View Full Version : Quentin Tarantino’s ‘Star Trek’ To Be Rated R

December 7th, 2017, 14:53

December 7th, 2017, 18:13
You hear that sound that resembles the Warp Drive?? That's Roddenberry turning over in his grave. Abrams screws up Star Trek....then remakes Star Wars. Now returns to the scene of the crime to kick the Trek Dog again??? Can't "Hollyweird" come up with something original instead of messing up the Classics???

December 7th, 2017, 22:36

December 8th, 2017, 03:22
With Quinton Tarantino at the helm, Star Trek is officially dead. Just my opinion and I have not been a fan of the J.J. Abrams versions.

December 8th, 2017, 08:25
Tarantino. Hmmmmm. A Past her prime female star becomes captain of the Enterprise. She's quirky. She carries a katana lightsabre instead of a phaser. She visits several planets, then arrives at one with Borg, Romulans, Klingons, etc. Huge fight ensues, blood everywhere, everyone dead, film ends. Tarantino strikes again....

December 8th, 2017, 10:59
You forgot the cameo appearance by Tarantino as Romulan assassination bot. Can't wait, not.

December 8th, 2017, 12:19
They may as well rename the film to "Star Dreck" :a1089:

Hippopotomonstrosesquippedaliophobia: The Fear Of long Words.