View Full Version : Naval Questions part 35

June 21st, 2009, 13:34
Remember, these questions were composed between 1940 and 1945.


341 What is the principal of Asdic?

342 Whence is the name derived?

343 Who wrote, and of whom: "Who knows not that the whole kingdom has use for you; and that there is a necessity to nourish you"?

344 If you were requested to "button your flap" in a HM ship, what would you do?

345 In a merchant vessel, which officer is responsible for supervising the loading of the ship?

346 What does the Black Book of the Admiralty contain?

347 What was the old word for convoy?

348 What was a voyage de consort ?

349 What is the "watch below"?

350 What is a seaman said to be able to do when he has been seven times around the Horn?

Answers next Sunday.

regards Collin:ernae:

June 22nd, 2009, 02:11
341. Sound propogation for use in detecting objects underwater.
342. Anti-Submarine Detection Investigation Committee
346. Contains English admiralty law including important decisions made by the High court of the Admiralty

June 23rd, 2009, 16:14
344 shut your mouth - be quiet!

346 The Black Book of the Admiralty is a compilation of English admiralty law created over the course of several English monarchs' reigns, including the most important decisions of the High Court of Admiralty.

toughies this week!:running:

June 28th, 2009, 15:03

341 Locating submerged submarines by sound echo.

342 From the initials of the Anti-Submarine Detection Investigation Committee, which invented it.

343 Sir William Monson, of the Elizabethan seamen.

344 Shut up (if you were wise).

345 The Chief Officer.

346 The ancient statutes of maritime law.

347 Waft.

348 A voyage on which a number of merchant ships agreed to sail in company for mutual protection during the middle ages.

349 A seaman's time "off watch", ie, the watch below decks.

350 Spit to windward.

Well done guys.

regards Collin:ernae: