View Full Version : French West Africa Carrier Operations, 1940

April 12th, 2015, 03:34

Dans l'intérêt de finir quelques choses pendant que je travaille sur la bataille de France, je ai eu à travailler sur vos missions de Dakar, en particulier le raid britannique du 7 Juillet, puis ceux de Septembre dans le cadre de "Menace."

Dans cet esprit, je voulais vous demander si vous aviez une peau français pour le Potez 540. À l'heure actuelle, je ne ai que la peau d'origine de la guerre civile espagnole, et il semble très stupide quand vous voler.

Je ai ajusté les missions pour utiliser les aérodromes de Thiès et de Ouakam, et je ferai en sorte d'inclure l'attaque de la Marine royale, sur le Richelieu. En ce moment, je suis presque fini avec les textes de mission pour les cinq missions juillet, et je ai fait des progrès sur les missions "Menace."

Voici quelques textes de la mission ...

"Title_string" = Catapult (Dakar) - Suivi de l'Hermes
"Chaîne de synthèse" = Attention! Après la Colombie a ouvert sur notre flotte à Mers-el-Kébir, nous ne serons pas surpris ici à Dakar! Vous partirez du port sur une patrouille au large de la côte, à la recherche de tout signe de les navires britanniques. Bonne chance à toi!
"Objective_string" = Le 7 Juillet 1940, les navires de la Royal Navy ouvert sur la flotte française ancrée à Mers-el-Kébir après que les Français ne ont pas répondu à l'ultimatum britannique à abandonner leurs navires, estimant qu'ils pourraient tomber dans italien ou mains des Allemands, ne réalisant pas la marine française avait pas l'intention de collaborer avec l'Axe. Le lendemain, la Royal Navy a également lancé une attaque contre le Richelieu après avoir également refusé de se rendre et a même tenté de fuir au nord de Casablanca quelques jours avant. Ce scénario suppose hydravions de reconnaissance français ont aperçu le transporteur britannique une journée entière avant qu'elle a lancé son attaque et a fait une première tentative pour l'arrêter avec ce qu'ils avaient disponibles.
"Intelligence_string" = Si vous trouvez les navires britanniques, signaler ce que vous voyez. Nous soupçonnons que la Royal Navy pourrait envoyer un petit détachement plutôt que la plus grande force qui a frappé Mers-el-Kébir. Une fois que vous déclarez sur ce que vous trouvez, vous pouvez attaquer ces navires avec vos bombes, mais attention aux combattants britanniques sur la flotte. Ce bateau de vol, vous serez d'exploitation ne est pas adapté pour les combats!
"Player_aircraft_name_string" = Latécoère 302
"Airfield_string" = Sénégal - Dakar (hydravion)

"Title_string" = Catapult (Dakar) - interception Espadon

"Summary_string" = Attention! La Royal Navy a attaqué la flotte française ancrée à Mers-el-Kébir, et Dunkerque a été fortement endommagé. Notre reconnaissance trouvé hier le transporteur britannique Hermes, et aujourd'hui, les Britanniques ont envoyé la flotte française un ultimatum; rendre la flotte ou risque total anéantissement! Montrons les Britanniques que nous ne serons pas intimidés!
"Objective_string" = Poursuivant sur la prémisse que ces forces navales françaises avaient découvert les navires britanniques avant l'assaut historique le 8 Juillet 1940, le français a envoyé des patrouilles de combat de l'Escadrille GC 1/6 pour défendre la ville. Sur cette patrouille les Français ont eu la chance de trouver Colombie Espadon à venir dans une attaque à la torpille sur le cuirassé Richelieu français. Dans l'assaut réelle, l'espadon a causé des dommages importants à la partie arrière du navire, y compris les deux arbres d'hélice tribord, violant gravement la coque, et inflige des dégâts de choc considérable sur les systèmes de contrôle de tir.
"Intelligence_string" = Après avoir décollé, voler un court patrouille au sud pour couvrir les principales approches du port, en gardant une surveillance pointue pour les avions et sous-marins britanniques en essayant de se faufiler à travers nos défenses et attaquer le Richelieu. En raison de l'ultimatum britannique, si vous faites des avions ennemis de rencontre, vous avez la permission de tirer. Soyez sûr de voir d'éventuelles escortes avec l'espadon. Surtout, assurez-vous que le Richelieu demeure sécuritaire!
"Player_aircraft_name_string" = FR_D.510
"Airfield_string" = Sénégal - Dakar (Ouakam)


In the interest of finishing up a few things while I work on the Battle of France, I have been working on your Dakar missions, specifically the British raid of 7 July and then those in September as part of "Menace."

With this in mind, I wanted to ask you if you had a French skin for the Potez 540. Right now, I only have the original skin from the Spanish Civil War, and it looks very silly when you fly it.

I have adjusted the missions to utilize the airfields at Thies and Ouakam, and I will make sure to include the Royal Navy attack on the Richelieu. As of right now, I am almost done with the mission texts for all five of the July missions, and have made progress on the "Menace" missions.

Here are a couple of mission texts...

"title_string"=Catapult (Dakar) - Tracking the Hermes
"summary_string"=Attention! After the British opened up on our fleet at Mers-el-Kebir, we will not get suprised here at Dakar! You will depart the harbor on a patrol off the coastline, looking for any signs of the British vessels. Good luck to you!
"objective_string"=On 7 July, 1940, Royal Navy vessels opened up on the French fleet anchored at Mers-el-Kebir after the French didn't respond to the British ultimatum to surrender their ships, believing they might fall into either Italian or German hands, not realizing the French Navy had no plans to collaborate with the Axis. The following day, the Royal Navy also launched an attack against the Richelieu after she likewise refused to surrender & even attempted to flee north to Casablanca a few days before. This scenario supposes French recce seaplanes sighted the British carrier a full day before she launched her attack and made an initial attempt to stop her with what they had available.
"intelligence_string"=If you find the British ships, report what you see. We suspect that the Royal Navy might send a small detachment rather than the larger force which hit Mers-el-Kebir. Once you report on what you find, you may attack these vessels with your bombs, but watch out for British fighters over the fleet. This flying boat you will be operating is not suited for dogfights!
"player_aircraft_name_string"=Latécoère 302
"airfield_string"=Senegal - Dakar (Seaplane)

"title_string"=Catapult (Dakar) - Swordfish interception
"summary_string"=Attention! The Royal Navy has attacked the French Fleet anchored at Mers-el-Kebir, & the Dunkerque was heavily damaged. Our recce yesterday found the British carrier Hermes, and today the British have sent the French fleet an ultimatum; surrender the fleet or risk total annihilation! Let's show the British that we will not be intimidated!
"objective_string"=Continuing on the premise that these French Naval forces had discovered the British ships before the historical assault on 8 July 1940, the French sent out fighter patrols of Escadrille GC 1/6 to defend the city. On this patrol the French were fortunate enough to find British Swordfish coming in for a torpedo attack on the French Battleship Richelieu. In the actual assault, the Swordfish caused major damage to the aft section of the vessel, including both starboard propeller shafts, badly breaching the hull, and inflicting considerable shock damage on the fire-control systems.
"intelligence_string"=After taking off, fly a short patrol to the south to cover the main approaches to the harbour, keeping a sharp lookout for British aircraft & submarines trying to sneak through our defenses & attack the Richelieu. Because of the British ultimatum, if you do encounter enemy aircraft, you have permission to fire. Be sure to watch for any escorts with the Swordfish. Above all, make sure that the Richelieu remains safe!
"airfield_string"=Senegal - Dakar (Ouakam)
And to Gaucho_59...yes, I know my French is a little rusty. http://www.sim-outhouse.com/sohforums/images/smilies/jump.gif

April 12th, 2015, 04:07

Disons tremper dans le domaine du possible. Supposons que le porte-avions "Béarn" n'a retour continuer vers l'Europe ou l'Afrique de l'armistice, depuis son équipage étaient apparemment Vichy-penchée. En route, ils apprennent de l'attaque de Mers-el-Kébir et atteignent Dakar avant la Hermes fait.

Cela donnerait à la Bearn un avantage décisif. Avec vingt-sept P-36 et six Hawks Brewster Buffaloes désigné pour la Belgique, elle pourrait se envoler vers les aérodromes de Dakar, plus avec quarante-quatre Helldivers, elle aurait pu anéantir l'Hermes.

De plus, le Français avait ordonné quatre-vingt un G-36 Wildcats. Aurait-il été concevable qu'elle puisse de Had huit de ceux qui sont prêts pour l'action? Avec ou sans eux, je dirais que les Britanniques, équipées de Swordfish et labbes, aurait été en grave danger.

Est-ce la peine d'essayer, ou est-ce trop exagéré?


Let's dabble in the realm of the possible. Suppose the aircraft carrier "Bearn" did continue back toward Europe or Africa following the armistice, since its crew were apparently Vichy-leaning. While en route, they learn of the attack on Mers-el-Kebir and reach Dakar while the Hermes continues her presence off-shore.

This would give the Bearn a decisive advantage. With twenty-seven P-36 Hawks and six Brewster Buffalloes designated for Belgium she could fly off to the Dakar airfields, plus with forty-four SB2U Vindicators, she might have been able to annihilate the Hermes.

Plus, the French had ordered eighty-one G-36 Wildcats. Would it have been conceivable that she could of had eight of those ready for action? With or without them, I would say the British, equipped with Swordfish and Skuas, would have been in grave danger.

Is this worth attempting, or is this too far-fetched?

April 12th, 2015, 10:04
En effet le Béarn transportait au moment de l'armistice les avions que vous décrivez et s'il avait rallié Dakar ça aurait fait une sacrée force . Mais c'est très théorique car il aurait fallu amener les pilotes et le personnel au sol . En fait ça a été le cas au moment de Menace et avec le résultat que vous connaissez .
Pour le Potez 540 il est vrai que celui qui est utilisé n'est pas bon . Il fait vraiment son age . Je me suis contenté de lui mettre des cocardes françaises . Par contre il existe un autre Potez pourCFS1 encore plus ancien mais que l'on peut repeindre . Je lui ai donné les couleurs de Vichy en Syrie et en Indochine.


Bon courage et bon vol


April 12th, 2015, 10:08

Any chance I could have that skin? :engel016:

April 12th, 2015, 12:57

I don't think the G-36 Wildcats would fit the timescale, seeing as the Brits didn't get them until October '40.

Also, carrying a/c as a ferry is one thing, operating an airgroup is quite another.

Bearn originally carried 12 torpedo biplanes, 12 scouts & 8 fighters. This suggests she'll have a hard time with an airgroup larger than 32 a/c, & that's if they're as small as the originals.

The 44 SBC4 Helldivers are carrier-ready, but the 6 Buffaloes were stripped of naval equipment prior to shipping for the Belgians, so they can't be used as the VF component.

There might be some V165F Vindicators left in Nth Africa, but as Bearn had already been assigned to ferry tasks at the start of WW2 because she was too slow - I doubt their crews would relish being transferred back onto her again.

So you would have a nacent airgroup of SBC-4 Helldivers, but these would have to search, defend, strike & escort. Mind you, I have no idea what airgroup the smaller Hermes might be operating at this time...probably just 12 x Swordfish, so not exactly a Pacific Carrier Battle style line-up for either side ... :costumed-smiley-034

April 12th, 2015, 13:02

I don't think the G-36 Wildcats would fit the timescale, seeing as the Brits didn't get them until October '40.

Also, carrying a/c as a ferry is one thing, operating an air group is quite another.

Bearn originally carried 12 torpedo biplanes, 12 scouts & 8 fighters. This suggests she'll have a hard time with an airgroup larger than 32 a/c, & that's if they're as small as the originals.

The 44 SBC4 Helldivers are carrier-ready, but the 6 Buffaloes were stripped of naval equipment prior to shipping for the Belgians, so they can't be used as the VF component.

There might be some V165F Vindicators left in Nth Africa, but as Bearn had already been assigned to ferry tasks at the start of WW2 because she was too slow - I doubt their crews would relish being transferred back onto her again.

So you would have a ancent airgroup of SBC-4 Helldivers, but these would have to search, defend, strike & escort. Mind you, I have no idea what airgroup the smaller Hermes might be operating at this time...probably just 12 x Swordfish, so not exactly a Pacific Carrier Battle style line-up for either side ... :costumed-smiley-034


Swordfish and Skuas. Even if the Bearn flew off the P-36s and Buffaloes and they operated from land, that combined with the Vindicators and SBC Helldivers might be enough.

April 12th, 2015, 14:26

Also, my research materials indicated that the first British use was with 804 Squadron NAS, in August of 1940 defending Orkney.

This would make them theoretically possible for the "Menace" Operations, but only by a month.

April 13th, 2015, 01:49
Oh I think you're stretching things a tad, this from http://www.fleetairarmarchive.net/aircraft/martletwildcat.htm

"The first Wildcat used by the Fleet Air Arm were 53 Grumman G-36a Martlet I, and 6 Grumman G-36a Martlet III diverted from a French order which had not been delivered before the Fall of France in 1940. The aircraft were all delivered to the British Purchasing Commission on 23 August 1940 and transferred to the first FAA unit 804 Hatston on 7 September 1940 (eg AX827), 778 squadron at Arbroath in September 1940 (eg AX826), 759 squadron at Yeovilton in October and November 1940 (eg BJ555) and 802 squadron at Donisbristle on 23 November 1940 (eg AL237)."

Delivery to the BPC does not necessarily mean in theatre, on base, in use...:pirate:

Anyway, Hermes is hardly a match for an SBC-4 airgroup, this from http://www.epibreren.com/ww2/raf/hermes.html

Two FAA Squadrons were embarked on HMS Hermes:
710 Squadron (detachment), May 1940 Walrus I
814 Squadron (http://www.epibreren.com/ww2/raf/814_squadron.html), Sept 1939-Feb 1942, Swordfish II

April 13th, 2015, 01:56

I stand corrected about the Skuas, then.

April 13th, 2015, 10:30

Any chance I could have that skin? :engel016:

Je peux bien sur les uploader avec le dossier complet mais j'ai perdu le nom de l'auteur ; il me pardonnera ?

June 11th, 2016, 08:47
Good afternoon,

Hey guys. In an effort to finish up all work in the Med, I am getting close to having a mission pack (seven Vichy French, two British) ready for release for Operation Menace, the successful Vichy French effort / British failure to capture the port of Dakar, Senegal.

Tobob did the scenery for this some time ago, and we have most of what we need. However, I have a few requests.

1) Is there a better model of the HMS Hermes available than the IS4G model?

If not, would Usio's Eagle be an acceptable substitute?

2) How about a new coat of paint for the Farman F.222 by Bismarck13?

Aircraft: http://simviation.com/1/download-file?file=f222cfs2.zip&fileId=32568

4) And lastly, a Vichy French repaint for the Potez 540? (Dombral posted a pic once, but I can't find the download)


Thanks in advance,

June 11th, 2016, 11:13
Farman 222 repaint by Dombral



June 11th, 2016, 13:01

That's for the Pakyman (you know, the Brazilian dude) model, not the multi-lod model by Bismarck13. Thanks though! :very_drunk:

June 12th, 2016, 21:53

June 13th, 2016, 01:17
Well I've started redrawing the Farman F222

I think Stuart277 is the only one that could rustle up a more detailed Hermes. This carrier is so small I don't think even Eagle is a valid replacement.

Potez 540 - I know Paul Clawson subsequently released an updated model for FSX, I wonder if it can be extracted using MCX & made multi-LOD... :running:

June 13th, 2016, 01:21
Potez 540 - I know Paul Clawson subsequently released an updated model for FSX, I wonder if it can be extracted using MCX & made multi-LOD... :running:


It's possible, but if push comes to shove, I'd rather see Shessi spend his energy on a new fleet of multi-lod Beauforts using the Alphasim model as a base. :very_drunk:

Thank you for the Farman!

June 13th, 2016, 02:01
John and Stuart,

The HMS Hermes is really the only carrier left for the Fleet Air Arm that hasn't been updated or has an equivalent.

Collin did the HMS Furious, and with a different paint job, that can suffice for the HMS Courageous and the HMS Glorious, and you could always tweak the .dp for a 1939 / 1940 AA setup.

Dino Carancini and Maurizio Laurenti did the HMS Argus for CFS2.

Baldy did the HMS Audacity for CFS2.

Stuart277 has done the HMS Unicorn and the HMS Attacker-class.

Collin did the HMS Ruler-class, and the Colossus-class.

UncleTgt did the VN Illustrious-class overhaul.

The Virtual Navy did the HMS Ark Royal, which looks good with a repaint.

And of course, Usio did the HMS Eagle.

June 13th, 2016, 02:10
:monkey:Thank you for reminding me, now I recall you wanted me to look at repainting the Ark Royal...:icon_eek:

Don't forget Baldy did a MAC carrier & HMS Audacity too :applause:

TBH Eagle also needs doing so she can have her Pedestal convoy camo painted on ...

June 13th, 2016, 02:16

Yeah, that's right. He also did the HMS Gadila as well as the FNS Bearn.

The only problem with the FNS Bearn is she tends to go faster when she's running at full astern. :costumed-smiley-034

June 14th, 2016, 13:26
Pics of one from the Phoney War period of 1939.

In 1940 the underwing serials were painted over, & maybe the roundels too. As these a/c were used as night bombers, almost all stayed in chocolate brown overall colour.

Next will be putting Vichy markings on, but what period?

September 1940? (no photos, but assumed to be nothing extra but a white line on the fuselage (possibly))
Early 1941? (the only photo captioned as this period shows no underwing markings except for Blue/White/Red diagonal stripe, and no other Vichy identifiers eg. yellow tail)
Later 1941 (no photos, assumed to be yellow tail only)
1942? (no photos, assumed to be yellow nose, yellow/red striped fwd engine cowl & tail)

It will have to be an "interpretation", as I can't find any photos of F222s wearing any Vichy style markings at all, only photos of the F223s (inline engines, twin tails, daylight camo, used as transports mostly). I'm assuming they were not brightly marked for use on night ops, & quickly became obsolete as the French focused on defensive aircraft such as fighters & recon birds.

June 14th, 2016, 16:49

"Menace" was September of 1940: http://www.aircraft-insignia.com/page9.htm

June 15th, 2016, 06:20

"Menace" was September of 1940: http://www.aircraft-insignia.com/page9.htm

2 F222 de l'escadrille 10E étaient à Dakar en Juillet 1940 , ils avaient été retirés en septembre pour rejoindre le groupe de transport GCI.15 .

F222 GBI.15 France 1939 40 http://www.sim-outhouse.com/sohforums/attachment.php?attachmentid=38997&stc=1

F22 esc 141 Indochine 1940 http://www.sim-outhouse.com/sohforums/attachment.php?attachmentid=38998&stc=1
F222 .2 GBI.15 France 1940http://www.sim-outhouse.com/sohforums/attachment.php?attachmentid=38999&stc=1

F222. 10E (aéronavale) 1940http://www.sim-outhouse.com/sohforums/attachment.php?attachmentid=39000&stc=1

June 15th, 2016, 06:27

"Menace" was September of 1940: http://www.aircraft-insignia.com/page9.htm

F222.2 10E 1940cFrance puis AFN http://www.sim-outhouse.com/sohforums/attachment.php?attachmentid=39001&stc=1

F222 GT.I15 Syrie 1941http://www.sim-outhouse.com/sohforums/attachment.php?attachmentid=39002&stc=1

F222 GT.I15 Rabat 1942http://www.sim-outhouse.com/sohforums/attachment.php?attachmentid=39003&stc=1

F222.2 GTI15 Rabat 1942http://www.sim-outhouse.com/sohforums/attachment.php?attachmentid=39004&stc=1

June 15th, 2016, 06:40

Are those for the Bismarck13 model? If so, could you please upload them?

June 15th, 2016, 16:52
Good evening,

Had to do a little .dp tweak on the Blackburn Skua to allow me to drop leaflets over the city. Worked out pretty well if you ask me...it's a shame you can't throw open the back canopy and let them waft out in a stream, but this works.

June 20th, 2016, 13:41

Using Dombrals pics to supplement the b&w photos I have found across the web, I've done a few more versions for Bismark's Farman F222. I can't find anything that matches the light grey scheme apart from a single pic of a post Nth Africa campaign hack, so I've kept with the chocolate brown base paint & simply changed the markings to suit the period.

Started looking at the dp file (to use french bombs, & leaflets), plus the airfile (overweight, too much fuel, engines too powerful - needs a lot of work IMHO).

June 20th, 2016, 14:18

That looks superb! I have not looked at the airfile yet, I usually do that last. I too have been making steady progress...I just finished the four Menace missions today, (one British and three Vichy French) and am writing the mission descriptions for them now. I am going to take two of the Vichy French missions and turn them around to make them British missions, so that way it will be a three-three set.

For Catapult, they are all Vichy French, so what I was planning on was to flip all five of those around and make them British as well. The end result will be a set of sixteen missions, eight on each side.

I also have formally requested Stuart277 to create a new model of the HMS Hermes.

"title_string"=Menace (FAA) - Giving the French a chance
"summary_string"=Listen up! General De Gaulle does not want to spill the blood of Frenchmen for Frenchmen, so you are being sent there first to paper Dakar with leaflets to see if we can convince its citizens to surrender peacefully. You'll drop leaflets over the Richelieu as a second flight papers the city. If successful, we might be able to take the city without firing a shot!
"objective_string"=On the morning of 23 September 1940, aircraft of the Fleet Air Arm flew over the port city of Dakar to drop propaganda leaflets, hoping to induce its citizens to surrender to the Brits without conflict. This overture was rejected by the Vichy French, who were attacked by the British at Mers-el-Kebir on 3 July, and at Dakar on 8 July. Following this effort, Free French aircraft departed Ark Royal and landed at Ouakam, but they were immediately taken prisoner. These actions led to full conflict between Vichy French forces and the British/Free French forces now intent on capturing the city.
"intelligence_string"=Once airborne, you'll come onshore just northeast of the city & head out over the harbour to release leaflets above the Richelieu while a second flight papers the city. You do not want to miss; leaflets can be very hard to read if they're soaked! You'll see an 'atta boy' message if you release them over the Richelieu. Once finished, head back to the Ark Royal, and await further orders. We don't know if Vichy French forces will resist, so watch out for flak and fighters, just in case.
"player_aircraft_name_string"=Blackburn Skua MkII 806Sqd L3011
"airfield_string"="HMS Ark Royal"

"title_string"=Menace (Vichy) - Reconnoitring British ships
"summary_string"=Attention! We are aware that a substantial British force is stationed just offshore, & they just fired on the destroyer L'Audacieux! Take off as quickly as possible, & with fighter escort, reconnoitre the Royal Navy, reporting back to Dakar headquarters on the composition & number of all enemy vessels in the area. This will be a very dangerous mission, so do your best to get the intel and get back alive!
"objective_string"=There isn't a specific record of a mission like this during the battle, however it's very likely that the Vichy French would have sent up either landplanes or seaplanes to reconnotire the area around Dakar to get a full picture of British strength. Given the size of the harbor & quantity of French seaplanes anchored there, it's far more likely that seaplanes would be utilized for this type of a recce mission, especially early in the war.
"intelligence_string"=After taking off, you'll clear the harbor and pick up the fighter escort, then sweep south-southwest & then south to check for any sign of British ships before turning northwest for a short leg prior to returning to Dakar. We believe these are the most likely places the British will be. If you do see the British fleet, report on the number & type before continuing. Be sure you watch out for heavy flak, especially over the larger enemy ships! Good luck!
"player_aircraft_name_string"=Loire 130 HS1
"airfield_string"=Senegal - Dakar (Seaplane)

"title_string"=Menace (Vichy) - Intercept the Fleet Air Arm
"summary_string"=To your fighters! We know the British fleet is still lurking nearby, so you will fly a patrol around the city & harbor area looking for any British aircraft trying to sneak in & raid the port or the Richelieu. If you do see any enemy aircraft, engage 'em and try to prevent any bombers from reaching the city. Let's show the British their efforts are futile!
"objective_string"=Documentation on any British aerial attacks during the period from 23-25 September are sketchy, but any assaults they made would have been done with Skuas and Swordfish which were aboard the HMS Ark Royal during this time period. Likewise, there is little evidence of any French interceptions, but after the action against the HMS Hermes in July, Vichy French officials chose to provide them with modern Martin 167 Marylands and P-36 Hawks at Dakar to beef up the defenses there.
"intelligence_string"=After getting airborne, you will fly a short route around the harbor, looking for any sign of British aircraft. Any British air strikes are likely to come from the west or southwest, where we believe that the British fleet is likely hiding. Focus on shooting down any Swordfish first; they will probably try and attack the Richelieu again, and we don't want her to be damaged any further. When the enemy is destroyed or you exhaust your ammo, break off & return to Ouakam airfield. Good luck!
"player_aircraft_name_string"=FDG2_P-36A Dakar 1940
"airfield_string"=Senegal - Dakar (Ouakam)

June 23rd, 2016, 08:06

That looks superb! I have not looked at the airfile yet, I usually do that last. I too have been making steady progress...I just finished the four Menace missions today, (one British and three Vichy French) and am writing the mission descriptions for them now. I am going to take two of the Vichy French missions and turn them around to make them British missions, so that way it will be a three-three set.

For Catapult, they are all Vichy French, so what I was planning on was to flip all five of those around and make them British as well. The end result will be a set of sixteen missions, eight on each side.

I also have formally requested Stuart277 to create a new model of the HMS Hermes.

"title_string"=Menace (FAA) - Giving the French a chance
"summary_string"=Listen up! General De Gaulle does not want to spill the blood of Frenchmen for Frenchmen, so you are being sent there first to paper Dakar with leaflets to see if we can convince its citizens to surrender peacefully. You'll drop leaflets over the Richelieu as a second flight papers the city. If successful, we might be able to take the city without firing a shot!
"objective_string"=On the morning of 23 September 1940, aircraft of the Fleet Air Arm flew over the port city of Dakar to drop propaganda leaflets, hoping to induce its citizens to surrender to the Brits without conflict. This overture was rejected by the Vichy French, who were attacked by the British at Mers-el-Kebir on 3 July, and at Dakar on 8 July. Following this effort, Free French aircraft departed Ark Royal and landed at Ouakam, but they were immediately taken prisoner. These actions led to full conflict between Vichy French forces and the British/Free French forces now intent on capturing the city.
"intelligence_string"=Once airborne, you'll come onshore just northeast of the city & head out over the harbour to release leaflets above the Richelieu while a second flight papers the city. You do not want to miss; leaflets can be very hard to read if they're soaked! You'll see an 'atta boy' message if you release them over the Richelieu. Once finished, head back to the Ark Royal, and await further orders. We don't know if Vichy French forces will resist, so watch out for flak and fighters, just in case.
"player_aircraft_name_string"=Blackburn Skua MkII 806Sqd L3011
"airfield_string"="HMS Ark Royal"

"title_string"=Menace (Vichy) - Reconnoitring British ships
"summary_string"=Attention! We are aware that a substantial British force is stationed just offshore, & they just fired on the destroyer L'Audacieux! Take off as quickly as possible, & with fighter escort, reconnoitre the Royal Navy, reporting back to Dakar headquarters on the composition & number of all enemy vessels in the area. This will be a very dangerous mission, so do your best to get the intel and get back alive!
"objective_string"=There isn't a specific record of a mission like this during the battle, however it's very likely that the Vichy French would have sent up either landplanes or seaplanes to reconnotire the area around Dakar to get a full picture of British strength. Given the size of the harbor & quantity of French seaplanes anchored there, it's far more likely that seaplanes would be utilized for this type of a recce mission, especially early in the war.
"intelligence_string"=After taking off, you'll clear the harbor and pick up the fighter escort, then sweep south-southwest & then south to check for any sign of British ships before turning northwest for a short leg prior to returning to Dakar. We believe these are the most likely places the British will be. If you do see the British fleet, report on the number & type before continuing. Be sure you watch out for heavy flak, especially over the larger enemy ships! Good luck!
"player_aircraft_name_string"=Loire 130 HS1
"airfield_string"=Senegal - Dakar (Seaplane)

"title_string"=Menace (Vichy) - Intercept the Fleet Air Arm
"summary_string"=To your fighters! We know the British fleet is still lurking nearby, so you will fly a patrol around the city & harbor area looking for any British aircraft trying to sneak in & raid the port or the Richelieu. If you do see any enemy aircraft, engage 'em and try to prevent any bombers from reaching the city. Let's show the British their efforts are futile!
"objective_string"=Documentation on any British aerial attacks during the period from 23-25 September are sketchy, but any assaults they made would have been done with Skuas and Swordfish which were aboard the HMS Ark Royal during this time period. Likewise, there is little evidence of any French interceptions, but after the action against the HMS Hermes in July, Vichy French officials chose to provide them with modern Martin 167 Marylands and P-36 Hawks at Dakar to beef up the defenses there.
"intelligence_string"=After getting airborne, you will fly a short route around the harbor, looking for any sign of British aircraft. Any British air strikes are likely to come from the west or southwest, where we believe that the British fleet is likely hiding. Focus on shooting down any Swordfish first; they will probably try and attack the Richelieu again, and we don't want her to be damaged any further. When the enemy is destroyed or you exhaust your ammo, break off & return to Ouakam airfield. Good luck!
"player_aircraft_name_string"=FDG2_P-36A Dakar 1940
"airfield_string"=Senegal - Dakar (Ouakam)

J'attends avec impatience votre interpretation de l'opération Menace , et de l'attaque du Richelieu par les sworfish du HMS Hermes en juillet 1940 . Les nouveaux camouflages du F222 sont excellents . Qu'utilisez vous comme H75 et Martin A167 ?

Le nouveau HMS Hermes de Stuart277 sera le bien venu , mais personnellement j'attends toujours les Bretagne Lorraine et Cdt Teste .


June 23rd, 2016, 16:18

Here are a few more for you...

"title_string"=Menace (FAA) - Bringing Swordfish to Dakar
"summary_string"=Listen up, chaps! The Vichy French have rejected our peace offer, & sent out reconnaissance planes to chart our ship positions. You'll return the favor by trying to sneak through their air cover & attack the Richelieu! We were successful during the July raid, but the enemy has brought in newer aircraft since then. Let's hope we can repeat our success!
"objective_string"=Documentation on any British aerial attacks during the period from 23-25 September are sketchy, but any assaults they made would have been done with Skuas and Swordfish which were aboard the HMS Ark Royal during this time period. Likewise, there is little evidence of any French interceptions, but after the actions against the HMS Hermes in July, Vichy French officials chose to provide them with modern Martin 167 Marylands and P-36 Hawks at Dakar to beef up the defenses there.
"intelligence_string"=Once airborne, you'll try to protect the Swordfish from any interception. If you are not intercepted, cover their attack runs & come back with them. If you are intercepted, do what you can to fend them off while the Swordfish continue on. If the enemy fighters are modern, do your best to engage them. If you can shoot down a couple of enemy fighters, you can have as much rum as you like when you get back to the Ark Royal. Good luck!
"player_aircraft_name_string"=Blackburn Skua MkII 806Sqd L3011
"airfield_string"="HMS Ark Royal"

"title_string"=Menace (FAA) - Protecting your British Fleet
"summary_string"=Get airborne immediately! We've picked up radio transmissions that some Vichy French bombers are coming in, and are targeting our fleet! Climb hard to reach their height, and tear into these bombers before they can release over the fleet! Let's show the Vichy French forces that any continuing show of resistance is ultimately futile! (In this mission, you will fly a Gloster Sea Gladiator, because your Skua is too slow to catch a Martin bomber)
"objective_string"=On 23 September 1940, British vessels off Dakar reported being attacked by Vichy French bombers. These were Martin 167 Marylands, which had been flown in following the raid by the Hermes in July. The bombs largely failed to hit the ships, but they were intercepted by British Skuas. The number of Vichy French bombers in the attack are unknown. The same day, the Free French attempted a troop landing southeast of the city, but this was callled off, & for the next two days, the Brits and Vichy French exchanged fire; the Vichy French lost two subs and the destroyer L'Audacieux, while for the British, the battleships Barham & Resolution were damaged.
"intelligence_string"=Vichy bombers attacking the fleet will likely do so from a height of above three thousand meters. We do not know if there are any fighter escorts with them, but be prepared for that possibility. If you do tangle with any Vichy escort fighters, use your turning ability to defend yourself. If no fighters are present, tear into the bombers and bring down as many as possible. Once you exhaust your ammo, return to the Ark Royal. Good luck!
"player_aircraft_name_string"=Sea Gladiator
"airfield_string"="HMS Ark Royal"

"title_string"=Menace (Vichy) - Pounding the British Fleet
"summary_string"=Get to your bombers! The British have moved their carrier force closer to Dakar to intimidate us, so we'll make them pay for this foolishness! You will depart Thies & lead a flight of Martin Marylands over the enemy fleet to pummel them, inflicting as much damage as possible. Reinforce this message that they will not take this city!
"objective_string"=On 23 September 1940, British vessels off Dakar reported being attacked by Vichy French bombers. These were Martin 167 Marylands, which had been flown in following the raid by the Hermes in July. The bombs largely failed to hit the ships, but they were intercepted by British Skuas. The number of Vichy French bombers in the attack are unknown. The same day, the Free French attempted a troop landing southeast of the city, but this was callled off, & for the next two days, the Brits and Vichy French exchanged fire; the Vichy French lost two subs and the destroyer L'Audacieux, while for the British, the battleships Barham & Resolution were damaged.
"intelligence_string"=A scout plane positioned the British about fifteen kilometers off the coastline. You will rendezvous with the escort near the city and then head out to raid the fleet. Try to score hits on the Ark Royal, but hitting any of the ships will help. The fighter escort should cover your attack. Once completed, turn back for the coast & head toward your base at Thies.
"player_aircraft_name_string"=Martin 167 Maryland (Vichy)
"airfield_string"=Senegal - Dakar (Thies)

En français...

"Title_string" = Menace (FAA) - Apporter Swordfish à Dakar
"Summary_string" = Écoutez, les pilotes! Les Français de Vichy ont rejeté notre offre de paix, et envoyé des avions de reconnaissance pour tracer nos positions de navires. Vous retournerez la faveur en essayant de se faufiler à travers leur couverture et l'attaque aérienne du Richelieu! Nous avons réussi pendant le raid Juillet, mais l'ennemi a apporté dans les nouveaux avions depuis. Espérons que nous pouvons répéter notre succès!
"Objective_string" = Documentation sur les attaques aériennes britanniques pendant la période 23-25 ​​Septembre sont sommaires, mais les agressions qu'ils ont faits aurait été fait avec labbes et Swordfish qui étaient à bord du HMS Ark Royal pendant cette période de temps. De même, il y a peu de preuves de toutes les interceptions françaises, mais après que les actions contre les HMS Hermes en Juillet, les responsables français de Vichy a choisi de leur fournir moderne Martin 167 Marylands et P-36 Hawks à Dakar pour renforcer les défenses là.
"Intelligence_string" = Une fois en vol, vous allez essayer de protéger l'Espadon de toute interception. Si vous n'êtes pas intercepté, couvrir leur attaque court et revenir avec eux. Si vous êtes intercepté, faites ce que vous pouvez pour les repousser alors que le Swordfish continuer sur. Si les combattants ennemis sont modernes, faites de votre mieux pour les engager. Si vous pouvez abattre un couple de combattants ennemis, vous pouvez avoir autant de rhum que vous le souhaitez quand vous revenez à l'Ark Royal. Bonne chance!
"Player_aircraft_name_string" = Blackburn Skua MkII 806Sqd L3011
"Airfield_string" = "HMS Ark Royal"

"Title_string" = Menace (FAA) - Protéger votre flotte britannique
"Summary_string" = Décollez immédiatement! Nous avons ramassé les transmissions radio que certains bombardiers français de Vichy sont à venir dans et ciblons notre flotte! Grimpez dur pour atteindre leur hauteur, et à la déchirure dans ces bombardiers avant de pouvoir libérer sur la flotte! Montrons les forces françaises de Vichy que toute émission continue de la résistance est finalement futile! (Dans cette mission, vous pilotez un Sea Gladiator Gloster, parce que votre Skua est trop lent pour attraper un bombardier Martin)
"Objective_string" = Le 23 Septembre 1940, les navires britanniques au large de Dakar ont déclaré avoir été attaqués par des bombardiers français de Vichy. Ceux-ci étaient Martin 167 Marylands, qui avait été volé dans la suite du raid mené par les Hermes en Juillet. Les bombes largement échoué à frapper les navires, mais ils ont été interceptés par British labbes. Le nombre de bombardiers français de Vichy dans l'attaque sont inconnus. Le même jour, les Français libres a tenté une troupe d'atterrissage sud-est de la ville, mais cela a été callled off, et pour les deux prochains jours, les Britanniques et les Français de Vichy ont échangé des tirs; les Français de Vichy a perdu deux sous-marins et le destroyer L'Audacieux, tandis que pour les Britanniques, les cuirassés Barham & Résolution ont été endommagés.
"Intelligence_string" = bombardiers Vichy attaquent la flotte vont probablement le faire à partir d'une hauteur de trois mille mètres au-dessus. Nous ne savons pas s'il y a des chasseurs d'escorte avec eux, mais être prêts à cette éventualité. Si vous faites enchevêtrement avec tous les chasseurs d'escorte de Vichy, utilisez votre capacité à tourner pour vous défendre. Si aucun des combattants sont présents, se déchirer dans les bombardiers et de faire baisser le plus grand nombre possible. Une fois que vous avez épuisé vos munitions, retournez à l'Ark Royal. Bonne chance!
"Player_aircraft_name_string" = Sea Gladiator
"Airfield_string" = "HMS Ark Royal"

"Title_string" = Menace (Vichy) - Pounding la flotte britannique
"Summary_string" = Apprenez à vos bombardiers! Les Britanniques ont déplacé leur force de transporteur plus près de Dakar pour nous intimider, nous allons donc faire payer pour cette folie! Vous partirez Thies et conduire un vol de Martin Marylands sur la flotte ennemie pour les rouer de coups, infligeant autant de dégâts que possible. Renforcez ce message qu'ils ne prendront pas cette ville!
"Objective_string" = Le 23 Septembre 1940, les navires britanniques au large de Dakar ont déclaré avoir été attaqués par des bombardiers français de Vichy. Ceux-ci étaient Martin 167 Marylands, qui avait été volé dans la suite du raid mené par les Hermes en Juillet. Les bombes largement échoué à frapper les navires, mais ils ont été interceptés par British labbes. Le nombre de bombardiers français de Vichy dans l'attaque sont inconnus. Le même jour, les Français libres a tenté une troupe d'atterrissage sud-est de la ville, mais cela a été callled off, et pour les deux prochains jours, les Britanniques et les Français de Vichy ont échangé des tirs; les Français de Vichy a perdu deux sous-marins et le destroyer L'Audacieux, tandis que pour les Britanniques, les cuirassés Barham & Résolution ont été endommagés.
"Intelligence_string" = Un avion de scout placé les Britanniques une quinzaine de kilomètres au large de la côte. Vous rendez-vous avec l'escorte près de la ville, puis la tête hors de piller la flotte. Essayer de marquer hits de l'Ark Royal, mais de frapper l'un des navires aidera. L'escorte de chasse devrait couvrir votre attaque. Une fois terminé, revenir en arrière pour la côte et la tête vers votre base à Thiès.
"Player_aircraft_name_string" = Martin 167 Maryland (Vichy)
"Airfield_string" = Sénégal - Dakar (Thies)

June 27th, 2016, 06:23
Good morning,

Would we happen to have a ETO Dutch skin for Thicko's Brewster Buffalo? I could use one for a historically-plausible "what-if" I'm doing for the Dakar set.

June 27th, 2016, 07:27
Hi Rami!

As far as I know, all the Dutch Brewsters were delivered to the NEI, starting in March 1941. I don´t think they had any of these planes in the ETO.

June 27th, 2016, 07:53
He said 'what if'. ETO buffalo; if used, would most likely have had camo & markings similar to the NEI.

June 27th, 2016, 08:19

For an understanding of what I'm up to, please look at this thread: http://www.sim-outhouse.com/sohforums/showthread.php?100871-A-few-requests-for-Operation-Menace/page2

Read posts #2, and #5-8.

Essentially, what I am proposing is this: The French aircraft carrier "Bearn" had run to Halifax, Nova Scotia to transfer French gold bouillon reserves and keep it out of German hands. While there, she was loaded up with twenty-seven P-36s for the French Air Force, six Buffaloes for the Belgians, twenty-five Stimson 105s, and forty-four SBC Helldivers. (I will substitute the SB2U Vindicator for these) After the ship left Halifax the Dutch and Germans capitulated or were overrun, so the Bearn went to Martinique, where she remained until 1944.

Now, suppose that she received word about the threat to the French fleet, and raced across the Atlantic. En route, she learns about the Hermes' presence off Dakar and gets there without being detected. In these missions, you would fly the fighters off to land at the two bases near Dakar, while the SB2U Vindicators remain on-board, and your task is to annihilate the Hermes between the carrier force and the fighters and bombers stationed on land.

Given the disparity of forces, the Hermes would be up s*it creek! :very_drunk:

June 27th, 2016, 09:19
In real life, the Buffaloes on the Bearn were meant for Belgium. The skins could wear Belgian camo with hastily applied French cockades to fit your scenario.

June 27th, 2016, 09:27
In real life, the Buffaloes on the Bearn were meant for Belgium. The skins could wear Belgian camo with hastily applied French cockades to fit your scenario.


You are absolutely right, they were. Mea Culpa! :encouragement:

Shadow Wolf 07
June 27th, 2016, 10:15
Hey Rami: Do you wanna learn how to land one on a carrier without a tailhook??? :a1310:

June 27th, 2016, 10:20
Hey Rami: Do you wanna learn how to land one on a carrier without a tailhook??? :a1310:


No. :p87:

June 28th, 2016, 00:27

You are absolutely right, they were. Mea Culpa! :encouragement:

d'accord pour les Brewster mais pour les vindicators , les Curtiss Cw77 existent dans SHOhttp://www.sim-outhouse.com/sohforums/attachment.php?attachmentid=39381&stc=1

June 28th, 2016, 01:51
d'accord pour les Brewster mais pour les vindicators , les Curtiss Cw77 existent dans SHOhttp://www.sim-outhouse.com/sohforums/attachment.php?attachmentid=39381&stc=1


Where did you find that?? I'm going to start on the "what if" missions today.

June 28th, 2016, 04:50

Where did you find that?? I'm going to start on the "what if" missions today.

in simviation : FS2004 Curtiss SBC-4 Helldiver

by Paul Clawson

j'ai fait la conversion pour CFS2 créé un dp et le nouveau skin pour l'aéronavale française . peut-on le uploader?

June 28th, 2016, 05:42

I took a long, thorough look at the model, and it would require a lot of work for an overhaul. First, it would need a multi-lod model, and second, a VC would have to be created from scratch, plus it would need a new panel and a .dp file.

That's a tall order to ask someone (Allen, Shessi, Oldwheat, whomever) to do on short notice.

My plan right now is to use the SB2U Vindicator as the primary attack aircraft, with Dewoitine 376s for the defense of the carrier. If someone can overhaul the Helldiver, then there would be two weapons with which to raise havoc.

The Buffaloes and Hawks would be flown off and then based at the airfields in French West Africa, along with the Farman and Potez bombers.

The Hermes would have Skuas and Swordfish...and UncleTgt suggested the possibility of intervention by the Ark Royal. There I would provide you with Sea Gladiators for additional cover...and maybe Fairey Fulmars.

June 29th, 2016, 14:16
Are you still looking for a "what if" Buffalo? I was fooling around a bit and did a quick "cut and paste". If you want it, let me know and I'll finish it up. It still has some work on it.

June 29th, 2016, 16:32

Absolutely. I am working on these missions as we speak, and thank you!

The Buffalo is a peach to land, by the way. If you have full flaps down, you can come in with the elevators almost all the way up, and use the throttle to completely control your rate of descent, right down to the dirt. It's a thing of beauty!

June 29th, 2016, 16:58
Rami, No sweat. I have the tail to do and some touch up work. Hopefully, will have it done in a few days. Bob

June 30th, 2016, 08:01
Rami, No sweat. I have the tail to do and some touch up work. Hopefully, will have it done in a few days. Bob

Les Brewster B339 étaient issus d'une commande belge et portaient le camouflage belge ; les Français de Vichy auraient du remplacer les marques de nationalité par celles en vigueur après l'armistice pour ses B339 C77 et H75A

June 30th, 2016, 13:17

The missions that I am working with are from your set, so in deference to you, if you have aircraft skins or ship skins for these missions I would love to use them. I am working through your entire set, one at a time.

Please email any skins you would like me to include to ramisoh at aol dot com.


July 4th, 2016, 13:54
If this will suit your needs, I'll get it off to you.

July 4th, 2016, 14:09

It does, I will make sure to include it.

October 21st, 2016, 04:08
Stuart 277 or others,

I am having one heck of a problem with the Hermes...I can't sink the bloody crate! I've had a flight of eight SBC-4 Helldivers attack her with direct hits by 500lb bombs, and she just shrugs and shakes them off like a dog after getting drenched by the garden hose!

Was she really that tough, or did you pull an Usio? :banghead:

October 21st, 2016, 07:53
Hey guys,

Working on flipping the French Bearn missions to make them British in the final push to get this project out the door, since I have so many going on right now.

I gotta tell you, the Skua vs SBC-4 Helldiver mission is an interesting experience...those suckers are pretty nimble! :very_drunk:

October 21st, 2016, 12:12
Hi Rami,

Not sure why it can't be sunk.

When I do the DP I set the deck and hull systems with numbers that reflect the weight of the ship, guns and superstructure have lower numbers.

In the case of Hermes, they are between 5000 (which seems a bit low) and 10000.


"system_name.30"=4inch Gun0
"system_name.31"=4inch Gun1
"system_name.32"=4inch Gun2
"system_name.33"=12.7mm Gun3
"system_name.34"=12.7mm Gun4
"system_name.35"=12.7mm Gun5
"system_name.36"=20mm Gun6
"system_name.37"=20mm Gun7
"system_name.38"=20mm Gun8
"system_name.39"=20mm Gun9
"system_name.40"=20mm Gun10

It is my understanding that the DP number is the number of 'hit points' that a system can take before it breaks (sinks)
This may be the area that is a problem, but I do not think so as the stock ships have similar effects.
The hull systems have 'sink' at 100, which I assume means the ship sinks.
I do notice that the decks do not have sink at 100.

; System = deck_star_17

; System = hull__port_4



October 21st, 2016, 14:40
Without revamping the whole thing "Blue Devil" style, I would revert to the IS4G model hitpoints

Hi Rami
Not sure why it can't be sunk.
When I do the DP I set the deck and hull systems with numbers that reflect the weight of the ship, guns and superstructure have lower numbers.
In the case of Hermes, they are between 5000 (which seems a bit low) and 10000.

system.16=%system_name.16%,10000,-17-----3000 Hull, old ship, underwater protection not up to modern stds
system.17=%system_name.17%,10000,-18-----3000 Hull, old ship, underwater protection not up to modern stds
system.18=%system_name.18%,10000,-19-----3000 Hull, old ship, underwater protection not up to modern stds
system.19=%system_name.19%,10000,-20-----3000 Hull, old ship, underwater protection not up to modern stds
system.20=%system_name.20%,10000,-21-----3000 Hull, old ship, underwater protection not up to modern stds
system.21=%system_name.21%,10000,-22-----3000 Hull, old ship, underwater protection not up to modern stds
system.22=%system_name.22%,10000,-23-----3000 Hull, old ship, underwater protection not up to modern stds
system.42=%system_name.42%,10000,-43 ---- Deck Sinker, IS4G was 5000 (flight Deck not armoured)
system.43=%system_name.43%,10000,-44 ---- Deck Sinker, IS4G was 5000 (flight Deck not armoured)
system.44=%system_name.44%,10000,-45 ---- Deck Sinker, IS4G was 5000 (flight Deck not armoured)
system.45=%system_name.45%,10000,-46 ---- Deck Sinker, IS4G was 5000 (flight Deck not armoured)
system.46=%system_name.46%,10000,-47 ---- Deck Sinker, IS4G was 5000 (flight Deck not armoured)
system.47=%system_name.47%,10000,-48 ---- Deck Sinker, IS4G was 5000 (flight Deck not armoured)
system.48=%system_name.48%,10000,-49 ---- Deck Sinker, IS4G was 5000 (flight Deck not armoured)
system.49=%system_name.49%,10000,-50 ---- Deck Sinker, IS4G was 5000 (flight Deck not armoured)
system.50=%system_name.50%,10000,-51 ---- Deck Sinker, IS4G was 5000 (flight Deck not armoured)
system.51=%system_name.51%,10000,-52 ---- Deck Sinker, IS4G was 5000 (flight Deck not armoured)
system.52=%system_name.52%,10000,-53 ---- Deck Sinker, IS4G was 5000 (flight Deck not armoured)
system.53=%system_name.53%,10000,-54 ---- Deck Sinker, IS4G was 5000 (flight Deck not armoured)
system.54=%system_name.54%,10000,-55 ---- Deck Sinker, IS4G was 5000 (flight Deck not armoured)

"system_name.30"=4inch Gun0
"system_name.31"=4inch Gun1
"system_name.32"=4inch Gun2
"system_name.33"=12.7mm Gun3
"system_name.34"=12.7mm Gun4
"system_name.35"=12.7mm Gun5
"system_name.36"=20mm Gun6
"system_name.37"=20mm Gun7
"system_name.38"=20mm Gun8
"system_name.39"=20mm Gun9
"system_name.40"=20mm Gun10

It is my understanding that the DP number is the number of 'hit points' that a system can take before it breaks (sinks)
This may be the area that is a problem, but I do not think so as the stock ships have similar effects.
The hull systems have 'sink' at 100, which I assume means the ship sinks.
I do notice that the decks do not have sink at 100.

; System = deck_star_17

; System = hull__port_4



October 21st, 2016, 14:43
Three things Rami:

(1) You can adjust the effective strength of all of your weapons in general in the sim's realism settings dialog. Your options are normal, strong and strongest.

(2) You can modify any bomb in your arsenals by increasing the damage dice factor. This solution is more targeted to specific weapons.

(3) You can modify the related explosion FX files to yield more blast effectiveness. These are the FX files that are shared across the board by all bombs and you can identify them by looking at any weapon's dp file.

Generally speaking, add-on weapons tend to have an effectiveness at about 50-75% realism. In the real world, 500 and 1000 pound bombs are terrible beasts capable of the worst mayhem even in a single blast, but in CFS2 stock and add-ons, they can go off like harmless little firecrackers. I revamped about 80% of the most frequently used bombs and rockets from every nationality, as well as the common FX files, some years ago.

October 21st, 2016, 16:34

I think I'll end up changing out some of the weapons, and I'll try UncleTgt's revised hitpoints in the morning. Thanks for the feedback, fellas! :encouragement:

October 22nd, 2016, 05:24
Hey guys,

I am just about halfway through flipping the British missions...then all that remains is final tweaking. :very_drunk:

October 25th, 2016, 08:29
Good afternoon,

Working on the dynamic events for the final mission now. The final pack will be thirty-six missions, evenly split between the Vichy French and the British. :redfire:

October 25th, 2016, 10:18
Hello again,

The final mission has now been completed. Still a lot of stuff to do, but this is a major hurdle cleared. We're definitely on the back nine! :very_drunk:

October 26th, 2016, 07:40
Hello again,

The campaign files are written, now it's going through the missions with a fine-tooth comb, and then begin tweaking several aircraft.

October 26th, 2016, 08:53
May I humbly ask where to gat that repaint?




October 27th, 2016, 05:12
Hey guys,

I'm going through and doing some final tweaks to the aircraft involved in the French West Africa carrier ops package. I have at least two aircraft where the smoke effects on startup are inverted. The left engine creates right smoke, and the right engine creates left smoke, or in the case of a four-engined aircraft, the smoke effects are on the wrong engines starting up.

Any idea how to fix this one?

October 27th, 2016, 05:39
Andrew, it's in the airfile, I think it's record 1002 Engine Thrust Locations. Just reverse the port/starboard location for engines 1 & 2 & the start up smoke should match what you need.

October 27th, 2016, 06:18

Many thanks! That worked like a charm, and is a good reference point to know for future use. :wavey:

October 27th, 2016, 08:08
Hello again,

Here's another one..adjusting contact points so that aircraft that are supposed to start on the water do so?

Captain Kurt
October 27th, 2016, 09:00
First off, will the plane float? The first several contact points where the plane is to be in contact with the water should start the number sequence with 4. Not 1 which is for ground/wheels contacts.

Secondly, for an aircraft to start from water in a mission or campaign you need to have a sea base / water runway for it to launch from. The game needs a reference airbase for the plane to start from. An alternative to a permanent base would be to use Tango Romeo's Invisible Tender and place it where you want the plane to operate from. It appears like an aircraft carrier to the mission builder and you can take off from it.

As an experiment, you also might try hand editing the mission using a Cody Coyote trick to start from anywhere. Pick the nearest airbase to start and then hand edit the lat/lon coordinates, direction, and zero altitude in the mission file to match where you want the aircraft to launch from. If you try that, let us know if it worked. It may be possible.:very_drunk:

October 27th, 2016, 09:10

Hehe...yes, they do float, my friend. It's the Loire 130 and Potez 141 by Baldy, and the Latecoere 302 by Payakan.

Kdriver gave me a seaplane takeoff point in the harbour at Dakar. I'm using that to make some late-game effect and airfile tweaks, and have run into problems with these three, despite the fact that I have them flying pretty well now.

I'm just trying to tweak them in free flight.

I use this as my seaplane takeoff point, and the missions do work.

October 27th, 2016, 09:30

Latecoere 302

/ 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15
point.0=4, 20.00, 00.00,-10.20, 6000.50, 0.0, 0.00, 48.24, 1.27, 2.50, 0.29, 0.0, 0.0, 4.0, 0.0, 0.0
point.1=4, 10.00,-10.50,-10.10, 6000.50, 0.0, 0.00, 48.24, 1.27, 2.50, 0.29, 0.0, 0.0, 9.0, 0.0, 0.0
point.2=4, 10.00, 10.50,-10.10, 6000.50, 0.0, 0.00, 48.24, 1.27, 2.50, 0.29, 0.0, 0.0, 9.0, 0.0, 0.0
point.3=4,-20.75, 00.00,-10.00, 6000.50, 0.0, 0.00, 48.24, 1.27, 2.50, 0.29, 0.0, 0.0, 4.0, 0.0, 0.0
point.4=2, 30.00, 00.00, -0.77, 2200.00, 0.0, 0.00, 00.00, 0.00, 0.00, 0.00, 0.0, 0.0, 9.0, 0.0, 0.0
point.5=2, 22.75, 00.00, -7.21, 2200.00, 0.0, 0.00, 00.00, 0.00, 0.00, 0.00, 0.0, 0.0, 4.0, 0.0, 0.0
point.6=2, 0.00,-10.16, -7.44, 2200.00, 0.0, 0.00, 00.00, 0.00, 0.00, 0.00, 0.0, 0.0, 5.0, 0.0, 0.0
point.7=2, 0.00, 10.16, -7.44, 2200.00, 0.0, 0.00, 00.00, 0.00, 0.00, 0.00, 0.0, 0.0, 6.0, 0.0, 0.0


Loire 130

point.0= 4.000, 5.100, -10.900, -4.500, 10000.000, 0.000, 0.000, 0.000, 1.000, 1.000, 0.900, 0.000, 0.000, 1.000, 0.000, 0.000
point.1= 4.000, 5.100, 10.900, -4.500, 10000.000, 0.000, 0.000, 0.000, 1.000, 1.000, 0.900, 0.000, 0.000, 1.000, 0.000, 0.000
point.2= 4.000, -5.000, -10.000, -4.500, 10000.000, 0.000, 0.000, 0.000, 1.000, 1.000, 0.900, 0.000, 0.000, 0.000, 0.000, 0.000
point.3= 4.000, -5.000, 10.000, -4.500, 10000.000, 0.000, 0.000, 0.000, 1.000, 1.000, 0.900, 0.000, 0.000, 1.000, 0.000, 0.000
point.4= 4.000, 16.000, 0.000, -5.700, 10000.000, 0.000, 0.000, 0.000, 1.000, 1.000, 0.900, 0.000, 0.000, 1.000, 0.000, 0.000

static_pitch = 0
static_cg_height = 3.34391

Potez CAMS 141

point.0= 4.000, 5.100, -25.000, -10.500, 10000.000, 0.000, 0.000, 0.000, 1.000, 1.000, 0.900, 0.000, 0.000, 1.000, 0.000, 0.000
point.1= 4.000, 5.100, 25.000, -10.500, 10000.000, 0.000, 0.000, 0.000, 1.000, 1.000, 0.900, 0.000, 0.000, 1.000, 0.000, 0.000
point.2= 4.000, -5.000, 0.000, -10.500, 10000.000, 0.000, 0.000, 0.000, 1.000, 1.000, 0.900, 0.000, 0.000, 0.000, 0.000, 0.000
point.3= 4.000, 27.000, 0.000, -12.500, 10000.000, 0.000, 0.000, 0.000, 1.000, 1.000, 0.900, 0.000, 0.000, 1.000, 0.000, 0.000
point.4= 4.000, 16.000, 0.000, -5.100, 10000.000, 0.000, 0.000, 0.000, 1.000, 1.000, 0.900, 0.000, 0.000, 1.000, 0.000, 0.000

static_pitch = 0.2
static_cg_height = 12.60

October 27th, 2016, 11:46
Hi Rami

have just checked out the two seaplanes of mine you mention and they float and take off OK - I think you may have disturbed something with your airfile tweaks - I humbly suggest you start from the original files again


Captain Kurt
October 27th, 2016, 11:47
Not clear on what problem you are having then. Are they struggling to take off because they sit too low in the water or something else?

October 27th, 2016, 11:53
When these a/c first appear do they appear on the water or somewhere else - because if it's somewhere else the airfield info is not the same as your mission info or your airfield info is not in the right place


October 27th, 2016, 13:06

If its that they jump up into the air, CK already provided some helpful info, which I saved for a rainy day...

"The static_cg_height defines where the plane is in relation to the surface when the flight is loaded. If your airplane drops when you start a flight, try decreasing the static_cg_height. If it jumps into the air try the opposite, increasing the static cg height."

I saved it as a txt file, attached.

October 27th, 2016, 13:07
Hey guys,

Often they appear just above the water. About half the time they drop slightly and settle in, other times they re-spawn in free flight as if doing an airstart with the throttles at 90%.

This does not happen in missions, just in free flight.

And Baldy, I never mess with the contact points unless there is a problem of colossal significance.

October 27th, 2016, 13:10

If its that they jump up into the air, CK already provided some helpful info, which I saved for a rainy day...

"The static_cg_height defines where the plane is in relation to the surface when the flight is loaded. If your airplane drops when you start a flight, try decreasing the static_cg_height. If it jumps into the air try the opposite, increasing the static cg height."

I saved it as a txt file, attached.


Thank you. You knew exactly what I was getting at once again! :very_drunk:

October 27th, 2016, 14:09

Thank you, that fixed it, and it also alled me to correct the Dewoitine D510 so that the AI don't crash on takeoff.

October 28th, 2016, 00:36
Good morning,

Baldy , UncleTgt, and others...I finally found a airfile for the Dewoitine D376 I can live with! I used the airfile from Baldy's P-11a, just adjusted the engine data and weight, and made sure to copy the contact points and viewpoints from the original Dewoitine D.376 config file.

This really seems to work well...she's got decent but not outwordly performance, she's stable in flight, doesn't lurch on the ground, and the engine starts normally. I think we're good!

October 28th, 2016, 08:05
Hey guys,

I went through final mission testing and double-checking this morning. I also went through and looked carefully for any ClickTeam bugaboos, such as empty folders for ships that could be deleted. I do have to add a couple of fixes for ships, as well as write the readme files.

I have one last surprise in store, and then I hope to have this uploaded either late this weekend or in the first couple of days of November.

October 28th, 2016, 08:12

If you have any skins that you would like me to include in this campaign and mission package, (such as the one that thunder 100 commented on) please either send them to me this weekend or upload them. Time is of the essence, my friend. I'll be going through some more of your stuff right after this package is uploaded!

Si vous avez des peaux que vous aimeriez me inclure dans ce package de campagne et de la mission, (comme celui que le tonnerre 100 commenté) soit s'il vous plaît envoyez-les moi ce week-end ou les télécharger. Le temps est de l'essence, mon ami. Je vais passer par un peu plus de vos trucs juste après ce paquet est téléchargé!


October 29th, 2016, 07:45
D'accord pour télécharger les skins pour les avions français de 1940 42, j'y pense depuis longtemps mais je ne sais pas par ou commencer, aussi publiez vos missions et je téléchargerais les skins nécessaires mais je vais m'absenter la semaine prochaine et mon ordinateur sera loin de moi. Je ferai le possible.



Agree to download skins for French aircraft 1940 42, I think for a long time but I do not know where to start, also publish your assignment and I would download the necessary skins but I'm going away next week and my computer is away from me. I will do the possible.



October 29th, 2016, 12:17

You misunderstand, my friend. I am not asking you to do NEW aircraft repaints, I am just asking you to upload any of them that you have that are not included in the library, such as the 167 Maryland "five" skin that you displayed a picture of. That way I can include them.

You should also be aware that for the Dakar package, in deference to your quest for historical accuracy, I have used Stuart277's French cruisers, destroyers, and battleships to make the Vichy French missions as realistic as possible.


Vous ne comprenez pas, mon ami. Je ne vous demande pas de faire de nouvelles repaints avions, je vous demande simplement de télécharger l'un d'eux que vous avez qui ne sont pas inclus dans la bibliothèque, tels que le 167 Maryland "cinq" peau qui vous avez affiché une image de. De cette façon, je peux les comprendre.

Vous devriez aussi être conscient que, pour l'ensemble de Dakar, par déférence pour votre quête de précision historique, je l'ai utilisé français croiseurs, destroyers, et cuirassés de Stuart277 pour rendre les missions françaises de Vichy aussi réaliste que possible.

October 30th, 2016, 04:17
Oui j'ai bien compris votre demande mais le problème est que j'ai beaucoup de skins en réserve et je ne sais pas desquels vous avez besoin. Je vais commencé demain par les Martins A167.


Yes I understand your request, but the problem is that I have many skins aside and I do not know which you need. I'll start tomorrow by Martins A167.


October 30th, 2016, 10:20

If you have Dakar / Hermes / Bearn skins for any of these aircraft during the July / September 1940 time period, it would help...

Dewoitine D376
Loire 130
Potez 25
Potez CAMS 141
Sea Gladiator.

All the others have appropriate skins by UncleTgt or Bub.

Thank you in advance,


Si vous avez des peaux de Dakar / Hermes / Bearn pour l'un de ces avions au cours de la période Juillet / Septembre 1940, il serait utile ...

Dewoitine D376
Loire 130
Potez 25
Potez CAMS 141
Sea Gladiator.

Tous les autres ont des peaux appropriées par UncleTgt ou Bub.

Merci d'avance,