means nothing to me. Just trying to figure out what it is you're trying to open so I can assist.

March 13th, 2010, 12:33
Sorry not to be confusing.The readme says>

3, this is the hard part of the weapons installation! You need to create a saved flight with an aircraft that you wish to drop weapons from, when you have done this you will need to add two lines to the saved flight, these are located in the folder "\My Documents\Flight Simulator X Files", open the saved flight using notepad, the name should just be something like "flight", do not try to open any of the other files, such as the flight.wx, flight.fssave. You will need to add these two lines to the saved flight;
ObjectSet.0=**********, ^^^^^^^^^^^^

I made a mistake,I opened the WX file.I am pretty sure I got the right file now. But I do think my problem lies in the administrative part letting me. I keep getting a window that sats I don;t have permision.