View Full Version : Mars - 2 days - $25000

June 25th, 2016, 08:23
No, that's not a new, super-quick trip to the red planet on a low-cost fare.

However, it IS a flight experience that might never get repeated...



June 25th, 2016, 08:30
Dang! The B-17 just cost 350 dollars! Even at two days, assuming 350/hr over two 8 hr days, that's still only 5600. Of course they don't teach you how to fly it.

June 25th, 2016, 08:39
Dang! The B-17 just cost 350 dollars!

Speaking of which, "Aluminum Overcast" has been here at CYBW since Wednesday (leaving tomorrow) and so far I've avoided the temptation to go for a ride (although at a bit more pricey $475 - don't know if that's Cdn or USD) but it's been fun to watch it flying overhead 3-4 times a day- in fact, she's overhead as I write this!.

Checked the Lotto tix this morning, and no, I still can't afford the Mars :pop4:

June 25th, 2016, 08:46
When finished with that video, be sure to view this one of a kid trying to park a $60,000 Porsche in a too small garage after fleeing from an accident where he hit a parked car!


June 26th, 2016, 02:56
Nice, but for $25,000 I can get a private pilot's license and have money left over.

June 26th, 2016, 08:01
The Hawaii Mars will be flown to Oshkosh for the Airventure airshow next month, with Kermit Weeks one of the pilots at the helm. Word on the street is that Coulson will be using the opportunity to demonstrate the aircraft to potential buyers while at Oshkosh. The US Naval Aviation Museum had been in talks with Coulson, for several years now, about a trade deal for acquiring the Philippine Mars for the museum - the aircraft was even fully repainted by Coulson, and has been ready to be displayed pending a delivery flight, but it was just recently let out that the Navy has let the trade deal fall through, and that Coulson is now left looking for another museum to acquire the Philippine Mars.

Navy Chief
June 27th, 2016, 15:21
Boy do I feel fortunate. Having gotten several back seat rides in Phantoms and Skyhawks, back in the 70s, I was shocked when I read the prices for a 40 minute ride: $12,500 for the Phantom, and $8000 for the Skyhawk; both aircraft are with the Collings Foundation.

Have to to say the experience of a ride in those jets was fantastic, but unless I was a lottery winner, there's no way I'd shell out that amount of cash for a 40 minute ride. Nope. NC