View Full Version : Catalina's lights

May 11th, 2009, 12:27
I think there is a little fix in the rudder's REDUX light, because in some models this isn't necessary (the built light in the rudder is better, as is steering with rudder, the REDUX light not), and in others the coordinates are wrong, because the light is far from rudder.
Anyway, I suggest to move the rudder light on the tail, so if the rudder is moving, the light don't remains... alone!
So this is my report:

A) In this models NO rudder's REDUX light is necessary: light built in model is better as REDUX (steering with rudder) and REDUX light has wrong coordinates (is far from rudder).

01) PBY-5_Military_Vingtor
02) PBY-5_Military_JIP30
03) PBY-5_Military_Dabster
04) PBY-5A_Civil_Dutch
05) PBY-5A_Military_Navy84
06) PBY-5A_Military_B64

B) In this models rudder's REDUX light is necessary: light isn't built in model, but REDUX has wrong coordinates (is far from rudder) and remains alone when rudder is steering.

07) PBY-6A_Civil_Calypso
08) PBY-6A_Civil_AusBlackCat
09) PBY-6A_Military_Danish
10) PBY-6A_Military_Pensacola
11) PBY-6A_Military_BlackCat

I suggest new coordinates for a nav light on the tail (more below from original coordinates):

light.5 = 3, -39.5, 0.10, -3.75, Fx_shockwave_navwhi_l_old //On Tail

(OLD: light.5 = 3, -41.4, -0.46, 4.02, Fx_shockwave_navwhi_l_old //On Rudder)


May 11th, 2009, 13:02
Thanks Luca, you are right. The built in rudder lights for the PBY-5 models are in the right place and move with the rudder.

Thanks for the new coordinates for the rudder light on the PBY-6 models, much better!