View Full Version : Naval Questions part 22

March 22nd, 2009, 19:10
Remember, these questions were composed between 1940 and 1945.


211 What is the Chaplain's Yeoman?

212 What is a "Spithead pheasant"?

213 What naval operation was known as "Operation Dynamo"?

214 From whom are the inhabitants of Pitcairn Island descended?

215 After whom was the island called?

216 What officer is know as "Droggie"?

217 What do the letters "G or T" indicate on a muster roll?

218 What is the naval nickname of men called Martin?

219 Is it correct to speak of a ship's crest.

220 What is the paravane used for?

Answers next Sunday.

regards Collin:ernae:

March 23rd, 2009, 03:54
213. Evacuation of Dunkerque.

214. The Mutineers of the Bounty

220. Detonating mines

March 23rd, 2009, 14:49
#211 Chaplain’s Clerk
#212 bloater; a kipper
#216 Hydrographer
#217 Troop and Garrison just a guess referencing the rough riders and american navy at that time.
On special occasions, a white ensign is flown on the portice of the church of
St Martin-in-the-fields, Trafalgar Square, London, since that church is the
parish church of the Lords Commissioners of the Admiralty. This privilege
dates from about 1790. A fresh ensign is given to the church by the Admiralty
when required.

A silk Admiralty flag was presented to the church by the Admiralty in
November, 1954, to hang over the Admiralty Box on the South side of the

March 29th, 2009, 15:39

211 An Able Seaman, who assists in the chapel, putting the hymn books out etc.

212 A kipper.

213 The evacuation of Dunkirk.

214 From the mutineers of the Bounty.

215 A midshipman names Pitcairn who was the first to sight it.

216 The Hydrographer of the Navy.

217 "Grog or Temperate".

218 Pincher.

219 No, chaps have crests, ships have badges.

220 Protection of the ship against mines.

Thanks to those who took part.

regards Collin:ernae: