View Full Version : My Health, My Disappointments

August 27th, 2009, 10:28
Monday I seen my primary care Doctor, She made me wait till the office was cleared and she aged 10 years in the 20 minutes I was there.
On Wed, I seen my heart Doctor, and he had 3 other Dr's in the office when I went it so I could not win a fight if it happened, lol.
Well I am healing better than expected, I do tire quick but am getting better every day. It seems like I have 2-3 good days than like today I am real tired and lazy, maybe its the weather.
Since I am talking to everyone, let me say I am disappointed in all the fights going on at SOH, and than the staff gets the blame for them. The staff forum is full of "What in the hell is going on" threads. Hey if you want to trash other developers, take it to your own forums not here, I for one am sick of hearing this crap. If I have to ban all who is doing the trashing I will do so. Keeping the peace at SOH is what I am good at. I may be down, but I still have the desire to to keep the lights on here at SOH.

August 27th, 2009, 10:49

I'm thrilled to hear your health is improving. :ernae: Hopefully the hostility will blow over.

August 27th, 2009, 10:49
YES SIR! How ya doin' Ickie? I never see that stuff, but I am usually looking for info and answers. Glad things are going well, blame the weather, that's what I do.

August 27th, 2009, 11:14
Well lets hope we can do a better job of policing ourselves.

More importantly... do as the doctors order. I'm on to you Ickie... I know your type.

My Dad was a load for any doctor,nurse, or anyone at dialysis. He was um... spirited.

He just passed yesterday from heart complications.

I have a lot of respect for his docs. They wanted the best for him and he did not always want to be cooperative.

Take care of your health Ickie... which then makes sure that SOH is in good health. You have a job to do here so we need you around a long time.

Failing cooperation with said doctors... we may all need to make a visit to Florida pay you a visit.:icon_lol:

August 27th, 2009, 11:35
Glad you're back Ickie. Keep yourself healthy. Relax and pace yourself man. Heal...

:guinness: <--- you might want to put that in the fridge first, its warm.... :kilroy:


August 27th, 2009, 12:49
Don't let the ruckus get you upset Ickie. I figure it is the dog days of summer. soon we will have football to talk about and everybody will be happy.

You take care of yourself.

August 27th, 2009, 12:51
Don't let the ruckus get you upset Ickie. I figure it is the dog days of summer. soon we will have football to talk about and everybody will be happy.

You take care of yourself.
yup and Ole Miss have a good team:running:

August 27th, 2009, 12:52
yup and Ole Miss have a good team:running:

Dreamer! ;-)

August 27th, 2009, 14:01
Crashaz, sorry to hear about the loss of your dad. It's always hardest for a man to lose his father. Let's hope he's in a more interesting place !

August 27th, 2009, 14:35
Monday I seen my primary care Doctor, She made me wait till the office was cleared and she aged 10 years in the 20 minutes I was there.
On Wed, I seen my heart Doctor, and he had 3 other Dr's in the office when I went it so I could not win a fight if it happened, lol.
Well I am healing better than expected, I do tire quick but am getting better every day. It seems like I have 2-3 good days than like today I am real tired and lazy, maybe its the weather.
Since I am talking to everyone, let me say I am disappointed in all the fights going on at SOH, and than the staff gets the blame for them. The staff forum is full of "What in the hell is going on" threads. Hey if you want to trash other developers, take it to your own forums not here, I for one am sick of hearing this crap. If I have to ban all who is doing the trashing I will do so. Keeping the peace at SOH is what I am good at. I may be down, but I still have the desire to to keep the lights on here at SOH.

SOH is a family environment type of Forum, I love it here, I even trust my daughter to frequent here most of the time. Majority of our members are very well mannered.

Heal Quick Ickie. Rest well, and be rejuvinated the next day!


August 27th, 2009, 14:43
... Since I am talking to everyone, let me say I am disappointed in all the fights going on at SOH, and than the staff gets the blame for them. The staff forum is full of "What in the hell is going on" threads. Hey if you want to trash other developers, take it to your own forums not here, I for one am sick of hearing this crap. If I have to ban all who is doing the trashing I will do so. Keeping the peace at SOH is what I am good at. I may be down, but I still have the desire to to keep the lights on here at SOH.

Mebbe its a good thing I posted this then ...


August 27th, 2009, 16:10
Ickie, Take care of your self first and listen to the Doc's that is Rule #1.

As for the forum I guess I missed most of the trash talk you are speaking about, but then again I am one of those people who tends to ignore that kind of stuff. I do wish people would pay more attention to the little line at the top "Let Being Helpful Be More Important Than Being Right!" That is a great motto, umm maybe it would look good on a few signatures... me thinks I might steel that for my SOH sig.

Take Care Ickie, listen to the Doc's and DON'T get stressed about the jabs here on the forum - this to shall pass.

August 27th, 2009, 18:08
Okay, I must have been away from here too much this week... I missed all the bickering??????

August 28th, 2009, 09:00
Witt, I'm not sure what Ickie is referring to. I thought things were staying pretty civil here. The Ted Kennedy death thread ran its course without anybody being cruel or vulgar. Maybe some bad language or rude comments? I've noticed the admins have been very efficient at editing such things and warning the authors. As long as we show respect to one another at all times and exercise some self-control with our comments, we can cover a lot of topics. :)

August 28th, 2009, 09:42
meh, sometimes in the closest of families, there are fights. that's how it goes. then dad comes in, growls a little, and things settle down.
when everyone's breathing returns to normal, the love is still there.
it's not so different here, really.

August 28th, 2009, 09:46
Keep up the good stuff, Ickie. Hope you feel better and better as time goes by.


August 28th, 2009, 10:29
meh, sometimes in the closest of families, there are fights. that's how it goes. then dad comes in, growls a little, and things settle down.
when everyone's breathing returns to normal, the love is still there.
it's not so different here, really.
thats about it
good summation

August 28th, 2009, 13:37

Sorry to hear about your father. No matter how prepared we think we are for the loss, it still seems an immense shock, it certainly did in my own case. My prayers are with you and your family. Take care.


Take no prisoners!


August 28th, 2009, 18:59
Thanks for all your prayers. Dad got a final flight home... made a promise I would get him back to Arizona.

Ickie... you be good now!:173go1:

August 29th, 2009, 05:03
At all costs, I skip the bickering, it's a small pin in a big haystack. Keep the faith Ickie, get a little more outside exercise when your health permits.

Football, let's not talk football. Perennial favorites here, Gretna High School was upset last night by Liberty Christian of Lynchburg. Folks, that's just about the same as when Appy State went up and smacked the Wolverines, it just ain't supposed to happen!


August 29th, 2009, 06:06
Ickie, it will be quite a while before you feel normal again. The healing process takes a long time and it may be a year or more before you stop having those lazy and tired days. Follow your doctor's advice and take care of yourself.

As for the bickering, I try to keep quiet, but sometimes I find myself drawn into something about which I have strong feelings. I do keep my posts civil and I do my best to not call out someone and certainly not attempt to defame them or to use foul language. Well... except for the occasional use of the phrase "day-umn" when someone posts a great screen or new software, etc.

August 29th, 2009, 06:36

You've got to watch the stress. It is toxic. Do what you have to do, and listen to the doctors. I personally had to stop watching ANY cable news channels after 8PM. That's right. ANY of them. My blood pressure, which was out of control, went right back to 120/80. I'm not a zen master, but I am a much less volitile person.


September 5th, 2009, 06:42
Glad you are doing better!:jump:

September 5th, 2009, 18:53
yup and Ole Miss have a good team:running:

Go Gators!!!!!!