View Full Version : Warbirdsim Mustangs?

March 2nd, 2009, 13:05
Hi, I wa sjust wondering if anyone knew roughly when the new FSX Mustangs are coming out. I am very excited for them and I was just looking for an approximate date. It has said it is in the final stage of testing for awhile now so I was just wondering. Is anyone as excited for these things as I am?

March 2nd, 2009, 15:04
Yes, I can't wait for their release!.

March 2nd, 2009, 15:37
Hey Raptor, and Barvan, I am very glad to hear of your interest in the Mustangs! No news is good news, right? There is no point in saying when we expect it will be released, though we will surely let everyone know the moment it has been. ;)

Work is already far along into the all-new, next, FSX release, which I have been thoroughly enjoying - again it will be the most accurate and detailed of its type ever made through computer design.