View Full Version : "Thinking on the fly...

April 16th, 2018, 09:15
...helicopter crew stops train speeding toward fire."


April 16th, 2018, 16:25
Sounds like an action movie! Only Bruce willis wasn't flying the chopper.

April 17th, 2018, 11:16
that was awesome!! back in 1983 my engine crew had to try to stop a SP freight train,wasnt easy as we found out later,when the train crew saw us,the first thing they did was to contact SP railroad cops to arrest us for trespassing..lol.. but then while he still had his mic open,he spotted the smoke and went into emergency and got 'er stopped before he hit a hoseline across the rails..lol.his comment to the railroad dispatcher was,,"OH CHIT,weve got fire monkeys everywhere up here".i cant remember the guys nickname right now,im sure it will come to me tonight in bed,but he had gone to high school with my dad and had been working the SP roseville sub for many years,he told my dad later that when he saw me get up on the bed of the engine and was waving my arms like a goof,he just thought i was drunk!!.........jerk lol.